Looking for new community connections and supports for your academics and wellbeing?
- Do you identify as 2SLGBTQ+?
- Are you a mature student (21+)?
- Are you the first in your family to go to university?
- Are you Indigenous? Black? Racialized?
- Are you a student with a disability?
- Are you a student in the Degree Progression Pathway Program?
- Are you experiencing challenges in transitioning to university?
You BELONG Here 
Students who self-identify as 2SLGBTQ+, Indigenous, Black, racialized, mature, or first in family at university, or who have a disability can experience extensive barriers accessing, staying in, and completing postsecondary education. Your student needs and contexts are complex; you deserve holistic and proactive approaches to connecting with community and becoming familiar with available supports and resources.
Belonging is an integral component of academic success; a sense of true belonging can have a significant positive impact on students and their experiences at university, while a lack of belonging can have a significant negative impact. This collaborative initiative developed by Academic Advising, Academic Skills, and Student Affairs offers rich and multi-faceted programming and resources that address intersecting elements of student belonging and wellbeing as well as academic retention and success.
Explore the Academic Skills Tool Kit in your Course Blackboard Site
Confused about university terminology? Trying to figure out your best way to learn and engage in class? Look for videos on classroom culture, making friends, learning from feedback, and more in the Academic Skills Tool Kit, a digital resource collection included in many first and second-year course Blackboard sites.
No Tool Kit in your courses? Explore these guides:
- Academic Culture and Expectations
- University 101: A Glossary of Terms
- Arrive and Thrive: Your First Term at University
- Level Up: Resources for Upper-year Students
Find more resources and connect with student groups and service providers.
Campus Resources and Supports for Students
- Supports for all students
- 2SLGBTQ+ Students
- Mature Students
- First Generation Students
- Black, Indigenous, and/or Racialized Students
- Students with Disabilities
- Degree Progression Pathway Students
Supports for All Students
Rebound is a 1-1 peer mentoring program for any Trent University student to connect with an upper-year student to discuss academics or wellbeing.
College Office
Each college has a drop-in office that helps students access resources, services and supports, wayfind physical classroom locations, and connect with college community. Often referred to as ‘a place where you can go to ask anything.’
Academic Advising
Work with an academic advisor to develop educational plans for achieving your personal and academic goals while developing the skills and commitment to become a more engaged, self-directed learner and decision-maker.
Academic Skills
Workshops, resources, and appointments with academic skills instructors designed to support you as you adapt to university learning and to empower you as a critical thinker, effective communicator, active learner, and resilient student.
TCSA Clubs and Groups
The Trent Central Student Association lists many clubs and groups dedicated to supporting students in finding community and connection to others.
Supports for First Generation students
A First Generation Student is defined by Trent University as a student who is the first in their family to attend a post-secondary institution. More specifically, students who have parents who did not complete a post-secondary (college or university) degree or did not attend a post-secondary (university or college) institution are considered 'first generation students'.
See supports for all students
Supports for Black, Indigenous and Racialized Students
Black Student Support
Black Student Support is is a safe space for current Trent Black students to come together for support and conversations around their Black experience at Trent, the Peterborough community and beyond.
Trent African and Caribbean Student Union (TACSU)
TACSU is a student group under the Trent International Students’ Association (TISA). The group’s main focus is to provide students within Trent (Canadian and International Students alike) with exposure to the cultures of Africa and the Caribbean. TACSU is open to all who are willing and interested without regards to race, ethnicity or religious beliefs.
Trent Association of Black Students (TABS)
Trent Association of Black Students is a new student group under the Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) aimed at being a voice of advocacy for Black full-time and part-time students at Trent University and working to promote work in the community that pursues the dismantling of racism and racial inequality within the Trent and Peterborough community. Membership in TABS is open to all students, faculty members, staff and alumni of Trent University.
African Black Caribbean (ABC) Club - Durham Campus
Trent Durham's ABC's club offers a space for students of all different backgrounds to explore and express their own personal cultural backgrounds.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1849498728481806/
TCSA Indigenous Students Commissioner
Appointed by the Trent University Native Association (TUNA), a student representative that serves the needs and interests of Indigenous students on the TCSA Board of Directors. Occasionally runs events, campaigns, or initiatives that address issues related to anti-racism and anti-oppression.
TCSA Racialized Students Commissioner
An elected student representative that serves the needs and interests of racialized students on the TCSA Board of Directors. Occasionally runs events, campaigns, or initiatives that address issues related to anti-racism and anti-oppression.
