Academic Skills
Academic Skills at Trent Durham is dedicated to helping students develop your capacity to succeed at university.
Through Academic Skills, students can access one-on-one and small group appointments as well as independent and in-class workshops related to all aspects of academic work, including writing, study skills, time management and organization, note-taking, and critical reading. Services are available to all students at Trent Durham.
To connect with us, please email
How to Book an Appointment
- Go to the Student Experience Portal
- Login using your myTrent username and password
- Click on “Durham GTA Campus Appointment Bookings” on the left side of the screen
For Math and Statistics academic skills support, please contact Darren Nesbitt at
In Person, Synchronous/Zoom and Asynchronous/Email Appointments
Appointments will be offered in person, synchronously via Zoom, or asynchronously via Email. In person appointments will take place at the Trent Durham GTA campus at 55 Thornton Road S., or at the Advanced Learning Centre (ALC) at 11 Simcoe Street North. In person and Synchronous appointments are appropriate for support with math and statistics, organizational and study skills, or planning and strategizing with regard to assignments and papers. If you have completed a draft and would like written feedback on grammar, style, and structure, please book an asynchronous appointment and follow the instructions to submit your work in order to receive feedback via Email.
For math and statistics support please contact Darren Nesbitt at to make an appointment. For all other Academic Skills support, including help with organizational and study skills, planning and strategizing for written assignments, or feedback on completed drafts, please use our online booking system at to make an appointment with Pamela MacIsaac or Kara Morrison.
Academic Skills Online Resources
5-Minute Messages
- Annotated Bibliographies
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- Basics of Effective Studying
- Essay Basics 3: Drafting and Editing
- Essay Basics 2: The Second Pre-Writing Stage
- Essay Basics 1: The First Pre-Writing Stage
- Efficient and Critical Reading #2
- Efficient and Critical Reading #1
- Forming Good Habits
- Grammar
- Procrastination
- Self-Editing Checklist
- Writing an Academic Review
- Quick Tip: Creating a Block Schedule
- Orientation - Online Learning Pro Tips Presentation
- Infographic: Common Grammar Errors
An assortment of How to Guides are available, including
- Online Documentation Guide: What to Cite and How to Cite it
- Thinking it Through: Essay-Writing Guide
- Study Skills for University
- Exam Preparation
- Referencing, Formatting and Avoiding Plagiarism
- Grammar and Clear Writing
- Essays, Writing Assignments and Presentations
- Resources for Math and Sciences
Visit the Student Experience Portal to register and find more information about our events!
Weekly Writing Lab
Thursdays from 11:30 – 12:30pm.
Bring your work in progress to our writing lab and write alongside academic mentors. Support and feedback available from Academic Skills Instructors.
Academic Peer Mentor Study Groups
For more information, please visit our Academic Mentor Website
Policing & Community Well Being: Mondays from 2:00 - 3:00pm
Join our academic mentors in Policing & Community Well-being for a drop-in study group on Mondays from 2 - 3 pm. Snacks and camaraderie provided!
Business: Tuesdays from 12:30 – 1:30pm
Join upper-level finance, business, and HR students to talk about concepts, tools, and tips for success
Psychology: Wednesdays from 2:30 – 3:30pm
Join Darren Nesbitt, Math and Sciences Academic Skills Instructor and upper-level psychology students for support and advice related to psychology classes.
Academic Skills Peer Resource Support
Hi everyone, my name is Haylee, and I am taking on the Academic Skills Peer Support Role at the Trent Durham campus for the 2024-2025 academic year! I am currently a third year Criminology major, with a minor in Policing and Community Wellbeing. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Trent and love the sense of community that is so prevalent on campus. I chose Trent for many reasons, one being that it is close to home, but also for the many opportunities available to get involved within the school and get to know my professors on a name-to-name basis. A couple of points about myself are that I love to cook, my favourite colour is pink, and I have a beautiful family cat named Salem.
As the Peer Resource Assistant, I will post academic resources and tips/tricks to help ease some of the confusions, anxieties, and struggles that come with being in university. These resources will be in a variety of formats, and highlight various themes and topics of the academic world. These resources used in combination with tools from other on campus services, such as academic mentoring, academic resources, etc., will hopefully provide students with all the tools necessary to succeed here at Trent!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at: