Dr. Suzanne Braithwaite, Assistant Professor
BScN (Brock), MNSc (Queen’s University), PhD (Queen's University), CCHC(C) (Canadian Nurses' Association)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7506
Email: suzannebraithwaite@trentu.ca
Research interests: Nursing scope of practice enactment; Interprofessional primary care; Influence of organizational attributes on practice; Health system design; Interprofessional simulation; Survey-based research designs.
Dr. Ingrid Brenner, Associate Professor
BPHE, BSc, BScN (Toronto), MSc (Queen's), PhD (Toronto), PhD (Queen's)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7253
Email: ibrenner@trentu.ca
Research interests: Cardiovascular disease; Renal disease; Infection; Women's health.
Dr. Ellen Buck-McFadyen, Associate Dean
RN, BScN (Queen's), MScN (York), PhD (McMaster)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7029
Email: ellenbuckmcfadyen@trentu.ca
Research interests: Rural health and social determinants of health; Homelessness prevention and management; Substance use in the rural context; Rural health services.
Dr. Ann Mary Celestini, Associate Professor
RN, BA, BScN (Windsor), MHS (Athabasca), EdD (Athabasca)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 6046
Email: annmarycelestini@trentu.ca
Research interests: Instructional design and curricular development - inclusive pedagogy, experiential learning methods (e.g., unfolding case studies, serious games, simulation); Stress and stress management; Complementary and integrative therapies (chronic pain, holistic wellness)).
Kim English, Faculty
RN, BScN (Toronto Metropolitan, formerly Ryerson), MN (Toronto), EdD candidate (William Howard Taft)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7059
Email: kimenglish@trentu.ca
Research interests: Rural and remote nursing practice; Rural health access; Decolonizing the curriculum; Indigenous health; Anti-racist nursing practice; Advocacy and activism; Virtual reality.
Rachel Galea, Lecturer
RN, BScN (UOIT), BSc (Trent), MN (Athabasca)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7159
Email: rachelgalea@trentu.ca
Research interests: Mental Health Nursing; Child Development; Social Determinants of Health; Emotional Regulation; Trauma.
Dr. Cyndi Gilmer, Associate Professor
RN, BScN (Western), MHScN, DHlthSc (Charles Sturt)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7156
Email: cyndigilmer@trentu.ca
Research interests: Homelessness; Health care leadership; Access to health care services.
Ann MacLeod, Faculty
RN, BScN (McGill), MPH (Michigan)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7386
Email: annmacleod@trentu.ca
Research interests: The intersection between health professionals, the volunteer sector, and family in promoting health of older adults; Social support; Transitions hospital to home; Community-based qualitative approaches; Arts-based research.
Dr. Michele McIntosh, Associate Professor
RN, BA (Queen's), BScN, MScN (Toronto), PhD (Alberta)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7507
Email: michelejmcintosh@trentu.ca
Research interests: Women's health; Qualitative methods; Ethics.
Julie Moore, Lecturer
RN, BScN (UOIT), MN (Toronto), PhD Candidate(Toronto),
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 6121
Email: juiliemoore@trentu.ca
Research interests: Critical Care Nursing, critically-ill hematologic malignancy patient experiences, symptom science, resuscitation science, mixed-methods research.
Dr. Abeer Omar, Assistant Professor
RN, BScN, MScN (Alexandria), PhD (Case Western Reserve)
Phone: 416-415-5000, ext. 5864
Email: abeeromar@trentu.ca
Research interests: Women's health; Activity restriction; Health services research & nursing best practices.
Dr. Kim Ritchie, Graduate Program Director
RN, BScN (Queen's), MN (Toronto), PhD (Queen's)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7067
Email: kimberlyritchie@trentu.ca
Research interests: Caring for older adults who are living with mental illness and dementia; PTSD/trauma/moral injury in healthcare professional; Public safety personnel; Veterans.
Jaime Sims, Faculty
RN, BScN (Ryerson), MN (Charles Sturt)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 6390
Email: jaimesims@trentu.ca
Research interests: Perinatal obstetrics and women's health; Universal design in learning; Arts-based pedagogy; Holistic health & wellbeing.
Erinne Stevens, Lecturer/Clinical Instructor
NP, BScN (Toronto Metropolitan, formerly Ryerson), MN (Toronto Metropolitan, formerly Ryerson), BA (University of Toronto)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7729
Email: erinnestevens@trentu.ca
Research interests: Access to Primary Health Care; Rural health access; Social Determinants of Health, Nurse Practitioner Practice.
Dr. Patti Tracey, Collaborative Program Coordinator
RN, BScN (Toronto Metropolitan, formerly Ryerson), MHSc (Athabasca), PhD (Toronto)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 6219
Email: pltracey@trentu.ca
Research interests: Global health; International nursing; Quality improvement initiatives relating to safe practices for short-term health experiences in low and middle income countries; Social determinants of health.
Dr. Rasha Wahid, Compressed Program Coordinator
RN, BScN (York), MScN (Alexandria), PhD (Manchester)
Phone: 416-415-5000, ext. 5864
Email: rashawahid@trentu.ca
Research interests: Impact of the Pandemic on mental health; Concept-based learning in nursing education; Web-based CBT; Artificial intelligence in nursing; Global mental health nursing.
Ruth Walker, Faculty
RN, BScN (Trent), MN (Athabasca)
Phone: 705-748-1011, ext. 7900
Email: ruthewalker@trentu.ca
Research interests: Student health and wellness services; Campus nursing; Post-secondary student population health; Access to primary care; Health equity; Healthy practice settings; Person-centred, aesthetic, critical, and qualitative research methods.