Undergraduate Academic Scheduling
The Office of the Registrar provides the most up to date course timetabling information for all undergraduate courses in various terms (Fall, Fall/Winter, Summer etc). Further information on the listed courses is available in the Academic Calendar.
Please visit our Course Selection and Registration page for more information, including instructions and priority registration dates.
Follow the link below to filter by term, location and department to see course schedules for Peterborough, Durham and Online courses.
Please note: The course timetable is subject to change, please check back before the start of term to verify your class time and location
Exam Schedule
Please check the policies and procedures listed on page 288 of the Academic Calendar referring to scheduling of midterm and final examinations.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are available to sit for examinations during the entire exam period for the term corresponding to your course.
Exam Conflicts:
There are two types of undergraduate exam conflicts:
- Two or more exams at the same time (having two exams in one day is not considered a conflict),
- Three exams on the same calendar day
(Note: a calendar day is defined as 00:00-24:00 for exam purposes)
In the event of a conflict as defined above for a Peterborough exam, please reach out to the academic department to arrange for an alternative writing date for one of the conflicting exams. In the event of a conflict for a Durham exam, please contact alashton@trentu.ca for alternative arrangements.
Student Accessibility Services
Students who are registered with Student Accessibility Services and have exam accommodations at the Centre for Academic Testing (CAT) must book their exams online using the SAS Portal.
Students are required to book their exams at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the formal exam period. This is applicable for students writing at either the Peterborough or Durham campus.