Parking Regulations
Trent University has the authority under the Trent University Act to regulate parking for safe, orderly, and equitable use on all properties owned, leased, or rented by the University. The University grounds are private property, giving the University the right to take action against violators of the parking and traffic regulations. Please remember that the parking of a motor vehicle on campus is a privilege, which may be withdrawn at any time by Trent University.
It is the responsibility of the owner or operator of a vehicle to know and comply with these regulations. A vehicle’s third unpaid violation at Trent will include a wheel clamp/tow warning. If there is a fourth unpaid violation, a wheel clamp will be affixed to the driver’s side front wheel of the vehicle. In the event all clamps are in use or the vehicle is parked unsafely or in a manner that blocks access or egress of other vehicles, the vehicle will be towed.
Information regarding the use of Wheel Clamps at Trent
Parking and Traffic Regulations Quick Links
- General
- Permits
- Special Provisions
- Accessible and Medical Accommodations
- Violations
- Enforcement
- Appeals
- Refunds
- EV Charging
- Special Event Parking
- Parking FAQ's
Parking and Traffic Regulations
1. General
- The lands and grounds of Trent University are PRIVATE PROPERTY. The University reserves the right to control motor vehicle access, parking, and driving on all of its property. All Regulations, Provincial Laws and Municipal Bylaws may be invoked by Trent University at any time for the purpose of preventing unauthorized parking, unsafe vehicle operation, and ensuring access to fire routes.
- Trent University shall not be held responsible for any loss (including contents) or damage to motor vehicles, or personal injuries however caused. Losses, damage, and/or injuries should be reported to the Security Office. The issuance of a permit to park only constitutes permission to park in designated parking areas. Persons using access roads and parking areas do so at their own risk and are urged to use all necessary care.
- That the University does not insist upon strict compliance with any regulation contained herein in any one or more instances shall not be interpreted as a waiver for the future enforcement of any such regulations.
- Trent University reserves the right to amend parking and traffic regulations from time to time.
- Valid permits are required to park in designated parking lots on the Symons and Traill campuses. Visitors are required to use a pay and display machine, HotSpot parking app, or a parking code issued by the school/department they are visiting.
- Parking and traffic regulations are in effect at all times, 24/7 365 days a year.
- Persons operating motor vehicles on campus must obey all posted traffic and parking signs.
- Parking is permitted in designated parking areas only, as indicated by parking lot signs. All other areas, whether signed “no parking” or not, are "no parking" zones. This includes road shoulders, grassed areas (excluding permeable parking areas), sidewalks, interlock-bricked areas, and any other area that is not specifically designated as a parking area.
- All vehicles, including motorcycles, must be properly aligned between stall lines. The fact that other vehicles are parked improperly shall not constitute a valid appeal for parking improperly.
- The University reserves the right to suspend parking privileges temporarily in any area for special events, emergencies, or ongoing construction. The Parking Office should be contacted for alternative arrangements.
- Parking between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM from September 1 to April 30 is limited to lots P and Q in the white line area only. If there are no white spaces available, please contact the parking office. One must have a valid reason to park elsewhere on campus during this time period and are to contact the Parking Office. Overnight parking restrictions do not apply to accessible or service permit holders.
- All vehicles on Trent property must possess a valid licence plate. Vehicles without a valid licence plate will be towed.
- The University reserves the right to exclude any person or motor vehicle from university property.
- Any foul language or derogatory comments made to any Campus Safety staff member will be referred to the Student Affairs Conduct office or HR.
- Camping or sleeping overnight in vehicles parked on Trent property is prohibited.
- The speed limit on private roads on Trent University campuses is 40 kilometers per hour unless otherwise stated. The speed limit in parking lots/driveways is 15 kilometers per hour.
- Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times.
2. Permits
- All vehicles parked on Trent property must purchase a valid parking permit for the lot and space in which the vehicle is parked. Patrons must enter the correct licence plate for their vehicle(s) when purchasing a permit.
- Patrons must register and buy permits via ParkAdmin, with the Hot-Spot app, or directly from a pay and display machine. Payment for ParkAdmin may be made online.
