Career Services
- Start by exploring a variety of online resources related to career and workforce readiness, including modules, quick tip videos, tip sheets and examples.
- Then learn about upcoming virtual and in-person workshopsor events where you can gain additional information and ask questions
- Finally, connect in an appointment, bringing targeted questions to your career advisor.
We invite you to review the information and resources below to get started on your career development journey.
We support your career development by helping you answer questions such as:
- What can I do with my degree?
- What are my career, work and educational options?
- How do I find a job?
- How do I write a résumé, prepare for interviews, and connect with employers?
- How do I articulate my skills and the value of my degree to an employer?
- Should I continue my education beyond Trent?
Trent Durham Career Services at Thornton Road supports undergraduate students and alumni from undergraduate programs.
Careerspace at Trent’s Advanced Learning Centre on Simcoe Street supports post-graduate certificate students.
We have a variety of online resources to support you in various aspects of your career development.
- Career Resources tab in the student experience portal offers a helpful career and workforce readiness guide, tip sheets and resume examples, quick tip youtube videos, and more.
- MyTrent (support tab, careerspace section) offers additional resources including the typefocus personality assessment, career cruising, and big interview.
- The careerspace website offers additional information related to various career topics.
Follow us on Instagram for additional resources, events, and updates.
Book an Appointment for Undergraduate Students
- Go to the Student Experience Portal in myTrent
- Login using your myTrent username and password
- Click on “Durham GTA Campus Appointment Bookings” on the left side of the screen
- Select “Academic/Career Advising and Resume Critiques”
- Click on "Book by Appointment Type" to choose either Academic Advising or Career Advising or Resume Critique.
- Once you have selected a type of appointment, you will be able to view the next available appointment for that service.
- Go to "View Calendar" to see available appointments for the next 10 business days.
In person and video is the best method for comprehensive and effective engagement with Academic/Career Advising. Phone is the least effective and suggested as a last resort.
Where to go for In-Person Appointments
For appointments at DRB - 75 Thornton Rd South, DRB, please proceed to the third floor of Building B and check in at the Admin Office (301) then take a seat in the third floor waiting area. An Advisor will come to get you for your appointment.
If you are a PGC student you can follow similar steps above, but click on Advanced Leaning Centre Careerspace when you get to step 4.
The student experience portal (SEP) is where you go to book appointments, view and register for workshops and events, and find career resources.
Check out this informational video on how to navigate the SEP.
The Career Skills Development (CSD) Micro-Credential offers students a digital badge for participating in workshops and networking events designed to enhance job readiness. Students will have the opportunity to practice, reflect, and develop strategies they will need to enhance their career preparation.
Attend all 6 workshops/events at Trent Durham this year (offered in both Fall and Winter) to obtain the Career Skills Development Micro-credential.
Workshop: Career Planning and Skills
Workshop: Resumes and Cover letters
Workshop: Job search strategies and Professionalism
Workshop: Interview Skills
Virtual Workshop: Workplace Conduct and Culture
Event: Career Possibilities: What Can You Do With Your Degree (Thornton Rd)
Networking In Action- Build Your Professional Connections (ALC)
Each workshop/event will have a small assessment to be completed by the end of the academic year (April) to demonstrate your learning.
As a bonus to undergraduate students who complete the CSD Micro-Credential this year (by April 2025), you will be entered in a draw to win 1 of 3 $150 gift cards!
To obtain the CSD Micro-Credential:
1. You will fill out the registration form. This form will lead to your registration in the blackboard course which is where assignments will be submitted. In this form, you will declare if you are an undergraduate student or a PGC/M.Mgt student. Based on this information, you will receive a welcome email with more information.
2. You must register for and attend each of the six above workshops/events through the student experience portal under the Durham events calendar. Each event will have the (CSD) notation next to the title.
3. You must complete all 6 assignments by the end of the academic year (April) and submit them through the blackboard.
4. At the end of each term, you will receive confirmation that you have successfully completed the components for the CSD Micro-Credential and you will be issued a badge.
Undergraduate students: email
PGC and M.Mgt students: email
By completing the workshops associated with this micro-credential, students will learn how to:
Identify and articulate their unique skills
Create tailored resumes and cover letters for job applications
Implement different job search strategies
Prepare for a job interview
Navigate professional conduct, communication and behaviours in the workplace
Practice networking strategies in-person
Students are encouraged to attend additional career-related events and workshops beyond the Micro-Credential to enhance their career development. These include job fairs, career expo, and virtual workshops facilitated through careerspace.
Details on workshop dates and times for undergraduate students can be found in the section below. For PGC and M.Mgt, please refer to the events calendar.
Check out the Events tab (Events-Durham GTA Campus) located in the Student Experience Portal for a list of virtual and in-person workshops you can attend.
Here’s what’s happening this Winter towards the Career Skills Development Micro-credential:
Limited space available so register now!
Resume and Cover Letter Workshop
Tuesday February 4th, 11:30-12:30
Register here:
Job Search and Professionalism Workshop
Thursday February 13th, 11:30-12:30
Register here:
Interview Skills Workshop
Wednesday March 5th, 11:30-12:30
Register here:
Workplace Conduct and Culture Workshop (virtual)
Tuesday March 11th, 3:00-4:00
Register here:
Career Planning and Skills Identification Workshop
Thursday March 13th, 11:30-12:30
Register here:
Career Possibilities: What Can You Do With Your Degree Networking Event
Details coming soon
Career Services Assistant
Hello, I am your Careers Peer Support, Esther. I am a Sociology major currently in my third year of the program. I have an interest in legal studies, and I am a strong advocate for social justice. My goal is to connect with students and share the services offered when dealing with resumes and cover letters. I am very open, and I am here to help when needed.
Come connect with me for drop-in support at the following times:
Tuesdays - 11:30 am to 2:30 pm, 55 Thornton Road South, DRA, Library Atrium
Wednesdays - 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, 55 Thornton Road South, DRA, Library Atrium
I can help you with career resources and information.
Careerspace offers online resources, in-person and virtual workshops, events, and appointments to support Post-Graduate Certificate students in their career development. PGC students can access appointments with the Careerspace Coordinator through the Student Experience Portal (Durham GTA Appointments tab, then ALC Careerspace Appointments) and can also register for current events and workshops at the ALC listed under Durham GTA Events. Our staff can support your career development by helping you navigate questions such as:
- What are my career, work and further education options?
- What are some tools and strategies to find a job?
- How should I format and write my resume, prepare for interviews, and connect with employers?
Visit our website at and the Career Resources tab in the Student Experience Portal to access resources, or connect with the Careerspace Coordinator at ALC through the Student Experience Portal.
PGC and M.Mgt students with questions about the CSD Micro-Credential should email
The Career Development Model takes you through the cycle of knowing your value, exploring your options, planning your actions, and creating your future. This model is circular as people are constantly changing and going through these stages multiple times throughout their careers.