UPP - University Pension Plan
Effective January 1, 2022, Trent University's active and retired faculty participate in the University Pension Plan Ontario (UPP).
UPP is a multi-employer, jointly sponsored pension plan (JSPP) that is designed to enhance the long-term sustainability of your pension. UPP’s Joint Sponsors (representing employees and employers) are together responsible for making all decisions about the terms and conditions of the UPP, any plan amendments (including benefits and contributions), and its funding policy. The Joint Sponsors have appointed a Board of Trustees as the legal Administrator of the UPP Fund and Plan, with a fiduciary obligation to all Plan members. The Board of Trustees is responsible for directing and overseeing the day-to-day administration of UPP and the investment of its assets, with the best interests of plan members at the heart of every decision.
If you have questions about your pension, please contact the UPP Member Services at 1-833-627-7877, or by email at memberservices@universitypensionplan.ca.
The Supplemental Retirement Arrangement (SRA) for faculty will continue to be provided separate and apart from the UPP and SRA pension payments will remain solely the responsibility of Trent University.
If you have questions about your SRA, please contact Denise Fernandes at denisefernandes@trentu.ca or (705) 748-1011 ext. 5167