16-month professional master's program available at both Durham GTA and Peterborough campuses
Understand the larger social issues facing business and organizations in today's changing environment.
This professional masters program will provide you with a competitive edge in the job market with a grounding in a broad spectrum of business and management disciplines, from accounting to corporate finance and marketing to strategic management. Developed to address the needs of today’s employers, you will become prepared to take on leadership positions in management in Canada or abroad.
This course-based program is offered by the School of Business at Trent University, specifically for students who have recently graduated from non-business majors. Begin the program directly after university graduation, or with up to five years of post-graduation work experience. The program will be offered over four terms and include a work integrated learning opportunity.
The program is 16-months in length, and is divided into four 4-month terms. Students take four courses in each of the first three terms, followed by a workplace internship in the fourth term.
Program Options
- M.Mgt.
- Full-time studies: International or Domestic students
- Part-time studies: Domestic students
- Course-based program with placement
- September, January and May intake
Choose Your Campus
- Durham
- Peterborough
Please use Google maps to get a sense of where the campuses are in relation to each other and to Toronto.
The following are the courses that comprise the Master of Management program:
MSMG5300, MSMG5050, MSMG5030 and MSMG5210
MSMG5100, MSMG5120, MSMG5220 and MSMG5260
MSMG5250, MSMG5710, MSMG5720, MSMG5800
MSMG 5300H: Accounting Concepts
The course provides an overview of how managers can make use of and better understand the fundamental concepts of accounting in problem solving, planning and analysis for business. Financial and managerial accounting are discussed and include items such as financial statement analysis, budgeting, cost accounting, measurement and reporting of assets, liabilities and equity, among others.
MSMG 5050H: Managerial Economics
Organizations succeed by making good decisions regarding the use of scarce resources in the context of their internal and external environments. This course provides students with knowledge of the economic framework that informs efficient managerial choices. Topics will include consumer and demand theory, input demand and technology, cost, pricing, market structure, game theory, international trade, and incentives.
MSMG 5030H: Marketing Management
In order to grow and survive in today’s changing market, companies must be able to create, deliver and capture superior customer value. Marketing is critical to achieve these strategic objectives and obtain sustainable competitive advantage in the market. This course is designed to familiarize students with core marketing concepts and develop students’ skills in contemporary marketing management. Please refer to course syllabus for topics to be covered in this course.
MSMG 5210H: Strategic Human Resource Management
Human resource management practices that are mutually reinforcing, aligned with organizational strategic goals, and capable of attracting, developing and retaining talented employees are a significant determinant of competitive organizational success. This course covers critical HRM topics, including strategic human resource planning, employment legislation, job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, health and safety, labour relations, performance management, and employee rights and responsibilities.
MSMG 5220H: Financial Markets and Management
The course is an exploration of the financial management issues that permeate domestic and international markets, and which managers frequently face in the global economy. Analysis focuses on capital budgeting and structure, financial planning and valuation, risk, uncertainty, and money and capital markets. The goal is to arm managers with the insight and skills necessary to effectively manage corporate financials in a global marketplace.
MSMG 5260H: Strategic Management
This course focuses on the definition and analysis of strategic problems faced by business and government organizations in adapting to changes in their internal and external environments. It critically examines the concepts, mindsets, skills and actions required of managers for the development, communication and implementation of strategic organizational choices towards sustainable organizational success.
MSMG 5100H: Application of Statistics
Managerial decisions can be informed by the analysis and interpretation of the vast amounts of data that are now available to organizations. This course provides students with the knowledge required for the use of statistical methods of data analysis to address issues of importance to managers, including quality control, market research, and organizational risk.
MSMG 5120H: Organizational Effectiveness and Change
This course aims to provide students with an overview of Organizational Behaviour theories on topics relevant to understanding employee and managerial behaviors, and to offer hands-on experience on how to use this knowledge to address issues that managers face in an ever-changing organizational world. Topics will include motivation, perception and personality, interpersonal and organizational communication, team dynamics, leadership, conflict, power and influence, organizational culture, and organizational development.
MSMG 5250H: Ethics for Organizations
This course provides prospective managers with knowledge and skills in three important areas for organizational work. These include a critical perspective for understanding the nature of corporations and corporate governance, and the ethical predicaments that arise; individual ethical decision-making within a corporate or organizational context; and corporate sustainability and responsibility.
MSMG 5710H: Legal risks in Business
This course prepares students to evaluate the legal risks associated with business activity. Students create proposals to manage an organization’s legal exposure. Other topics include the legal system, the Charter, alternative dispute resolution, enterprise liability, product liability, international law, business risks, intellectual property, legal forms of business, and governance.
MSMG 5720H: Supply Chain Management
In today’s connected global environment, the ability to understand and make effective supply chain decisions is a critical skill for managers across every function of an organization. This course provides students with knowledge and analytical skills to inform these managerial decisions. Topics include supply chain strategy, performance measurement, forecasting supply and demand, sustainable sourcing, inventory, and logistics.
MSMG 5800H: Leadership in Organizations
This capstone course allows students to synthesize their coursework and work experience to date, to assess their own strengths and weaknesses as leaders, and to formulate their own informed perspective on the achievements and failures of leadership in contemporary society. Topics will include the nature of leadership, recognition of leadership traits, leader-ship skill development, vision creation, conflict management, and ethics in leadership.
MSMG-5000Y: Integrated Workplace Project
This course involves a minimum 160-hour to a maximum of 420-hour placement with a local organization (i.e., private-sector firm, government, or not-for-profit), along with a classroom component, that together provide students with a field-based professional learning experience and an opportunity to develop their professional skills and reflective practice. Students also have the option of doing a 160-hour Consultancy (Community Based Research Project). The course culminates with a reflective essay and presentation.