Our office offers training to staff, faculty, and students in the areas of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility. If you are interested in receiving the following workshops, please contact our office or explore upcoming offerings through the links below.

Positive Space Training
The Positive Space Program through EHRO works to identify and encourage the development of positive spaces throughout the University. Positive spaces are locations in which sexual and gender identity is affirmed and individuals can receive support and information on 2SLGBTQQIA+ issues.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training
EHRO coordinates and offers various training initiatives related to the AODA. As part of Trent University's commitment to fulfilling our legal requirements of the AODA and building a cultural of inclusivity, we are offering AODA training to all members of the Trent community.

Accessible Documents Training
EHRO offers training on accessible documents to staff and faculty members, with a focus on electronic and public-facing web documents, in order to meet the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements for web accessibility.

Respecting Individuals and Supporting Equity
The EHRO (Equity & Human Rights Office) offers a workshop on respecting individuals and supporting equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. This 2-hour workshop will move from theory to practice. Participants will explore some historical origins of inequity and intersectionality for context, discuss present-day equity issues, and have participants co-create an action plan for incorporating best practices in equity into their role(s) at Trent, moving the Trent community from theory and awareness to intentional action.

HR Staff Development Sessions
Working with Human Resources, EHRO offers sessions to help build the skills and expertise of the professional staff working at Trent University.

Student Support Certificate
Working with the Office of Student Affairs, EHRO offers advanced workshops for those looking to build equity into their day-to-day work in supporting students at Trent University.