Undergraduate Course Listing
Please visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are presently being offered and in which location(s). Not all courses listed below run every term or in all locations. For specific details about program requirements and degree regulations, please refer to the Academic Calendar.
ADMN-1000H: Contemporary Issues in Management and Organization
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides a macro framework and context for the management discipline by examining a wide selection of issues which affect both the practice and the conceptualization of management and organization. Issues studied include globalization, information technology, demographics, diversity, sustainability, and recent developments in management theory.
ADMN-1030H: Globalization, Transnational Corporations, and Global Development
- Peterborough
An overview of the global business environment and the contemporary corporate production networks that shape the process of international development. Using extensive case studies, issues covered include the globalization of the business environment, the organization of transnational corporations, their production networks, and their social and environmental effects. Equivalent to IDST 2030H.
Cross-listed: GDST-1030H
ADMN-1221H: Financial Accounting
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Offers an introduction to the theory of financial accounting. Students learn about accrual accounting, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), assets, liabilities, and equity. Assignments help students to gain an understanding of double-entry accounting, the accounting cycle, and the preparation and analysis of financial statements. Not open to students with credit for ADMN 1021H or 2021H.
ADMN-1250H: Introduction to Mathematics for Economics and Management
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Topics include functions--quadratic and exponential, elementary linear algebra, function limits and continuity, single-variable calculus, unconstrained optimization, concavity, and convexity. These tools are integrated with and applied to micro and macroeconomic theory and managerial economics. Prerequisite: 2.0 university credits. Not open to students with credit for ECON-ADMN 2250H. Not open to students in the Mathematical Economics program.
Cross-listed: ECON-1250H
ADMN-1500H: Foundations of Indigenous Community Development
Explores the foundational elements of community development in an Indigenous context. Emphasis is placed on experiencing the application of community development theories. Concepts of personal development, relationships between individual and community, meaningful conversations within community, and effective ways of working in community are discussed both theoretically and experientially.
Cross-listed: INDG-1500H
ADMN-1510H: Foundations of Indigenous Community Economic Development
Examines lessons learned by First Nations that have taken control over their own economic development. A discussion of the history of Indigenous economic development before contact with Europeans is followed by a consideration of foundational community economic development concepts in relation to current best practices of First Nations.
Cross-listed: INDG-1510H
ADMN-1620H: Introduction to Information Systems
- Online
Wherever and whenever information is required, an information system is also required. Core topics include the use of information systems for strategic advantage, their basic underlying technologies, the types of information systems and how they are constructed, managed, and replaced, as well as their ethical and legal use. Prerequisite: COIS 1010H.
Cross-listed: COIS-1620H
ADMN-2010H: Management Skills
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Examines the theory and practice of foundational skills important to management and organization in private, non-profit, and public sectors. Focuses on conceptual skills, communication skills, and interpersonal skills. Prerequisite: 2.0 university credits.
ADMN-2030H: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Global South
- Peterborough
The course assesses the benefits and shortcomings of social entrepreneurship and innovation in the Global South. To do so, it combines analysis of conceptual and thematic issues with detailed, critical examination of case studies related to microfinance and e-banking, climate change and green energy, health care and education, agro-ecology, and social protection. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2030H.
Cross-listed: GDST-2030H
ADMN-2080H: Managerial and Market Research
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on primary research and its use in problem solving and decision-making. Covers qualitative and quantitative research design, planning, implementation, and analysis. Research methods studied include surveys, focus groups, analytical interviews, ethnography, and action research. Prerequisite: 1.0 ADMN credit or 0.5 ADMN credit and CUST-MDST 1535H.
ADMN-2100H: Introduction to Marketing
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Aims to give students a basic understanding of marketing and its core concepts--how a marketing approach can be implemented and managed in a range of markets, situations, and organizations. Prerequisite: 1.0 ADMN credit or 0.5 ADMN credit and CUST-MDST 1535H.
ADMN-2200H: Introduction to Statistics for Economics and Management
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Introduces statistical methods in an applied setting with an emphasis on the development of theory through interactive learning. The material covered includes descriptive statistics, data analysis, inference, and estimation techniques. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H. Not open to students in the Mathematical Economics program.
Cross-listed: ECON-2200H
ADMN-2220H: Organizational Behaviour
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
A conceptual and methodological analysis of the way individuals react to their employment environment. Topics include motivation, job satisfaction, leadership, group dynamics, and decision-making. Prerequisite: 1.0 ADMN credit.
ADMN-2230H: Human Resource Management
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
A survey of the concepts and practices in the major functions of human resource management. Topics include human resource forecasting, human rights, recruitment and selection, training and development, collective bargaining, performance appraisal, and compensation. Prerequisite: 1.0 ADMN credit.
ADMN-2340H: Work and Social Inequalities
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
The nature and meaning of paid work and its relationship to wider social inequalities of ethnicity and gender. Specific topics may include the effects of technological changes, the shift to a service economy, global migration trends, managerial and employee strategies to control the workplace and to promote equity. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in SOCI 1002H or 1.0 ADMN credit. Not open to students with credit for SOCI-ADMN 3340H.
Cross-listed: SOCI-2340H
ADMN-2410H: Communication in Organizations
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Verbal and non-verbal communication, social cognition, self-perception/concept, conflict theory, and their relevance to life in groups and organizations. Prerequisite: 2.0 university credits including ADMN 1000H. Not open to students with credit for WRIT 2003H or ADMN 3410H.
ADMN-2510H: Organization Theory
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introduction to organization theory and an examination of specific organizations. Structure, process, environment, and other aspects of organizations are approached through different frames, images, and perspective analysis. Prerequisite: 1.0 ADMN credit.
ADMN-2610H: Personal Finance
- Online
This course is designed to help students understand the planning and management of their current and future personal financial affairs. The course focuses on planning and managing personal finances, insuring assets, investing financial resources, and controlling financial futures. Prerequisite: 2.0 university credits.
ADMN-2620H: Systems Analysis and Design
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Systems analysis and design identifies the informational needs/resources of an organization and specifies appropriate information systems to meet the needs and exploit the resources for strategic advantage. Core topics include the current methodologies, techniques, and tools used for both the analysis and design. Managerial and organizational issues are also discussed. Prerequisite: COIS-ADMN 1620H.
Cross-listed: COIS-2620H
ADMN-2900P: Co-Op Work Term
- Peterborough
ADMN-2901P: Co-Op Work Term
- Peterborough
ADMN-3001H: Event Management
- Durham GTA
An introduction to the field of events management. Students learn about planning and managing events from conception to actualization. Includes topics related to planning, marketing, media relations, budgeting, human resource management, logistics, risk management, sustainability, and post-event analysis. Prerequisite: 7.0 university credits or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: COMM-3001H
ADMN-3020H: Financial Economics
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introduction to the economic analysis of investment decisions and financial markets. Key concepts include present-value formula, market efficiency, portfolio choice, risk, arbitrage, and asymmetric information. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3020H
ADMN-3021H: Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introduction to the basic concepts and procedures used in the collection and manipulation of accounting data for ongoing management decision-making. Topics include manufacturing accounting, cost accounting and variance analysis, cost allocation, cost-volume-profit analysis, and an introduction to budgeting. Prerequisite: ADMN 1221H (or 2021H).
ADMN-3022H: Risk Management and Insurance
- Peterborough
Basic principles of risk and insurance. Examination of effective risk management programs, using insurance as a formal method to reduce losses and improve economic efficiency. Includes the study of different types of insurance: life, health and disability, property, home and automobile insurance. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3022H
ADMN-3040H: The Meaning of Work in the Contemporary World
- Peterborough
Opens with a discussion of how "work" is seen and includes both Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives. Thereafter, a conversational model of personal and professional growth is used to assist students in examining themselves in relation to how they wish to participate in today's world of work. Prerequisite: 5.0 university credits.
