The Trent Advantage
At Trent, students can study ancient literature in all its forms, the history of Greece and Rome, art history and archaeology (including ancient Egypt), myth and religion, women in antiquity, philosophy, and the ancient languages themselves (Latin and classical Greek). We have more evidence about the Greeks and Romans than most other early cultures: poetry, plays, novels, prose treatises, histories, vases, sculpture, architecture, inscriptions, and papyri.

Departmental Resources
The Ancient Greek and Roman Studies Program has set out to record all of its available various resources. It is hoped that the faculty and students of AGRS will be encouraged to make use of these resources as part of their teaching and research.

Course Listing
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies students enjoy a diverse course selection.

Degree Requirements
Students can view the degree requirements for Ancient Greek & Roman Studies, whether they want to use Classics as a major or a minor.