51 results for 'Sexual Assault, Forensic Technologies and the Criminal Justice System'
Deborah White
Associate Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Medico-legal Interventions, Evidence and Experts, Sexual Assault, Forensic Technologies and the Criminal Justice System, Institutional Responses to Sexual Assault, Cultural and Gender Regulation, Anti-Rape Technologies
Dr. Valerie Damasco
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Nursing, Nursing Migration, "Migration, Work, and Racialization Processes", Interprofessional and Integrated Labour in Healthcare Systems, Social Organization of Work and Labour in Healthcare, Mental Health Services, "Social Policy, Public Policy, and Governance", Community Development, Public Sociology
Erick Laming
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Policing, Police Use of Force, Police Oversight and Accountability, Corrections, Criminal justice policy and reform, Comparative Criminal Justice, Race and the Criminal Justice System, Indigenous-Police Relations
Christopher Cwynar
Assistant Professor,
Program Coordinator
Areas of Expertise:
Media, Media Theory, Neoliberalism and Promotional Culture, Radio, Podcasting, Communication and NationalismDavid Firang
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Areas of Expertise:
Child Welfare, Immigrant transnationalism, Settlement, Housing & Homelessness, Social Policy and Social Justice, Anti-Oppression, Afro-Canadian IssuesMomin Rahman
Professor, Sociology
Chair of the Sociology Department
Areas of Expertise:
LGBTQ Sexualities, Muslim LGBTQ Sexualities, Racism, Homophobia, Celebrity Culture
Nael Bhanji
Assistant Professor, Gender & Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:
Queer Theory
Kelly Young
Professor, School of Education
Areas of Expertise:
Language and Literacy, Curriculum Theorizing, Eco-justice Education, Arts-informed Writing Pedagogies
Karleen Pendleton Jiménez
Professor, School of Education, Gender & Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:
Queer Theory, Education, Gender and Women's Studies, Diversity, Literature/Creative Writing, Gender Issues, Latinx Identity and Experience
Blair Niblett
Associate Professor, School of Education
Areas of Expertise:
Social Justice Education, Experiential Education & Experiential Learning, Outdoor & Environmental Education, Action Research & Community Learning
Denise Handlarski
Assistant Professor, School of Education
Areas of Expertise:
Social Justice Education, Equity and Diversity in Education, Community and Adult Education, Literacy Instruction, Literature and Empathy in the Classroom
Catherine Thibeault
Associate Professor, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing
Areas of Expertise:
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Nurse-Patient Relationship, NCLEX_RN Preparation, Nursing Pedagogy

Victoria de Zwaan
Associate Professor, Cultural Studies
Areas of Expertise:
Experimental and Speculative Fiction, Literary Theory, Cultural Theory and Cultural Studies, Adaptation Studies across Media, AestheticsMartin Arnold
Assistant Professor, Cultural Studies
Areas of Expertise:
Cultural Theory and Cultural Studies
Kevin Siena
Associate Professor, History
Areas of Expertise:
History of Infectious Diseases, Early Modern Britain, History of Medicine, History of Sexuality
Jennine Hurl-Eamon
Professor, History
Areas of Expertise:
Eighteenth-Century Childhoold, Army Wives in the Eighteenth Century, Childhood and War in the Eighteenth Century
George Kovacs
Assistant Professor, English Literature
Director for the Classics Drama Group
Areas of Expertise:
Ancient Greek Theatre and Stagecraft, Ancient Greek and Roman Epic, Classical Antiquity in Popular Culture - Comics, TV, Film, Greek and Roman Mythology
Michael Epp
Associate Professor, English Literature, Cultural Studies
Director for the Theory, Culture & Politics M.A. Progrma
Areas of Expertise:
American Literature and Culture, Irish Republicanism, Games and Gaming, Violent Labour, The Public Sphere

Paul Wilson
Professor, Biology
Program Coordinator for the Specialization in Conservation Biology, Former Canada Research Chair
Areas of Expertise:
Genetics, Genomics, DNA, Species-at-Risk, Caribou, Wolves, Forensic Science, Biodiversity, Climate Change, HybridisationDevin Penner
Assistant Professor, Political Studies
Program Coordinator if Emphasis in Law & Policy
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Stephanie Rutherford
Associate Professor, School of the Environment
Areas of Expertise:
Animal Studies, Nature and Nation, Political Theory and the Environment, Environmental Justice
Heather Nicol
Professor, School of the Environment
Director of the School for the Study of Canada & Canadian Studies Undergraduate
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Brendan Hickie
Assistant Professor, School of the Environment
Areas of Expertise:
Environmental Toxicology, Contaminant Exposure Assessment, Contaminant Bioaccumulation, Marine Mammal Toxicology, Contaminants in the Arctic
Catherine Eimers
Associate Professor, School of the Environment
Program Coordinator of Water Sciences
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Wenying Feng
Professor, Mathematics, Computing and Information Systems
Chair of Mathematics
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Andrew Vreugdenhil
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Chair of Chemistry
Areas of Expertise:
Paints and Coatings, Environmental Remediation Materials, Activated Carbon and Other Carbon Materials like Nanotubes and Graphene, University Collaborations with Industry, Research and Entrepreneurs

Liam Mitchell
Associate Professor, Cultural Studies
Chair of the Department of Cultural Studies, Coordinator of the Media Studies Program
Areas of Expertise:
Game Studies, Media Theory, Political Theory, Cultural Politics, Social Media, Heidegger, Foucault
Michael G. Fox
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Areas of Expertise:
Fish Ecology, Adaptations of Exotic Species and Their Effects on Aquatic Communities, Management of Fishes and Aquatic Systems
Peri Ballantyne
Associate Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Social Determinants of Health Across the Life Course, Sociology of Pharmaceuticals, Role of the Pharmacy Profession in Health Care
Hugh Elton
Professor, Cultural Studies
Program Coordinator
Areas of Expertise:
Roman and Late Roman Political and Military History, Regions of Cilicia and Isauria in Southern Turkey
Kirsten Woodend
Associate Professor, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing
Dean of Trent/Fleming School of Nursing
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Catherine Bruce
Areas of Expertise:
Mathematics Education, Teacher and Student Efficacy, Collaborative Models of Professional Learning, Educational Research, Early Years Math Learning