Otonabee College
tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis | the times are changing and we change with them
Welcome to Otonabee College, a community that offers transformational learning experiences that embrace multi-disciplinary collaborations.

At Otonabee College, we agree with the timeless saying that you cannot step into the same river twice – because it is always changing.
OC students are known to lead change with heart. Their passion exemplifies the name of our river and our College – “the Otonabee” – an Ojibwe word meaning “the river that beats like a heart.”
We honour the steady beat of the river and its impact on surrounding life with our vision for developing a strong sense of belonging and innovation.
Find yourself at Otonabee

Otonabee's familiar red roof covers Trent's largest residence, featuring the nursing and forensics living learning communities and popular underground hallways connecting directly to classrooms.

Home to Trent's largest student population, Otonabee is the place for adaptable and curious forward thinkers who advocate through holistic wellness, scientific and technological innovation, and civic engagement.

Otonabee is home to the spirit of friendly competition in the East vs. West Hockey Game, as well as the legendary OC Cabinet run Trent Mudder and our Chili Cookoff for the United Way, capping off the academic year with the Last Lecture.

The first college to grace the East Bank of the river, Otonabee's community keeps its colourful history and traditions alive in its Scarfing Ceremony, Wildside Weekend and so much more.

50 years of Otonabee College
Find information and events to celebrate OC's golden anniversary