Apply for the IMPACT Leadership Program (2024-2025)
Are you ready to make an IMPACT?
IMPACT is an innovative and exciting leadership program for students. IMPACT draws from the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, and other models focused on equitable and non-hierarchical models of leadership. In the IMPACT Program, the approach to leadership development emphasizes personal growth, social responsibility, equity, collaboration, and progressive social change. Feel free to check out our frequently asked questions page, and be sure to also read some program testimonials from past IMPACT students!
Is IMPACT for Me?
IMPACT is a leadership program open to all students at Trent University.
IMPACT is for students who wish to engage in self-exploration and personal development, learn to work collaboratively with others, and develop a sense of citizenship through community engagement.
IMPACT is for students who care about social and environmental justice issues.
IMPACT is for students who believe in the power of leadership to affect positive social change.
IMPACT is for students who wish to engage in building an inclusive community of peers.
IMPACT welcomes individuals of all backgrounds, orientations and abilities.
How Does IMPACT Work?
The IMPACT Leadership Program spans a full academic year.
Students must apply to join the IMPACT Leadership Program. If accepted, students will attend a day-long opening retreat, four leadership-themed workshops, one weekend retreat at Camp Kawartha, and one day-long closing retreat. In addition, students will have four meetings with small groups, which will be facilitated by an IMPACT Mentor. Students will also complete a 20-hour volunteer placement with a local non-profit organization in the winter term.
Workshops and Retreats
Volunteer Placements
Frequently Asked Questions
Important Dates for 2024-2025:
The application deadline is Monday, September 23rd. Successful applicants will be notified by Thursday, September 26th.
Program participants should be available to attend the following workshops and retreats:
Sunday, October 6th (10 am-3 pm) - Forming and Norming: the IMPACT Opening Retreat
Thursday, October 17th (10 am-12 pm) - Values and Vision: Introduction to Social Change
Friday, November 1st (5 pm) - Sunday, November 3rd (2 pm) - Tending Your Inner Fire: the IMPACT Leadership Retreat (at Camp Kawartha - transportation provided)
Thursday, November 14th (10 am-12 pm) - Power and Privilege 101: Unpacking the Backpack
Thursday, November 28th (10 am-12 pm) - When the Going Gets Tough: Controversy with Civility
Thursday, January 16th (10 am-12 pm) - Community Engagement and Activism: Finding Your Niche
Sunday, March 23rd (10 am-3 pm) - Wrapping the Bundle: the IMPACT Closing Retreat
In addition, students will be placed in smaller groups and will have four small group meetings with an IMPACT Mentor during the fall term.
Program Fees:
The fee structure for the IMPACT program is still being confirmed, but is likely to be $150 for the year.
Email Johanna Hart, Program Coordinator