Cross-listed: INDG-3040H
ADMN-3110H: International Trade
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Topics include theories of world trade and the analysis of trade policy and trade relationships in the world economy; the theory and practice of protectionism and preferential trade arrangements; the political economy of trade policy; the role and performance of international organizations; environmental aspects of trade; and international labour standards and trade. Support course for Global Development Studies. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3110H
ADMN-3120H: International Finance
- Peterborough
Topics include the operation of international money and capital markets; theoretical and policy aspects of exchange rates and the balance of payments; macroeconomic management of domestic open economies; and the evolution, management, and reform of the international financial system. Support course for Global Development Studies. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3120H
ADMN-3121H: Intermediate Management Accounting
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Builds on Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting. The focus is internal accounting concepts, functions, and processes required to successfully manage an organization. Major topics include quantitative analyses of cost functions; strategy, balance scorecard, and profitability analysis; spoilage, rework, and scrap; inventory cost management strategy; and capital budgeting. Prerequisite: 8.0 university credits including ADMN 3021H and 3.0 additional ADMN credits.
ADMN-3123H: The Politics of Global Finance
- Peterborough
Explores the economic, political, and social impacts of global finance while surveying the tight linkages between finance and state power. Examined are tensions between American and Chinese-led finance. Topics include the causes and implications of the 2008 financial crisis along with the interconnectedness of states, finance, pandemics, and climate change. Prerequisite: 5.0 university credits.
Cross-listed: POST-3123H, ECON-3123H
ADMN-3150H: Advertising
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Students learn the way advertisements work, the many techniques used in advertising, and the impact of advertisements on the individual and society. The power of image and identity ads is emphasized. Prerequisite: ADMN 2100H.
ADMN-3170H: Introduction to Retail Marketing
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Introduces students to retailing and provides an understanding of the types of businesses, strategies, operations, formats, and environments through which retailing is carried out. Prerequisite: ADMN 2100H.
ADMN-3180H: Public Economics
- Peterborough
Efficiency criteria is emphasized in the theory and provision of public goods, voting behaviour, intergovernmental grants, and fiscal federalism. Focus on discussion of the efficiency and equity criteria in the theory and practice of personal and corporate income taxes, payroll taxation, and local government taxation in Canada. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H. Equivalent to ECON 3160H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3180H
ADMN-3200H: Financial Management
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Introduces fundamentals of financial management. Students learn the valuation of future cash flows, stocks, and bonds. They also learn capital budgeting and capital investment decisions based on net present value, and risk-return trade-offs. Prerequisite: ADMN 1221H (or 2021H) and one of ADMN-ECON 2200H or MATH 2560H.
ADMN-3220H: Organizational Selection in the Canadian Workplace
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Designed to help students understand the matching process that takes place between individuals and organizations. Seeks to understand the principles, issues, trends, and legislative requirements affecting the recruitment and selection process. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 2230H.
ADMN-3221H: Intermediate Financial Accounting 1
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Builds on the fundamentals of Financial Accounting I and II. The focus is the asset side of the Balance Sheet and Revenue Recognition criteria within the context of the Canadian financial reporting environment. The identification, discussion, and critique of accounting principles such as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) form an important component. Prerequisite: 8.0 university credits including ADMN 3021H and 3.0 additional ADMN credits.
ADMN-3230H: Training and Development
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
This course deals with training and development of employees in organizations from a theoretical and practical perspective. Fundamental concepts related to motivation and learning styles are studied in-depth and then complemented by a detailed application of the theoretical underpinnings. Coaching, mentoring, and leadership development are highlighted as important concepts for organizational success. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 2230H.
ADMN-3250H: The Legal Environment of Business
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Addresses the legal limits in which business operates and the laws with which business decisions must comply. It utilizes actual case decisions and engages in examination of public and private law, contemporary issues in terms of human rights, the Charter, administrative law, and employment issues in relation to the operation of a business. Prerequisite: 3.0 ADMN credits.
ADMN-3260H: Perspectives on Occupational Health and Safety
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on the legislative, technical, political, and social issues associated with the effective management of occupational health and safety concerns in contemporary Canadian organizations. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 2230H.
ADMN-3270H: Human Resource Planning
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides an understanding of the essential elements of the human resource planning process in organizations. Students acquire knowledge in analyzing and programming for human resource requirements in the challenging environment of technological change, corporate repositions, rightsizing, cost containment, and pro-structuring improvements. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 2230H.