TCSA Trent Association of Black Students Commissioner
Appointed by the Trent Association of Black Students (TABS), a student representative that serves the needs and interests of Black students on the TCSA Board of Directors. Occasionally runs events, campaigns, or initiatives that address issues related to anti-racism and anti-oppression.
TCSA - The Freedom Lounge
The Freedom Lounge is a safe, comfortable, and accountable space for BIPOC and Racialized students to create community, feel empowered, celebrate their lived experiences, and honour their histories. Within this space, we seek to engage students in initiatives that actively dismantle oppressive, racist, and colonial ideologies and practices.
Racialized Student Therapist
Racialized students may choose to access brief therapy and related supports from Trent's Counselling Services in the Wellness Centre. Appointments can be booked online.
Counselling resources for Black, Racialized, and POC Students
First Peoples House of Learning
First Peoples House of Learning offers cultural services to a diverse community of Indigenous learners (First Nations, Status/Non-Status, Métis and Inuit). Students can find cultural programming, cultural counselling and peer mentorship programming at FPHL.
Ishkodehwin Mentorship Program
The Ishkodehwin Indigenous Peer Mentorship Program has been designed to assist incoming Indigenous students in making a successful transition to university life and academic expectations through peer-to-peer support, intentional mentorship opportunities and cultural engagement.
TCSA Clubs and Groups
The Trent Central Student Association lists many clubs and groups dedicated to supporting students of various cultural or ethnic groups to find community and connection to others.
See supports for all students.
Supports for Mature Students
Mature Students are defined at Trent University as students over the age of 21.
TCSA Student Integration Commissioner
An elected student representative that serves mature student needs and interests on the TCSA Board of Directors. Occasionally runs events or collaborates with other campus partners to run events for mature students.
See supports for all students.
Supports for Students with Disabilities
Student Accessibility Services
Student Accessibility Services is a team of interdisciplinary professionals who provide support to students with disabilities through one-on-one advising, referrals to campus supports, and adaptive technology.
TCSA Students with Disabilities Commissioner
An elected student representative that serves the needs and interests of students with disabilities on the TCSA Board of Directors. Occasionally runs events, campaigns, or initiatives that address issues faced by students with disabilities on campus.
Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities
A comprehensive tool to help all students, but specifically, to help students with disabilities arm themselves with the knowledge they need to access resources at college and university and make a successful transition to post-secondary education.
See supports for all students.
Supports for Degree Progression Pathway
This pathway is offered as an alternative for students who do not meet traditional admission requirement for a Trent degree program, to provide them with an opportunity to best prepare them for full entry to, and success with, a full degree program. After completing 2.0 credits and fulfilling progression requirements, students in this pathway may select a major/joint majors and continue in this program or move into another degree program.
Admissions Assistant, Access and Inclusion
A student mentor is assigned to every DPP student upon entry to the program.
Enrolment Advisor, Access and Inclusion
A professional staff member who monitors the status of Degree Progression Pathway students.
See supports for all students.
Supports for 2SLGBTQ+ Students
An initialism that stands for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning people. This acronym is sometimes used interchangeably with the term ‘queer’ which is an umbrella term referring to all peoples who identify as marginalized gender, sexual and romantic identities.
Trent Queer Collective
The TQC is a student group that focuses on organizing events that create social safer spaces for queer people. Their events are great spaces to meet other queer folk in the Trent and Peterborough community. It is also an opportunity to get involved if you are interested in organizing events.
Centre for Women and Trans People
The Centre for Women and Trans People is an organization that runs events that challenge the oppressive ideas, actions, institutions and systems that impose limited understandings of sex and gender, and reproduce sexism, cisprivilege and transphobia. They are a great organization to volunteer with or attend any of their social justice events such as Self-Love Week in February.
Two Spirit Program Coordinator
The Two Spirt Program Coordinator in the First People’s House of Learning connects with Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer students at Trent to share cultural teachings and creates engaging, inclusive program for Two-Spirit students.
Out on Campus
Out on Campus is a confidential discussion group for Trent University students who are questioning their sexuality, gender identity or are in the process of coming out.
Trans Peer Outreach
Trans Peer Outreach is a Peterborough community program that provides individual consultations and group programming to transgender and non-binary people and their families.
TCSA Gender Issues Commissioner
An elected student representative that acts as a liaison between the TCSA Board of Directors and individuals and groups working on issues faced by women and gender nonconforming and Trans communities. Occasionally runs events, campaigns, or initiatives that address these issues.
TCSA Queer Students Commissioner
An elected student representative that acts as a liaison between the TCSA Board of Directors and individuals and groups working on issues relevant to the 2SLGBTQ+ student community. Occasionally runs events, campaigns, or initiatives that address these issues.