68 results for 'Social Responses to Renewable Energy Technology'

Stephen Hill
Associate Professor, School of the Environment
Associate Director of the Trent School of the Environment, Program Coordinator for BESS and ERS
Areas of Expertise:
Energy Science, Technology and Policy, Social Responses to Renewable Energy Technology, Climate Change Policy and Management, Environmental Risk Management and Policy
Dr. Valerie Damasco
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Nursing, Nursing Migration, "Migration, Work, and Racialization Processes", Interprofessional and Integrated Labour in Healthcare Systems, Social Organization of Work and Labour in Healthcare, Mental Health Services, "Social Policy, Public Policy, and Governance", Community Development, Public Sociology
Saeid Kermani
Assistant Professor, School of Business
Areas of Expertise:
Consumer Behavior, Social Media Marketing, Corporate Political Advocacy, Online Outrage, Consumer Activism, Marketing Ethics, Consumer Trust, AdvertisingDirector of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Areas of Expertise:
Equity and Inclusion Initiatives, Restorative Justice, Investigative Studies on Vulnerable Populations, Psychosocial Behavioural Change in Adult Education, Rights-Based Analysis of Violence and Oppression
Christopher Cwynar
Assistant Professor,
Program Coordinator
Areas of Expertise:
Media, Media Theory, Neoliberalism and Promotional Culture, Radio, Podcasting, Communication and NationalismDavid Firang
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Areas of Expertise:
Child Welfare, Immigrant transnationalism, Settlement, Housing & Homelessness, Social Policy and Social Justice, Anti-Oppression, Afro-Canadian Issues
Karen Blair
Assistant Professor, Psychology
director of the Trent Social Relations, Attitudes and Diversity Lab
Areas of Expertise:
Social Determinants of Health, Health Psychology, LGBTQ Health & Social Psychology, Romantic Relationships
Tom Hutchinson
Professor Emeritus, Forensic Science, Biology, School of the Environment
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Whitney Lackenbauer
Professor, Canadian Studies
Canada Research Chair
Areas of Expertise:
Canada, Arctic Borders, Arctic Issues, Canadian Sovereignty, Circumpolar Studies, Canadian Military History
Christopher Dummitt
Associate Professor, Canadian Studies
Areas of Expertise:
Canada, Canadian Politics, History, Political Science, Elections, Public Opinion, Parties
Karleen Pendleton Jiménez
Professor, School of Education, Gender & Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:
Queer Theory, Education, Gender and Women's Studies, Diversity, Literature/Creative Writing, Gender Issues, Latinx Identity and Experience
Blair Niblett
Associate Professor, School of Education
Areas of Expertise:
Social Justice Education, Experiential Education & Experiential Learning, Outdoor & Environmental Education, Action Research & Community Learning
Denise Handlarski
Assistant Professor, School of Education
Areas of Expertise:
Social Justice Education, Equity and Diversity in Education, Community and Adult Education, Literacy Instruction, Literature and Empathy in the Classroom

Kim English
Trent/Fleming School of Nursing Faculty, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing
Areas of Expertise:
Rural & Remote Nursing, Nursing Activism, LGBTQ Health, Rural Indigenous Health, Technology in Healthcare

Victoria de Zwaan
Associate Professor, Cultural Studies
Areas of Expertise:
Experimental and Speculative Fiction, Literary Theory, Cultural Theory and Cultural Studies, Adaptation Studies across Media, Aesthetics
Paula Sherman
Associate Professor, Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies
Director of the Indigenous Studies Ph.D. program
Areas of Expertise:
Indigenous History, Indigenous Women, Colonialism and Resistance, Indigenous Performance
Mark Dockstator (Oneida)
Associate Professor, Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies
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Lynne Davis
Associate Professor, Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies
Director of the Enwayaang Professional Learning Institute
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Kevin Siena
Associate Professor, History
Areas of Expertise:
History of Infectious Diseases, Early Modern Britain, History of Medicine, History of Sexuality
Fiona Harris-Stoertz
Associate Professor, History
Areas of Expertise:
Medieval History, History of Pregnancy and Childbirth, History of Childhood and Youth, Medieval Women's History