ADMN-3280H: Motivation and Compensation Systems
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides the student with an understanding of the process, issues, and techniques involved in developing and administering compensation programs. Students gain knowledge of the theoretical and applied aspects of the compensation function, the linkage between the compensation function, and the overall management process. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 2230H.
ADMN-3290H: Canadian Employment Law
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Introduction to the laws that affect the non-union employment relationship in Canada, with a particular focus on Ontario. A broad range of workplace laws is covered, including human rights, employment standards, pay equity, employment equity, occupational health and safety, workers' compensation, privacy, and common law of contracts. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 2230H.
ADMN-3300H: Personal Ethics in Organizations and Business
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introduction to personal ethics in business and organizations. Major theories of ethics are applied to case studies. Students learn to identify ethical issues, reflect on their own values, and support their ideas with rational discussion. Prerequisite: 9.0 university credits, at least 3.0 of which must be ADMN credits including ADMN 2010H.
ADMN-3310H: The Economics of Developing Countries
- Peterborough
Examines alternative models of growth and development, sectoral problems of LDCs (agriculture, education, health, environmental issues, etc.), planning strategies for economic development, and the diversity of the development experience. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3310H, GDST-3310H
ADMN-3320H: Workplace Organizations, Diversity, and Inclusion
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Explores the nature and role of workplace organizations in the contemporary world, including classical, managerial, and recent sociological perspectives with a critical focus on contemporary policies of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Case studies focus on formal organizations in the public and private sectors. Prerequisite: 5.0 university credits including at least 1.5 ADMN credits at the 2000 level or 1.5 SOCI credits at the 2000 level including SOCI-ADMN 2340H (or 3340H).
Cross-listed: SOCI-3320H
ADMN-3321H: Intermediate Financial Accounting 2
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on the liabilities and shareholder equity sections of the Balance Sheet and Off-Balance Sheet items such as complex financial instruments. The identification, discussion, and critique of measurement and disclosure issues under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) form an important component. Prerequisite: ADMN 3221H.
ADMN-3400H: Markets, Governments, and Organizations
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides the theoretical framework for critically evaluating the way societies control organizations through government regulation, through the governance of the organization, and by creating the institutions that enable markets to function. Prerequisite: 3.0 ADMN credits.
ADMN-3420H: Entrepreneurship
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on the essential issues and questions of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, covering topics ranging from the process of creativity and the nature of start-up and scale-up to sociological, psychological, and economic considerations of the origins and functions of entrepreneurs in business. Prerequisite: 3.0 ADMN credits or 7.0 university credits including ADMN-GDST 1030H and 2030H.
ADMN-3430H: New Venture Planning and Design
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
A hands-on exercise in business design, planning, and development in the start-up and entrepreneurial context. Coursework covers a number of high-stakes topics in new venture development, including opportunity discovery and creation, business model validation, sales management, network development, and financial/feasibility analysis. Prerequisite: 3.0 ADMN credits including ADMN 1221H (or 2021H).
ADMN-3441H: Social Enterprise and Social Innovation
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on the emerging fields of social enterprise, social entrepreneurship and social innovation, and examines organizational and intervention models in broader social systems. Significant attention is paid to designing organizational and career solutions responding to important social and environmental needs. Prerequisite: 9.0 university credits.
ADMN-3500H: Economics of Industrial Relations
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Topics include employer-employee relations, human resource management, theory and practice of collective bargaining, strikes, economic aspects of unions, and economics of labour policy. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3500H
ADMN-3550H: Operations Management, Concepts, and Cases
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Concerned with the way organizations transform inputs into outputs, taking a systems approach to organizations. Students learn to recognize and analyze operations of both service and manufacturing organizations, addressing the design of both types of organizations and the management of quality, inventory, and supply change issues. Prerequisite: 9.0 university credits, at least 3.0 of which must be ADMN credits including ADMN-ECON 2200H.
