10 results for 'Land Use'

Kellen Zale
Fulbright Research Chair
Areas of Expertise:
Land Use, Housing & Homelessness, housing affordability, short-term rental markets, homelessness
Martina Orlandi
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Areas of Expertise:
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Action, Moral Psychology, Ethics
Erick Laming
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Areas of Expertise:
Policing, Police Use of Force, Police Oversight and Accountability, Corrections, Criminal justice policy and reform, Comparative Criminal Justice, Race and the Criminal Justice System, Indigenous-Police Relations

Craig Brunetti
Professor, Biology
Dean of Graduate Studies
Areas of Expertise:
Virology, Amphibian Decline, Cellular Biology, Developmental Genetics, Amphibian Viruses
R.J. Neil Emery
Professor, Biology
Areas of Expertise:
Plant Physiological and Molecular Development, Physiological Ecology, Hormone Signaling, Water Uptake and Use, Seed Development, Branching

David R. Newhouse
Professor, Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies, School of Business
Chair, Indigenous Studies
Areas of Expertise:
Modern Aboriginal Societies, Emergence of Modern Aboriginal Society, Indigenous Governance, Indigenous Thought