When hiring a postdoctoral fellow or inviting a visiting scholar, please first complete the relevant Postdoctoral Fellow or Visiting Scholar Application form below. Email the selected form and the attachments specified on the form to the Coordinator, Research Conduct and Reporting for processing.
Note: Foreign Visiting Scholars at Trent need to be allowed to work legally in Canada, regardless of whether the offered position is paid. Therefore, submitting the appropriate form is required for both paid visits and unpaid appointments (i.e. self-funded, scholarships from home institutions, MITACS GRI).
In the case of foreign applicants, the information included in the Application Form will help us determine the type of legal immigration status required from the applicant to commence the appointment.
After the VPRI approves the Application Form, the Office of Research and Innovation will issue the Appointment Letter. If a work permit is required, we will use the information provided in the Application Form to apply to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for the Offer of Employment number for the applicant.
If a Trent faculty member invites a foreign Visiting Scholar for a short-term visit, these research visitors might be exempt from applying for a work permit if they meet the criteria of 120-day work permit exemption for researchers policy.
Please refer to the IRCC website to learn more about the conditions for foreign visitors to work in Canada.
Research Personnel Employment Record Form should be completed and submitted to Research Finance after the applicant receives the Offer Letter from Trent, and their work permit application is approved by the IRCC (if applicable).
If you are hiring a foreign Visiting Scholar or a foreign Postdoctoral Fellow, it is imperative that the job duties, job location, wages/benefits, and employment start and end dates in the Research Personnel Employment Record Form match the information provided in the Application Form and in the Offer Letter throughout the employment period.
Changes to the conditions of the appointment for foreign workers require the temporary worker to apply to change the conditions of their work permit.
Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Scholar Appointment - procedure summary
Handbook for Hiring Research Project Personnel
Postdoctoral Fellow Application Form
Foreign Postdoctoral Fellow Application Form
Visiting Scholar Application Form
Foreign Visiting Scholar Application Form
Research Personnel Employment Record Form
Research Personnel Amendment Form
Informed Consent Waiver for unpaid Visiting Scholars
Additional Resources
Policy on Postdoctoral Fellows and Visiting Scholars
Discrimination and Harassment Policy