ADMN-3560H: Organizational Analysis
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Develops diverse skills in the analysis of complex organizational issues, and proficiency in presenting and communicating ideas within a tight timeframe. It adopts experiential learning methods in order to develop effective decision-making and critical thinking skills. It requires students to integrate theories from multiple business disciplines to real-world situations in team-level decision-making contexts. Prerequisite: 9.0 university credits, at least 3.0 of which must be ADMN credits including ADMN 1221H (or 2021H), 2010H, and 2100H.
ADMN-3610H: Introduction to Business Analytics
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introduction to the techniques and concepts of business analytics. Students are exposed to the spectrum of business analytics including extracting and building effective data sets, building and running models and testing hypotheses, and presenting findings to stakeholders. Through the development of these skills, students gain insight into managerial decision-making. Prerequisite: ADMN-ECON 2200H.
ADMN-3700H: Investments
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides an introduction to finance theory. Topics include utility theory, portfolio theory, asset pricing models, bond yield and duration, and option pricing theory. Investment instruments such as mutual funds, ETF and ESG investing are discussed. Possible use of simulation software for hands-on experience. Prerequisite: ADMN 3200H.
ADMN-3710H: Taxation-Individual
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on the taxation of individuals within the confines of Canadian tax legislation and the Income Tax Act. Students explore the taxation of individuals with the help of cases, blended learning, and concept questions. Emphasizes the interdisciplinary aspect of personal taxation with reference to the fields of accounting, economics, finance, and law. Prerequisite: 8.0 university credits including ADMN 3021H and 3.0 additional ADMN credits.
ADMN-3750H: Principles of Online Marketing
- Online
Businesses today must effectively leverage the Internet and develop an online strategy which complements their traditional business practices. Core topics include website best practices, online marketing and customer relationships, positioning businesses online, and social networking for small and large enterprises. Topics are consolidated with a professional business proposal. Prerequisite: COIS-ADMN 1620H or ADMN 1000H or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: COIS-3750H
ADMN-3760H: The Geography of Beer
- Peterborough
Designed around a term-long research project, this course explores themes such as tourism, built heritage, and post-industrial design associated with the production of craft beer. Students learn how to examine land-use patterns, built form, and branding techniques in one locale. Emphasis is placed on in-class participation and experiential learning. Prerequisite: GEOG-ERST 2510H, GEOG- CAST 2710H, SAFS 1001H, or ADMN 2080H.
Cross-listed: GEOG-3760H, CAST-3760H, ERST-3760H, SAFS-3760H
ADMN-3800H: Foundations of Leadership
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Designed to help students understand what it means to be an effective leader. The main emphasis is on developing self-awareness related to leadership abilities as well as the practice of leadership. Examines topics such as the nature of leadership, different perspectives on leadership, developing key leadership skills, and leading organizational change initiatives. Prerequisite: ADMN 2010H and 2220H.
ADMN-3850H: Fundamentals of Project Management
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Good project management focuses on the practical realities of getting things done with limited time and resources according to specifications determined by others-with successful outcomes. This course prepares students to write the professional certification exams offered by the Project Management Institute and the Project Management Association of Canada. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits or COIS 2240H or COIS-ADMN 2620H or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: COIS-3850H
ADMN-3900P: Co-Op Work Term
- Peterborough
ADMN-4030H: Strategic Management
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on the definition and analysis of strategic problems faced by business and government organizations in adapting to changes in their internal and external environments. Students are expected to draw broadly on knowledge and skills developed over their first three years. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits including ADMN 2100H, 3021H, 3200H and 3300H.
ADMN-4040H: Managing Organizational Change
- Peterborough
Every organization will face change in their pursuit of organizational goals. To effectively implement a change program, organizational participants need to understand what constitutes as change and how it affects their work. In this course, students learn how to manage short and long change in organizations. Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits including ADMN 2510H.
ADMN-4101H: Thinking About Management
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An exploration of the intersection and interconnectedness of management theory, personal values, attitudes and beliefs, and managerial action. This guided exploration in this often invisible landscape is undertaken using a variety of material: classical and contemporary writings on management, art, literature, and film. Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits, of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits.