- In order to obtain a ParkAdmin parking permit, all outstanding parking policy violation fees and penalties must be paid in full.
- Parking permits allow for one vehicle to be parked on campus at a time.
- Change of information: Permit holders are responsible to update their Parkadmin user account whenever there are changes to their vehicle or user profile information.
- Permit availability: Trent reserves the right to discontinue or limit the number of permits available for purchase at any time.
- One must be currently living in a campus residence building to obtain an Overnight Residence parking permit. Those living off-campus are unable to purchase an overnight permit. We recommend that you contact the City of Peterborough to locate winter parking lots in your area.
- The number of parking spaces is limited. Purchase of a permit does not guarantee that a space will be available in a lot of your preference.
- Employees who retire from Trent University with a pension and who do not continue to work at Trent are eligible for a retiree permit. The permit may only be used by the retiree themselves and is not valid for anyone else using the retiree’s vehicle. The permit is not valid in carpool, visitor, or service spaces. The permit will be revoked if the retiree is re-hired at Trent in any capacity, including contract.
- Misuse of permit – providing false information on the account, false licence plate number, false information given to parking office staff/security, or multiple vehicles parked on campus at one time with only one permit. May result in a fine up to $200 and/or vehicle trespassed from campus. Fraudulent information may also be sent over to Student Affairs and/or HR for further action.
- One can have two active vehicles on their account but only one vehicle can be parked on campus at a time. If the second vehicle needs to park on campus at the same time they are to pay for a temp day permit.
- Permit sharing is allowed, each party must create their own profile to properly associate the vehicle with the correct owner. Failure to do so will result in the permit holder assuming all risks and liabilities for any future violations. One can have two active vehicles on their account but only one vehicle can be parked on campus at a time. If the second vehicle needs to park on campus at the same time, they are to pay for a temp day permit
3. Special Provisions
- Motorcycles with engine displacements in excess of 50 ccs require parking permits. If you already have a permit for your car, you can add your motorcycle to your parking account as a second vehicle.
- Oversize vehicles: a permit is valid for a single parking space only. The Parking Office is to be consulted in advance for permission to park vehicles on Trent Property that require more than one parking space, including vehicles towing trailers. Additional fees and lot restrictions may apply.
Maintaining Residency in a Vehicle Not Permitted on Campus - Sleeping or maintaining residence in a vehicle, including a motor vehicle or trailer, tent, or similar temporary accommodation, on university property is strictly prohibited.
Vehicles parking in marked accessible parking spaces must have a valid Trent permit and display a provincial accessible parking permit or a temporary Trent accessible parking permit. Temporary Trent accessible permits are available from the Parking Office if a permit holder is experiencing reduced mobility due to a temporary medical condition. Accessible spaces are exempt from overnight parking restrictions. See section 5. Medical Accommodation.
- Bicycles and E-Bike parking - Cyclists may only park their bicycles in outdoor bicycle stands or bicycle racks provided by the University for no additional charge to the cyclist and shall refrain from bringing their bicycles indoors (indoor bicycle storage areas excepted) and from securing bicycles to benches, fences, signposts, trees, waste or recycling receptacles or any other object.
- Cyclists may only park their E-bikes in outdoor bicycle stands or bicycle racks provided by the University for no additional charge to the cyclist. E-bikes are strictly prohibited from bringing their bicycles indoors and from securing e-bikes to benches, fences, signposts, trees, waste or recycling receptacles or any other object.
- Service Permits may be issued to employees whose job duties and responsibilities include a regular and ongoing requirement to use a personal vehicle to transport goods, equipment, and supplies between various university sites or to employees who are required to use their personal vehicle for university business for an average of 200 km a month or more. A service permit allows the employee to park in any regular permit area or designated service space while actually performing such duties up to 1 hour. Permits will be issued upon authorization of the employee's Department Head. The cost of the permit may be borne by the individual or the department.
- Service Parking spaces, that have an EV charging port are for Trent University vehicles only - all others will be ticketed or towed.
- Overnight Permits may be issued to persons who have employment (i.e. custodial staff, MNR, CRLC) or academic reasons (research for grad students) to park on campus between 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM Monday to Sunday when authorized by their Department Head.
