The Ancient Greek and Roman Studies Program has set out to record all of its available various resources. It is hoped that the faculty and students of AGRS will be encouraged to make use of these resources as part of their teaching and research. To that end the following procedures apply to the use of our materials:
Books and videos may be borrowed from the collection (Loebs can only be borrowed to photocopy and must be returned the same day)
Antiquities, coins and slides may be viewed under the auspices of an instructor
Microfiche and equipment may be used with the proper instruction in the Resource Room
This material is available in the Resource Room (Lady Eaton College S118). See Ngoc Bui (LEC S118; 748-1011, x7848) for access to this room.

Literary Resources
Students have access to almost 2000 books in Lady Eaton College in addition to all the resources available through Trent's Bata Library.

Antiquities and Artifacts
For a complete list of Antiquities and Artifacts available click here.

Classics students have the opportunity to use Trent's microfiche. Click here for more information on titles and procedures for viewing.