ADMN-4160H: Branding
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
The evolution of contemporary consumption and the widening scope of marketing from managing products/services attributes to developing their meanings and identities. Market and cultural innovations through the innovative theoretical and practical approach of Consumer Culture Theory (CCT). Prerequisite: ADMN 2080H and 3150H. Recommended: ADMN 3170H. Not open to students with credit for ADMN 3160H.
ADMN-4250H: Business Ethics and Corporations
- Peterborough
Examines a number of ethical issues raised by for-profit corporations, including whether corporations are moral agents and the purpose of corporations. Considers stakeholder theory, stockholder theory, Integrative Social Contact Theory, and CSR. Analyzes numerous case studies of corporate actions. Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits, of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits including ADMN 3300H; or both PHIL 1200H and 2110H.
Cross-listed: PHIL-4250H
ADMN-4255H: Globalization and the Politics of Work
- Peterborough
Work is a central feature of everyday lives, structuring not only who we are but also our life chances. But what do we mean by work (e.g., paid, unpaid, care, part-time, gigs)? How does globalization and technological change work? Topics include work generation theories, power, production, and social reproduction. Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits including 1.0 POST, ADMN, GDST/IDST, and/or SOCI credit at the 2000 level; or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: POST-4255H, SOCI-4255H, GDST-4255H
ADMN-4300H: Financial Management 2
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Explores foundations of corporate finance theory and its application to investment analysis and financing decisions. Topics include capital structure and dividend policy, short and long-term financing, planning, mergers and acquisitions, financial distress, and corporate risk management. Prerequisite: ADMN 3200H.
ADMN-4301H: Auditing
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Designed to introduce students to auditing and assurance standards and procedures. Students will explore the nature and purpose of the auditing function, as well as client risk profiles, control risk, internal controls, audit planning, evidence collection and reporting. Prerequisite: ADMN 3221H.
ADMN-4302H: Advanced Management Accounting
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Designed to provide an advanced understanding of management accounting concepts, the use of accounting information in decision-making, and the strategic and interdisciplinary implications therein. Explores the use of quantitative and qualitative information in management's decision-making for planning and control; designing and evaluating management control systems and corporate governance structures; and their strategic effectiveness. Prerequisite: ADMN 3121H.
ADMN-4303H: Advanced Financial Accounting
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides students with an in-depth examination of advanced financial accounting topics in Canada. Students will learn to account for intercorporate investments, business combinations, foreign currency transactions and translation, and not-for-profit organizations. Prerequisite: ADMN 3321H.
ADMN-4450H: Perspectives and Practices for Organizational Sustainability
- Peterborough
Introduces students to the "triple bottom line" approach by defining sustainability in organizations as balanced progress towards economic performance, social justice, and environmental quality. Examines approaches and methods of the sustainability paradigm and the way they are used in various areas. Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits, of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits.
ADMN-4458H: Spirituality in Humanistic Management
- Peterborough
Explores the nature of spirituality and the relationships among spirituality or religion, and various aspects of management, leadership, strategy, work and organizational dynamics. Considers the ways spirituality can support humanistic management goals, including those associated with the dignity, well-being, resilience and flourishing of all stakeholders. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 3300H.
ADMN-4460H: Managing for Workplace Mental Health
- Peterborough
Discusses general (non-work related) and work-related mental health conditions, and issues such as stigma. Includes legal, risk, relational and other practical skills needed to prevent and manage employee mental health concerns. Frameworks for organizational promotion of mental health, and strategies for prevention, early intervention, and employee support are discussed. Prerequisite: ADMN 2220H and 3300H.
ADMN-4500H: Indigenous Perspectives on 21st-Century Business and Organizational Issues
- Peterborough
An analysis of key issues facing business in the twenty-first century. A variety of Indigenous perspectives on issues are presented, discussed, and compared and contrasted with current mainstream business perspectives. The objective of the course is to expand the ability of students to consider important business issues and opportunities including an Indigenous perspective. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits.
Cross-listed: INDG-4500H
This course meets the Indigenous Course Requirement.
