Feyzi Baban
Full Professor and Chair of Global Justice and Development
B.A., M.A. (Bogazici), Ph.D. (Carleton)
Research Interests: Cosmopolitan theory and normative theories of international relations; the politics of citizenship in late modern societies; alternative forms of modernity in non-Western culture.
Full Professors
A.H. Akram-Lodhi
Full Professor, Global Development Studies
B.A. (SOAS, London), M.Phil. (Cambridge), Ph.D. (Manitoba)
Research Interests: Political economy of agrarian change in developing capitalist countries; economic dimensions of gender relations; the political ecology of sustainable rural livelihoods and communities in contemporary poor countries.
Colleen O'Manique
Full Professor, Global Development Studies
B.A. (Carleton) M.A., Ph.D. (York)
Research Interests: Gender and Global Restructuring, Global Political Economy of Health, Global Health Governance, Global Health Security, Global Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Politics of HIV/AIDS, Global/Feminist Perspectives on Human Rights, Feminist Political Ecology
Paul Shaffer
Full Professor, Global Development Studies
B.A. (UBC), M.A. (Toronto), D.Phil. (Sussex)
Research Interests: Interdisciplinary poverty analysis, methodological pluralism, poverty reduction strategies, gender and poverty, impact assessment and monitoring of development programs and policies, political economy of development, development economics.
Assistant Professors
Chris Beyers
Associate Professor
B.A. (Trent), M.A. (York), D.Phil. (Sussex)
Research Interests: Citizenship, rights and identity; Forced migration; Transitional justice; Memory and memorialization; Land struggles in South Africa; Migration in the Andes; Bakhtin.
Kirsten Francescone
B.A.(University of Windsor), M.A., Ph.D. (Carleton University)
Research Interests: Mining and Extractive Industries; Ecological Crisis and the Energy Transition; Labour; Social Movements. Region: Bolivia, Latin America
Hasmet Uluorta
Assistant Professor
B.A., B.S.W. (UBC), M.A. (ISS), Ph.D. (York)
Research Interests: Globalization; theories of international relations; global political economy; development theory; employment and work strategies.
Academic Administrator
Dana Barker Gee
CC Suite C1.1 (Champlain College)
705-748-1339 • phone
Send an e-mail to ids@trentu.ca
Associated Faculty Global Development Studies
- Administrative Studies: R. Dart
- Anthropology: A. Meneley
- Cultural Studies: A. O'Connor
- Economics: S. Choudhry
- Environmental & Resource Science/Studies: S. Bocking, R. Ponce-Hernandez, T. Whillans
- History: D. Sheinin
Associated Faculty Human Rights and Global Justice
Indigenous Studies: D. Newhouse
- Study of Canada / Études Canadiennes: H. Nicol
- Philosophy: K. Norlock
- Political Studies: D. Penner
- Sociology: M. Rahman
Professors Emeriti
- C.V. Huxley, B.A. (York, England), M.A. (Simon Fraser), Ph.D. (Toronto)
- D.R. Morrison, M.A. (Saskatchewan), D.Phil. (Sussex)
- W.Lem B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)
- J. Solway, B.A. (Oakland), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Adjunct Professors
- J. Clapp, B.A. (Michigan), M.Sc., Ph.D. (London School of Economics)
- E. Helleiner, B.A. (Toronto), M.Sc., Ph.D. (London School of Economics)
- Pablo Andrade, B.A. (Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador), M.A. (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), Ph.D. (York)