By registering for Open House, you will gain an entry into our draw for free first-year tuition.
Here's what you can expect at Open House:
- ACADEMIC & STUDENT SERVICES FAIR: Speak with professors and students about your programs of interest and the endless opportunities available to you at Trent; learn more about Trent's 20+ co-op streams, degree specializations, and all kinds of extracurriculars, including career-boosting hands-on learning.
- CAMPUS TOURS: Get an up-close-and-personal look a living and learning at either Trent campus, including student residence, lecture halls, study spaces, and social environments.
- INFORMATION SESSIONS: Attend information sessions to deep-dive into your programs of choice or learn more about student supports, hosted by faculty and staff within each department
- ON-THE-SPOT APPLICATIONS: You can apply to Trent University programs on the spot; Ontario secondary school students must have their OUAC Access codes with them to apply.
- SWAG SHOPPING: Buy a new Trent hoodie or other cool swag during your Open House visit.
Register for Trent's Peterborough Open House
Register for Trent's Durham GTA Open House