Making a connection can support coping and resilience.
Peer Support Programming
Academic Mentoring Program (AMP) - A network of students fostering academic engagement through the creation of an environment where students can explore their potential.
Black Student Support - A safe space for Black students to come together for support and conversations about their experiences.
Ishkodehwin Indigenous Peer Mentorship Program - designed to assist incoming Indigenous students in making a successful transition to university life and academics.
Out on Campus - A confidential discussion group for students who are questioning their sexuality, gender identity or are in the process of coming out.
TDSA (Trent Durham Student Association) Peer Support; a confidential, non-judgmental opportunity to talk with a TDSA peer supporter.
Online Resources
Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) - A series of online mental health modules and tools, free for all Trent students (use your Trent U email address to sign up).
Peer Health Educators
Peer Health Educators are a team of diverse students who plan and host health-focused, interactive workshops and skill-building opportunities in collaboration with content experts including on-campus and community partners.