- Journal Article with DOI
- Journal Article without DOI
- Journal Article with 20 or more authors
- Magazine Article – Print
- Magazine Article – Online
- News Article – Print
- News Article – Online
- Editorial or Letter to the Editor
Journal Article with DOI
The DOI or digital object identifier is an alphanumeric identifier (made up of letters and numbers) that is a persistent link to information on the Internet. It is located on the first page of an electronic journal article near the copyright notice. DOIs should be written as hyperlinks that start with or https://doi.org
In-Text Citation
(Herbst-Damm & Julik, 2005)
Author's Last Name, First Initial., & Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year of Publication). Article title. Title of Journal, Volume #(Issue #), page range. https://doi.org###
Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Julik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24(3), 225-229. https://doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225a
- The article title is in sentence case capitalization (only first word, proper nouns, or first word after colon are capitalized); the journal title is in headline capitalization (all major words capitalized).
- The DOI should not have a line break; start a new line if necessary. Do not end the DOI with a period.
Journal Article Without DOI
In-Text Citation
Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. http://ojs.lib.swin.edu.au/index.php/ejap
- The article title is in sentence case capitalization (only first word, proper nouns, or first word after colon are capitalized); the journal title is in headline capitalization (all major words capitalized).
- The above article does not have a DOI (or digital object identifier); therefore, you must include the URL for the article. When a URL is too long to fit on one line, create a break where there is punctuation (period, slash, dash), with the punctuation beginning the next line. Do not end the URL with a period if it is not in the original.
Journal Article with 20 or More Authors
In-Text Citation
For a work with three authors or more, use the surname of the first author followed by et al.
Author's Last Name, First Initial., Author's Last Name, First Initial., (list first twenty authors), . . . Final Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year of Publication). Article title. Title of Journal, Volume #, page range. https://doi: ###
Graham, M., Ford, K., McKernan, B., Ross, N., Stern, D., Burdge, K., Coughlin, M., Djorgovski, S., Drake, A., Duev, D., Kasliwal, M., Mahabal, A., van Velzen, S., Belecki, J., Bellm, E., Burruss, R., Cenko, S., Cunningham, V., Helou, G., & Kulkarni, S., . . . Soumagnac, M.T. (2020). Candidate electromagnetic counterpart to the binary black hole merger gravitational-wave event S190521g. Physical Review Letters Online, 124(25). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.251102
- The article title is in sentence case capitalization (only first word, proper nouns, or first word after colon are capitalized); the journal title is in headline capitalization (all major words capitalized).
- Do not change the order of authors in a multi-authored work; the first author in the list is the lead author.
Magazine Article - Print
In-Text Citation
Magazine Article - Online
In-Text Citation
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year of Publication). Article title. Title of Magazine. URL
Delap, L. (2016, Nov, 28). Green acres are flourishing on campus rooftops across the country. Maclean’s. http://www.macleans.ca/education/university/green-acres-are-flourishing-...
- The article title is in sentence case capitalization (only first word, proper nouns, or first word after colon are capitalized); the magazine title is in headline capitalization (all major words capitalized).
News Article - Print
In-Text Citation
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Date of Publication). Article title. Title of Newspaper, page #.
News Article - Online
In-Text Citation
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Date of Publication). Article title. Title of Newspaper. URL
Cooper, H. (2010, March 8). Obama says health overhaul should trump politics. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com
- The article title is in sentence case capitalization (only first word, proper nouns, or first word after colon are capitalized); the newspaper (news agency) title is in headline capitalization (all major words capitalized).
Editorial or Letter to the Editor
In-Text Citation
- A description of the source, such as letter to editor or editorial, is included in square brackets after the title of the article.
- The article title is in sentence case capitalization (only first word, proper nouns, or first word after colon are capitalized); the publication title is in headline capitalization (all major words capitalized).