The mission of Trent University's health and safety program is to provide a safe environment for all staff, faculty, students and visitors using our facilities. We offer a broad range of environmental, health, and safety initiatives and services that ensures both the well-being of everyone on campus, as well as compliance with the Ontario Health and Safety Act (OHSA).
Every person who works at Trent University has an important role to play in maintaining the University’s high standards of safety. The information on this site is provided to assist Trent University employees in maintaining those high standards of safety. While the information is intended for workers, students are encouraged to become familiar with the concepts and procedures outlined here. Additionally, the health and safety SharePoint site serves as a supplementary resource to stay updated on the proceedings of the Joint Health and Safety committee, as well as any new health and safety information that may be relevant to your working environment.
We welcome your recommendations to improve both this website and Trent University’s health and safety programs. Please forward your comments and suggestions to the Health and Safety Office or to a member of the University’s Joint Health and Safety Committee.
In case of emergency, call 911 for police, fire or ambulance, then call Campus Security at ext. 1333.