Health and Safety A-Z
Topic: First aid
In medical emergencies it is important to begin first aid as soon as possible. For this reason, all University Departments are strongly encouraged to have one or more employees trained in first aid. Departments are also encouraged to have a fully stocked and accessible first aid kit. Similar provisions should be made for travel and other off-campus activities. All employees should review the First Aid Procedure to understand the objectives, roles, responsibilities, and protocols associated with first aid and emergency medical response at Trent University.
Specialized training or equipment may be required for certain activities, such as wilderness first aid training before beginning work in remote areas, specialized procedures for potential chemical exposures, or provisions for treating frostbite or hypothermia when working in extreme cold.
Campus Security and TUEFRT (Trent University Emergency First Response Team) are able to assist with on-campus medical emergencies. They can be reached by calling the University’s emergency number, extension 1333. (Note: TUEFRT services are limited to the academic year and the Symons campus.)
Campus Security alerts City emergency responders (police, fire, ems), as required. City emergency responders can be contacted directly by calling 911 (9-911 from a Trent phone).
Human Resources regularly provides standard level first aid training, normally offered on a first-come-first-served basis during the fall and winter Reading Weeks. On request, Risk Management will provide University departments with first aid kits and supplies at no cost. Departments are responsible for checking the kits at least quarterly and ordering supplies as required.
A list of “First Aiders” can be found on the Health and Safety Portal.
For more information see:
Ont. Reg. 1101 – First Aid Requirements elaws
Additional Resources:
Online First Aid Kit Inspection Checklist
First Aid Kit checklist 1-5 employees
First Aid Kit checklist 6-15 employees
First Aid Kit checklist 16-200 employees
First Aid Kit Vehicle Checklist
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, First Aid Links:
Canadian Red Cross Comprehensive Guide for First Aid & CPR
Last Revised: January 13, 2024