- Special events. With the prior approval of their Vice-President, organizers of special events may request complimentary parking for attendees. Requests are to be submitted to the Manager of Parking Services before any event notices indicating complimentary parking are published and at least two weeks before the event. Complimentary parking may be authorized when the event directly supports a Trent strategic initiative and paid parking would jeopardize the success of the event. In the event of ambiguity, the Vice-President of Human Resources makes the final decision on complimentary parking. Discounted day permits are available to departments that wish to invite guests to campus.
4. Accessible Parking
- Persons with a Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit must also purchase a University Parking Permit, pay for parking at a Pay & Display Machine, or use the HotSpot Parking App. Accessible parking is strictly enforced.
- Persons with Ministry of Transportation accessible parking permits who wish to purchase a Trent University ParkAdmin Permit are required to bring their Ministry of Transportation Accessible Permit with them to the Parking Office for verification.
- The fee for a Trent Accessible Parking Permit shall be the same as for a Regular Lot Permit.
5. Medical Accommodation
- In the event, that an employee or a student has a short-term injury, illness, or medical condition that restricts their mobility, accommodated parking may be provided subject to the conditions outlined below.
- Such accommodations shall be for 90 days or less. Persons with injuries, illnesses, or medical conditions that will require longer accommodations must apply for a Temporary or Permanent Accessible Parking Permit from the Ministry of Transportation at the following link:
- The individual must substantiate the need for a temporary accessible permit (medical note).
- No medical documentation will be kept on file at Parking Service
6. Violations
- Vehicle operators are required to comply with all parking and traffic regulations of the University and are subject to the applicable charges for violations incurred by any vehicle owned or operated by them or registered in their parking account.
- Violation fees are subject to changes at any time. The University will seek to collect the payment of all parking policy violation fees from the person who has registered a vehicle and/or licence plate with the University, or the person recorded as the owner by the Ministry of Transportation, or out-of-province equivalent. The registered owner is also responsible for all parking policy violation fees and penalties when the vehicle is being operated by another person, with or without his or her consent.
- Parking policy violation fees are as follows:
Violation |
Fee |
Parking in an accessible spot without a permit | $300 |
Vandalism to a parking facility, removing, moving, or defacing an official sign | $200 |
Altering or duplicating a permit in any way. | $100 and a clamp or tow warning |
Towed off Property for any reason. |
$100 plus towing fees |
Parking in a Premium Space without Premium Permit | $50 plus immediate clamp or tow (clamp and tow fees extra) |
Giving false or incomplete information when applying for a permit | $50 |
Parking in a fire route | $50 |
Speeding or reckless operation of a motor vehicle | $50 |
Obstructing other vehicles | $30 |
Failure to stop at a stop sign, failure to stop at a crosswalk when a pedestrian is in the crosswalk | $30 |
Operating a motor vehicle on other than a campus roadway, plus damages. | $100 |
Parking outside of a designated parking area | $30 |
Occupying 2 or more parking spaces | $30 |
Parked in a 15 min designated space longer than 15 min | $30 |
Parked in a loading zone, boulevard, reserved space, landscaped/grass area, or other non-designated space | $30 |
Parked in a Service vehicle space without Service Permit | $30 |
Parked on roadway or driveway | $30 |
Expired Pay & Display | $25 |
Wheel clamp/removal | $25 |
Licence plate incorrectly entered | $25 |
No Proof of Payment | $25 |
No valid Overnight Permit | $25 |
Parked in an AC parking space without an AC Permit | $25 |
Parked at Traill Campus without a Traill permit | $25 |
Vehicle not registered to Permit | $25 |
Smoking in a Prohibited Area | $25 |
Misuse of Permit - more than one vehicle parked on campus at the same time. | $100 |
Parking policy violation fees are payable upon issuance of the violation notice. Unpaid parking policy violation fees may be subject to additional administration fees, along with any fees required to identify the registered owner, and may also result in the:
i. Suspension of parking privileges;
ii. Referral to a private collection agency;
iii. University sanctions and/or legal action;
iv. Withholding of marks/transcripts.
v. Vehicle clamp or tow. -
Parking policy violation fees and penalties may be paid by VISA or MasterCard securely online via your ParkAdmin account.
