International Admission Requirements
International Students have a specific set of requirements for admissions. Discover what you need to start your Trent journey today.
How to Apply
Applications Procedures for International Undergraduate, Trent ESL-English for University, Visiting and Special Students.
Already Applied
With many decisions on your horizon, choosing Trent was a great place to start.
Received An Offer
Congratulations! At Trent, you are joining an inclusive community dedicated to collaboration and interaction among students, professors, and across disciplines
It's Official - You're #TRENTUBOUND
Congratulations! Now that you’re officially #TrentUBound, there are a few things you need to know before you get here. Don’t worry, we’ll help keep you organized. Below you’ll find useful information that is sure to keep your journey smooth, allowing you to stride with ease throughout your transition to Trent.
Graduate Studies
Students are drawn to Trent to study with its world-renowned researchers in the humanities, sciences and social sciences. Students and faculty members interact one-on-one and learn from each other as they explore, share perspectives and collaborate across areas of study.