Documentation styles for anthropology vary considerably because this field encompasses a range of sub-disciplines, such as biological anthropology, archaeology, and cultural anthropology. Please use the documentation method indicated in the syllabus for the course.
Here we present information about two styles used by the Trent Department of Anthropology:
Current Anthropology (CA)
In-Text Citations (CA)
- Include the author’s last name and the year of publication. Do NOT put a comma in between the name and the date.
- If you are citing a direct quotation or a specific section of a source, put a colon, with no space, in between the year and the page number.
- When citing a source with two or three authors, use the word “and” in-between names (rather than the ampersand, " &", used in APA).
- When making an in-text citation to a source with four or more authors, list the first author’s last name followed by "et al." (Note that you must list all author names in the References page).
- Author names can also be integrated in your sentences
References Cited Page (CA)
- Title the page "References Cited"
- List all entries alphabetically by first author's surname, maintaining the original order of the authors of multi-authored sources (i.e., do not change "Lee, Brown, and Green" to "Brown, Green, and Lee").
- For detailed information about referencing different types of sources consult the Current Anthropology style guide
Book with One Author
Harrison, Julia. 2003. Being a Tourist: Finding Meaning in Pleasure Travel. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Chapter/Article in an Edited Book
Lohmann, Roger. 2007. Dream and Ethnography. In The New Science of Dreaming, vol 3: Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives. Deirdre Barrett and Patrick McNamara, eds. Pp. 35-69. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Article in Journal - Single Author
Hepburn, Sharon. 2002. Touristic Forms of Life in Nepal. Annals of Tourism Research 29(3):611-630.
Article in a Journal - Multiple Authors
D.C. Haggis, M.S. Mook, R.D. Fitzsimons, C.M. Scarry, L.M.Snyder, and W.C. West. 2011. Excavations in the Archaic Civic Buildings at Azoria in 2005-2006. Hesperia 80:1-70.
Documents/Sections of Websites
Van Arsdale, Peter, and Victoria Sanford. 2008. AAA Committee for Human Rights Annual 2008 and Five-Year Report. American Anthropological Association. (accessed March 17, 2010).
SAA (Society for American Archeaology)
In-text Citations (SAA)
- Include the author’s last name and the year of publication. Do NOT put a comma in between the name and the date.
- If you are citing a direct quotation or a specific section of a source, put a colon, with no space, in between the year and the page number.
- When citing a source with two authors, use the word “and” in-between names (rather than the ampersand, " &", used in APA).
- When making an in-text citation to a source with three or more authors, list the first author’s last name followed by "et al." (Note that you must list all author names in the References page).
References Cited Page (SAA)
- Title the page "References Cited"
- Titles of books and journals are italicized.
- The name of the press precedes the place of publication and they are separated by a comma rather than a colon.
- List all entries alphabetically by first author's surname, maintaining the original order of the authors of multi-authored sources (i.e., do not change "Lee, Brown, and Green" to "Brown, Green, and Lee").
- For detailed information about referencing different types of sources consult the SAA Style Guide (July 2021).
- All entries must be double spaced and formatted using a hanging indent (shown above).
- The author(s) need to be on the first line at the left-hand margin and then hit return. On the next line, tab once to the right and enter the date, then make a further tab right and enter the title of the source. The subsequent lines of the entry are indented slightly past the first tab/indented date.
Book with One Author
Harrison, Julia
2003 Being a Tourist: Finding Meaning in Pleasure Travel. UBC Press, Vancouver.
Book with Multiple Authors/Editors
Iannone, Gyles, and Samuel V. Connell (editors)
2003 Perspectives on Ancient Maya Rural Complexity. UCLA Institute of Archaeology Press, Monograph 49, Los Angeles.
Chapter/Article in an Edited Book
Munson, Marit
2005 Bringing the rocks to life. In The Peopling of Bandelier: New Insights from the Archaeology of the Pajarito Plateau, edited by Robert. P. Powers, pp. 55-61. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe.
Article in Journal
Topic, John
2003 From Stewards to Bureaucrats: Architecture and Information Flow at Chan Chan, Peru. Latin American Antiquity 14:243-274.
Web Pages and Electronic Documents
Van Arsdale, Peter, and Victoria Sanford
2008 AAA Committee for Human Rights Annual 2008 and Five-Year Report. Electronic document,, accessed March 17, 2010.
Updated December 2021