ADMN-4610H: Data Analytics for Accounting
- Peterborough
This course explores the use of data analytics in accounting. Using Microsoft Excel, Power Query, and Tableau, this course develops statistical models to predict and evaluate accounting information in financial accounting, strategy, risk management, budgeting, audit, taxes, and financial planning. Emphasis is placed on effectively communicating accounting analysis to stakeholders. Prerequisite: ADMN 3321H.
ADMN-4700H: Derivatives
- Peterborough
A comprehensive course in derivative markets and instruments (for example, forwards, futures, swaps, and options). By the end of the course, students will have good knowledge of how these products work, are priced, and how financial institutions hedge risks with the help of derivative instruments. Prerequisite: ADMN 3200H.
ADMN-4710H: Taxation - Corporate
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the taxation of corporations in Canada, drawing from the areas of financial and managerial accounting, microeconomics, and finance. Topics include, but are not limited to, the computation of corporate taxes, corporate tax planning, reorganizations, partnerships, joint ventures, and the taxation of corporate investment income. Prerequisite: ADMN 3710H.
ADMN-4720H: Financial Markets and Institutions
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Covers financial markets and institutions including commercial banks, insurance companies, mutual fund industries, and pension funds corporations. From the technical and practical perspective, students learn how to analyze these financial institutions' (FI) financial statement and recent trends and analyze risks FI management may face. Prerequisite: ADMN 3200H.
ADMN-4820Y: Community-Based Research Project
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Students are placed in research projects with community organizations in the Peterborough and Durham areas. Each project is supervised jointly by a faculty member and a representative of a community organization. For details, see Community-Based Research Program (www.trentu.ca/tcrc). Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits, of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits, a minimum 75% cumulative average, and approval of director. Students may take only one of ADMN 4820Y or 4830H for credit.
ADMN-4870H: Field Placement 1
- Online
Bridges academic theory with field-based learning. Working with local agencies in the community, students combine field experience with reflective practice. Students interview for various placements identified by the School of Business, or if approved by the School of Business, students may secure their own learning opportunity. Prerequisite: A minimum 72% cumulative average; 12.0 university credits of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits, or 12.0 university credits of which 4.0 must be ECON credits and 2.0 of which must be ADMN credits; and permission of course administrator. Open only to students in the Business Administration program (BBA or joint major) or the single-major Honours program in Economics. Not open to co-op students. Not open to students with credit for ADMN 3870H.
Cross-listed: ECON-4870H
ADMN-4880H: Field Placement 2
- Online
A second opportunity to bridge academic theory with field-based learning. Again, working with local agencies, students receive a real-life learning opportunity either at a new agency or by returning to the first placement host. Students interview for various placements identified by the School of Business, or if approved by the School of Business, students may secure their own learning opportunity. Prerequisite: A minimum 72% cumulative average, ADMN 4870H (or 3870H), and permission of course administrator. Open only to students in the Business Administration program (BBA or joint major) or the single-major Honours program in Economics. Not open to co-op students.
Cross-listed: ECON-4880H
ADMN-4890Y: Business Internship
- Online
- Peterborough
Designed for students interested in gaining in-depth, practical industry experience, while enhancing their classroom knowledge with real-world, paid industry positions. Students spend 6, 8, 12, or 16 months working full time in industry and return to Trent for a final term. Students apply, interview, and compete for limited positions. Course is graded on a pass/fail basis. ADMN prerequisite: A minimum 75% cumulative average and 14.5 university credits including ADMN and ECON credits required for a single major in years 1-3, or permission of the director. ECON prerequisite: A minimum 75% cumulative average and 14.5 university credits including ECON credits required for a single major in years 1-3 and 2.0 ADMN credits, or permission of the director. LSCM prerequisite:?A minimum 75% cumulative average and 14.5 university credits including LSCM, ADMN, and ECON credits required for years 1-3, or permission of the director. Open only to students in the BBA program or the single-major Honours program in Economics or Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Not for credit toward a major in Business Administration or Economics. Logistics & Supply Chain Management students may take LSCM 4890Y in lieu of LSCM 4500Y. Not open to co-op students.
Cross-listed: ECON-4890Y, LSCM-4890Y