9 results for 'Roman Archaeology'

Jennifer P. Moore
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Director of TUARC
Areas of Expertise:
Ancient North Africa, Roman Archaeology, Roman Trade & Economy, Greek & Roman Religion, Roman PotteryKaren Blair
Assistant Professor, Psychology
director of the Trent Social Relations, Attitudes and Diversity Lab
Areas of Expertise:
Social Determinants of Health, Health Psychology, LGBTQ Health & Social Psychology, Romantic Relationships

Paul Szpak
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Canada Research Chair in Environmental Archaeology
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Gyles Iannone
Professor, Anthropology
Director of the Anthropology Graduate Program
Areas of Expertise:
Archaeology, Early State Formation, Urbanism and Settlement Patterns, Climate Change, Myanmar

George Kovacs
Assistant Professor, English Literature
Director for the Classics Drama Group
Areas of Expertise:
Ancient Greek Theatre and Stagecraft, Ancient Greek and Roman Epic, Classical Antiquity in Popular Culture - Comics, TV, Film, Greek and Roman Mythology
Rodney Fitzsimons
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Chair of the Department of Anthropology, Director of the Archaeology Program
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Hugh Elton
Professor, Cultural Studies
Program Coordinator
Areas of Expertise:
Roman and Late Roman Political and Military History, Regions of Cilicia and Isauria in Southern Turkey