Violations paid within 7 days of issuance can be reduced by $5.00 to $12.50 depending on the violation.
Any student parking violation fees not paid by the end of the semester will be transferred to the Finance Office at an additional fee of $20.00. Outstanding fees will be sent down to the Finance Office on the fourth Friday in November, the third Friday in March, and the fourth Friday of April.
Parking staff and security guards patrol parking areas and issue violation notices, as necessary. Owners/drivers who have two (2) unpaid parking violations will be issued a Wheel Clamp Warning on the third parking policy violation notice. If the parking policy violations fees have not been paid by the fourth (4) violation, a wheel clamp will be attached with an additional fee of $25.00. Parking privileges may be suspended until all parking policy violation fees are paid. Any University parking permit issued with respect to a towed vehicle may be canceled. If one receives a second clamp, they are notified during the removal that if they are to obtain another violation regardless of paid fees, they will receive a tow warning and all tickets after the tow warning will result in being towed offsite at the owner's expense.
- A vehicle may be immediately towed if it is:
- Obstructing traffic flow, maintenance work, or snow removal operations;
- Parking in a Pedestrian, Emergency, or Disabled area;
- Creating a nuisance or an environmental or safety hazard;
- Under suspension from unpaid parking policy violation fees or penalties;
- Displaying a suspended, lost, stolen, or otherwise invalid parking permit;
- Parking on the campus road or walkway system, in loading areas, or on landscaped areas;
- Deemed to be abandoned in that there is no valid permit and/or licence plate and the vehicle has not been moved for 7 days or more.
- Has received two-wheel clamps and has been issued a tow notice on the next violation advising that it will be towed offsite on the next notice.
- Parking privileges may be canceled for:
- Non-payment of parking policy violation fees;
- Repeated violations or obvious disregard of regulations;
- Supplying false or incomplete information to obtain parking privileges;
- Misuse of a permit;
- Using altered, duplicated, or otherwise unauthorized permits AC permits.
- Canceled parking privileges will be reinstated by the Parking Office when all outstanding parking policy violation fees and penalties have been paid.
- Any person receiving a violation notice may appeal the notice via the online parking account within 7 days of the date of issue of the violation notice. The appellant should include the violation number and all relevant facts pertaining to the incident. A lack of knowledge or awareness of the regulations does not establish grounds for an appeal. Any foul language or derogatory comments will be referred to the Student Affairs Conduct office or HR.
- First-level appeals are decided by the Parking Manager or designated. The second level of appeal is the Director of Campus Safety and the third and final level of appeal is the VP of Human Resources.
- At each level of the appeal process, the person will receive a response within 7 working days. The response could extend the decision time frame in the event of unforeseen circumstances. (Note: permit renewals will be processed pending appeals). Information on the violation notice such as vehicle make, colour, and body style may be corrected by the Parking Office and may not be used as grounds for appeal.
The person hearing the appeal may decide to reduce, cancel or uphold the violation fee based on the evidence presented.
- Permit holders may apply for refunds in circumstances beyond their control such as an extended medical leave, involuntary academic withdrawal, termination of employment, or personal circumstances that result in withdrawing from Trent. Each refund will be reviewed and will be pro-rated based on the time used.
10. Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles are only permitted to park in a designated electric vehicle charging stations while actively in the charging cycle. One must move their vehicle to another parking space once they have charged or reached the maximum 6-hour allowance. Smaller independent units or plugging into an active exterior outlet are not valid locations and are reserved for university vehicles and approved personal and will be subject to university sanctions. Stations can be found in lot G, K on West Bank and behind the DNA in lot Z on East Bank.
- Any electric vehicle that remains parked after the daily maximum /is not actively charging is in violation and subject to university sanction.
- One must have a valid university parking permit and/or a temp daily permit to park in the EV spaces.
- Daily maximum charging time is 6 hours and is subject to change depending on the need of the units. Anything over max allotted time is subject to university sanction.