Sally Chivers
Professor, English Literature, Gender & Social Justice
Director for the Trent Centre For Aging & Society
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Richard T. Hurley
Professor, Computing and Information Systems
Chair for the Computing & Information Systems department
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Asaf Zohar
Associate Professor, School of Business
Director for M.A. in Sustainability Studies Program
Areas of Expertise:
Sustainability in Organizations, Sustainable Communities, Sustainability and Education, Social Innovation, Social Change and Organizations

Nadine Changfoot
Full Professor, Political Studies
Areas of Expertise:
Representation of Disabled Persons, Disability Arts and Culture, Arts-Based Research, Digital Storytelling, Engaged Scholarship
Tom Whillans
Associate Professor, School of the Environment
Program Coordinators for Ecological Restoration Program
Areas of Expertise:
Brendan Hickie
Assistant Professor, School of the Environment
Areas of Expertise:
Environmental Toxicology, Contaminant Exposure Assessment, Contaminant Bioaccumulation, Marine Mammal Toxicology, Contaminants in the ArcticDeborah White
Associate Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Medico-legal Interventions, Evidence and Experts, Sexual Assault, Forensic Technologies and the Criminal Justice System, Institutional Responses to Sexual Assault, Cultural and Gender Regulation, Anti-Rape TechnologiesAlan Law
Associate Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Historical Sociology, Sociology of Sport and Leisure, Research Methodology, Social InequalityKen Chen
Assistant Professor, School of Business
Areas of Expertise:
Dynamic Capabilities, Networks, Organizational Learning, Strategic Entrepreneurship, Collaborative Innovation, Technology Platfroms, Business ModelsSuzanne Bailey
Professor, English Literature
Areas of Expertise:
Victorian Literature, Robert Browning, Catharine Parr Traill, Susanna Moodie, Nineteenth-century Canadian Settler Narratives
Marcel Dorken
Professor, Biology
Areas of Expertise:
Foundations of Biodiversity, Plant-Pollinator Interactions, Invasive Plant Biology
Sharon Hepburn
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:
Culture and Modernity in Nepal, Tourism, Interpretive Anthropology, Vision, DeathPeggy Wallace
Associate Professor, School of Business
Areas of Expertise:
Careers of Professionals, Professional Socialization and Identities, Feminist Research, Financial Accounting
Liam Mitchell
Associate Professor, Cultural Studies
Chair of the Department of Cultural Studies, Coordinator of the Media Studies Program
Areas of Expertise:
Game Studies, Media Theory, Political Theory, Cultural Politics, Social Media, Heidegger, Foucault
Peri Ballantyne
Associate Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Social Determinants of Health Across the Life Course, Sociology of Pharmaceuticals, Role of the Pharmacy Profession in Health Care
Byron Stoyles
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Chair of the Department of Philosophy; Coordinator of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies Program
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Hugh Elton
Professor, Cultural Studies
Program Coordinator
Areas of Expertise:
Roman and Late Roman Political and Military History, Regions of Cilicia and Isauria in Southern TurkeyIgor Svishchev
Professor, Chemistry
Areas of Expertise:
Physics and Chemistry of Water. Advanced Oxidation Processes, GEN IV Supercritical Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Chemistry, Parallel Computing. Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Byron Lew
Professor, Economics
Department Chair
Areas of Expertise:
Economic History of Canada/North America, International Economics, Diffusion of Agricultural Technology, Trade and Technology
Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez
Professor, History
Chair, History; Director, History M.A.
Areas of Expertise:
Modern Spanish History, Fascism and Dictatorships, Modern European History, Transnational HistoryDavid M. K. Sheinin
Professor, History
Areas of Expertise:
Human Rights and Dictatorship, Latin American History, Boxing and Society, Nuclear Politics, Current Events