Professional Development
Telus Health Offered Sessions
Student Support Certificate and Student Affairs
IT Training Sessions
Telus Health Offered Sessions:
Practical Productivity
Date: Tuesday October 1, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom (link provided)
People commonly understand productivity as a variety of things in a variety of fields. Being productive is not just limited to finishing your work, but organizing your tasks, building relationships within the office, and being able to manage your time effectively, as well as learning new skills, such as multitasking and being able to block out distractions. Everyone can learn ways to be more productive. This class will give you tips and pointers on how to be more productive at work each day.
Seasonal Stress
Date: Thursday November 21, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom (link provided)
As with any transition, seasonal changes can be stressful on the body and the mind. For many people, the holiday season can be a time of hectic schedules, overindulgence, or increased burdens. For others, changes in weather and exposure to sunlight can also result in sleep disturbances or decreases in energy and motivation. This seminar will teach participants simple strategies to stay energized over the holidays by providing valuable tips to improve their sleep and eating habits, and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook during this stressful time.
Student Support Certificate and Student Affairs:
For more information on Student Support Certificate Sessions, please visit the Student Support Certificate website.
Conflict Resolution and Complaints Processes- Register Here
Date: Tuesday, May 7th 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
When working with students, conflicts can arise over finances, grades and service. Upon completion of this workshop, one will be better able to: identify situations in which conflict might arise; identify common underlying issues causing conflict, and; address and mediate conflict in a respectful manner.
Student Accessibility Services- Register Here
Date: Wednesday, May 22nd 2024
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual, Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants
The Student Accessibility Services session will review academic accommodation and our responsibilities under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Ace (AODA). We will reflect on ableism and the Disability Justice movement, exploring barriers that students may face when accessing post-secondary education. Participants will learn how Trent provides access through academic accommodation and the use of assistive technology. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own questions about the services provided by Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and how to promote accessible campuses and learning environments.
Understanding Student Development- Register Here
Date: Thursday, May 30th 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
In this session, participants will review and analyze the demographics of Trent University students. We will explore the concept of intersectionality and apply this to theories of student development. Participants will have an opportunity to share their experiences and discuss case scenarios to apply learning.
Respecting Individuals and Supporting Equity- Register Here
Date: Friday, June 7th 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
Trent’s Equity and Human Rights Office (EHRO) offers a workshop on respecting individuals and supporting equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. This 2-hour workshop will move from theory to practice. Participants will (1) explore some historical origins of inequity and intersectionality for context, (2) discuss present day equity issues, and (3) co-create an action plan for incorporating best practices in equity into their role(s) at Trent, moving the Trent community from theory and awareness to intentional action.
Sexual Violence on Campus: Prevention, Intervention, and Survivor Support- Register Here
Date: Thursday, June 13th 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
What would you do if a student informed you they had experienced sexual violence? This session will provide participants with practical strategies to support survivors of sexual violence. We will explore supports and services on and off- campus, including our policy regarding accommodations. Participants should expect to engage in an open discussion about sexual violence, consent and exploring campus and post-secondary sexual culture.
Effective Communication and Referrals- Register Here
Date: Thursday, June 20th 2024
Time: 2:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.
Location: In-person
In the Effective Communication and Referrals session, we will review active listening strategies and apply these skills. Participants will collaborate to apply their learning to a variety of student situations to appropriately refer students to campus resources.
SafeTALK- Register Here
Date: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
SafeTALK trains participants to recognize individuals with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. SafeTALK uses four steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe) to help a person with thoughts of suicide connect with a resource that will keep them keep safe.
Positive Space- Register Here
Date: Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
In this session, participants will identify aspects of a positive space and discuss impressions of the queer community. We will compare and contrast sexual orientation and gender and how to respond to students coming out or questioning gender or sexual orientation.
Just Get Over It- Register Here
Date: Wednesday, July 24th 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
In this interactive session, participants explore the true and historic relationship between Indigenous Peoples and settlers. We will reflect on stereotypes, biases, and racism that still exist. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their personal identities and learning within educational systems and discuss ways to make a difference in sharing these truths.
New! Supporting Religious Diversity- Register Here
Date: Tuesday, July 30th 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: In-person
In this session, faculty and staff will deepen their understanding of religious demographics in Canada and at Trent, reflect on religious privilege and religious discrimination, and understand their duty to accommodate under the Ontario Human Rights code. Participants will learn about the function of Spiritual Affairs on campus and how to refer students to campus partners when appropriate. The workshop will include interactive student support scenarios where we will put theory into practice, and participants will be provided with suggestions for further learning.
SSC: More Feet on the Ground - Registration not required
This is an online mental health awareness tool. Using the model, "recognize, respond & refer" this site provides post-secondary community members with information about supporting students with mental health concerns. The site contains information relevant to those working in post-secondary across Ontario and lists resources specific to Trent University.
Participants will learn to:
RECOGNIZE indicators that someone may be experiencing mental health concerns;
RESPOND appropriately to someone who needs support, based on the indicators present and your relationship with them;
REFER someone to mental health supports and services in an appropriate way; and
Describe best practices for reflecting after interacting with someone who may be upset or distressed
Complete More Feet on the Ground online at your own pace. To complete this training, click the link below. Read through the landing page and register at the top right of the page. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration at which point you can login to the site and work through the text and videos. After completing the three quizzes on the site, participants can print a certificate if desired. For those participating in the Student Support Certificate, this online module counts toward your certificate once you have completed the quizzes.
Visit the More Feet on the Ground website to review the material.
IT Training Sessions:
For more information and to register, visit IT Lunch & Learn Workshop Fall 2024.
Last Updated: September 12, 2024