Accelerated Masters Program
Complete a Masters in 12-20 months
The Environmental & Life Sciences Graduate Program at Trent University has adopted a new model for Graduate Studies which offers added value to the student by providing a pathway for those who have demonstrated academic excellence to obtain a research-based M.Sc. within a shorter timeframe. Learn more about why an accelerated Master's degree could be a good fit for you.
How to start:
You must have an 80% average to participate in this program. There are two potential ways to begin this program. The first begins in the third year of your undergraduate degree. The second begins at the beginning of your fourth year if you are currently enrolled in an Honours undergraduate thesis.
Path 1: If you are currently in your third year, the following are the steps you will need to take:
End of your third year:
- Find a faculty supervisor who is willing to supervise both your Honours Thesis and Accelerated M.Sc.
- Complete the Part I Form with your Honours Thesis application
- Get approval from the chair of your undergraduate department and have them sign the form. This is because the program changes the degree requirements of your undergraduate degree
- Submit Part I Form to your undergraduate department, and send a copy to the ENLS graduate program office.
In your fourth year:
- During first semester, you will work on your honours thesis
- In January, sign up for the ENLS 5000H core course, Research Foundations course (It runs in the Winter term). Consult the Graduate calendar for more details.
- In February, apply to ENLS for admission through the OUAC website as you would any other graduate program. The graduate studies website provides information on how to apply to graduate programs
- You will also need to complete the Part II form and submit to your undergraduate department, with an additional copy send to the ENLS graduate program office.
Path 2: If you are currently beginning your fourth year and are completing an undergraduate thesis, the following are the steps you need to take:
Beginning of your fourth year:
- Consult with your thesis supervisor to see if your thesis can continue into an accelerated Masters degree, and if they are willing to supervise you through this
- Complete the Part I form (which requires approval from the chair of your undergraduate department)
- Submit the Part I form to your undergraduate department, and send a copy to the ENLS graduate program office
- Sign up for the ENLS 5000H core course, Research Foundations which will take place in the second semester of your fourth year. Consult the graduate calendar for more details.
- Apply to ENLS for admission through the OUAC website as you would any other graduate program. The graduate studies website provides information on how to apply to graduate programs
- You will also need to complete the Part II form and submit to your undergraduate department, with an additional copy sent to the ENLS graduate program office.