Stephen Bocking
Research and Teaching: Roles of science in environmental policy and politics; regional environmental history and biodiversity conservation; the science and politics of salmon aquaculture; the history of environmental science in northern Canada
Stephen Bocking's Website
Email: sbocking @
Alan Brunger
Research and Teaching: Historical geography of immigration and settlement of individuals and groups from Ireland and England, particularly British military; landscape perception and graphical representation particularly through maps; environmental alteration by settlement episodes
Email: abrunger @
Jim Buttle
Research and Teaching: Hydrology; streamflow generation; land use change; forest landscapes; physical geography, including earth’s physical processes and environments, hydrogeology, and large-scale geomorphology
2021 Tuzo Wilson Medal Recipient
Buttle ResearchGate
Email: jbuttle @
Peter Dillon
Research and Teaching: Geochemistry; Hydrology; Environmental Chemistry
Dillon ResearchGate
Email: pdillon @
Douglas Evans
International Institute for Environmental Studies
Research and Teaching: Aquatic toxicology and historical reconstructions of pollution patterns; use of biota such as clams and mussles as accumulators and indicators of pollution; studies of food chain impacts on aquatic systmens of cadmium, lead and mercury; sediment disposition and bioavailability of pollutants
Email: devans @
Michael Fox
Research and Teaching: Fish ecology; adaptations of invasive species and their effects on aquatic communities; management of fishes and aquatic systems; life history adaptations of fishes to their abiotic and biotic environment, as well as exotic species introductions in Canada and Europe, and factors that affect their invasion success; habitat selection of native and invasive stream fishes.
Email: mfox @
Steven Franklin
Research and Teaching: Remote Sensing and GIS; impacts of humans on the environment, including loss of biodiversity; Terrain Analysis; Geomorphometry; Earth Science; Forest Science
Email: sfranklin @

Magda Havas
Research and Teaching: Acid rain and metal pollution; electromagnetic fields and non-ionizing radiation.
Magda Havas' Website
Email: mhavas @
Fred Helleiner
David Holdsworth
Research and Teaching: Environmental ethics and environmental risk assessment; environmental theory; theorizing place (topos); theoretical physics, quantum theory and algebraic geometry; the notion of place exhibits shared characteristics across these disparate fields, from philosophy to political theory, to environmental theory
Holdsworth ResearchGate
Email: dholdsworth @
Tom Hutchinson
Research and Teaching: Restoration and re-vegetation of acidic and toxic mine sites; adaptations of plants to heavy metal and acidity stress and to air pollution including sulphur dioxide, ozone and acid rain; ecology of tundra and boreal forests; use of heritage livestock breeds in sustainable agriculture
Email: thutchinson @
Peter Lafleur
Research and Teaching: Bioclimatology and hydrometeorology, specifically the atmosphere-ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and water in peatland and tundra environments; ecosystem carbon measurement and modeling at the eastern peatland station of the Fluxnet Canada Research Network and investigation of carbon exchange variation between tundra types in the central North West Territories
Lafleur Google Scholar
Email: plafleur @
John Marsh
BA (Reading), MSc (Alberta), PhD (Calgary)
Research and Teaching: Parks and heritage areas, recreational trails and the British heritage in Chile. John is a member of the World Commission on Protected Areas and the government of Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee. His consultancies have included the City of Peterborough, Parks Canada and work in China, Slovakia, Lebanon, and Turkey.
Email: jmarsh @
Chris Metcalfe
BSc Manitoba; MSc New Brunswick; PhD McMaster
Research and Teaching: The fate and effects of contaminants in the environment; projects to develop water safety plans and to protect the quality of water
Email: cmetcalfe @

Robert Paehlke
Research and Teaching: Environmental policy and politics

Colin Taylor
Research and Teaching: Surface and subsurface runoff processes in rural, urban, and forested environments; small watersheds in and around the Peterborough area, in the Muskokas, and in the South Island of New Zealand. During his term as Dean of Arts and Science he also published results from a projects that emphasized the value of embedding a teacher education program within a liberal arts and science setting in a small university.
Email: ctaylor @
Tom Whillans
Research and Teaching: Conservation and management of wetlands; impacts of marsh land management on aquatic biota; ecological constraints to lake level management and to wetland habitats; renewable resource management; Great Lakes and Kawartha area fisheries