On-Campus Resources
Peterborough Campus
If you would like to disclose a recent or historic experience of sexual and/or gender-based violence, please contact the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Team, consent@trentu.ca, or the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Manager, (705) 748-1011 ext.7792.
We will meet with you to hear your story, whatever you feel like sharing, and to discuss your needs. We can support you with safety planning, navigating your reporting options, advocating for accommodations, and refer you for further care according to your situation and wishes.
Other resources include:
- Campus Security: 705.748.1333 (Peterborough), 905.435.5111 (Durham Thornton Campus), 905.935.5123 (Durham Advanced Learning Centre), or access emergency services through the TrentU Campus Safety App.
- Student Counselling Services: Blackburn Hall, Suite 113 Phone: (705) 748-1386
- Student Health Services: Blackburn Hall, Suite 111 Phone (705) 748-1481.
- Trent Housing Services: Blackburn Hall, Suite 129. Phone (705) 748-1011 ext. 7127, email residence@trentu.ca or contact your residence Don or Residence Life Co-ordinator
- First Peoples House of Learning: Gzowski College 3rd floor. Phone (705) 748-1011 ext. 7072, email the Cultural Advisor/ Indigenous Counsellor fphlculturalcounsellor@trentu.ca
If you would like to disclose an experience of sexual and or gender-based violence on campus, please contact the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Team. You can reach us by email at consent@trentu.ca, or leave a message by phone at (705) 748-1011 ext.7792 (Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Manager).
Durham Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) has a Counsellor available to support Durham students who have experienced sexual violence, Isabella Guiga is available by email at isabella@drcc.ca. Please note that this support service is not available year round, if you have questions or do not receive a response, please contact Corinn Phillips at corinnphillips@trentu.ca.
You can speak to a counsellor on campus to get support for recent or historic experiences of sexual and/or gender-based violence. You can call (905) 435-5102 x 5024 or email Corinn Phillips by email at corinnphillips@trentu.ca.
Trent Durham Security: 905-435-5111 (Emergency)
Don On Duty: 289-385-6540
For Trent Durham students check out the Durham website for resources.
Off-Campus Resources
Women’s Health Care Centre
- Services include Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence program, Sexual Abuse program, and various health programs.
- Their Sexual Assault Response team is available 24 hours a day through the Emergency Department at Peterborough Regional Health Centre. If you have been assaulted you can visit the Peterborough Regional Health Centre Emergency Department at 1 Hospital Drive Peterborough. Ask for the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.
- For more information visit the Women's Health Care Centre website.
Phone- 705-743-4132
Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre (KSAC)
- KSAC staff are continuing to provide support, counselling and group programming by confidential phone, video, or in-person.
- The KSAC office is now open by appointment to the community with new health and safety measures in place.
Free, confidential and immediate support is available 24/7 by phone, text and online webchat:
Phone- 705-741-0260
Text- 705-710-5234
To request services, please call 705-748-5901, email ksac@nexicom.net or visit the KSAC website.
Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabekwewag Services Circle [NASC]
- NASC is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development and delivery of healing services for Anishnaabekwewag and their families who have been abused, are being abused, or are at risk of being abused.
- For more information visit the NASC website.
Phone- 705-741-0900
Talk 4 Healing
- A culturally grounded, fully confidential helpline for Indigenous women available in 14 languages all across Ontario, 24 hours a day.
- Check out Talk 4 Healing website for online chat support or more details.
Phone- 1-888-554-4325
Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre
- The Aboriginal Community Wellness program provides client-based and participant-based services, including supportive counselling; access to services related to reducing family violence; advocacy; crisis intervention; and referrals. It also offers health promotion workshops, community events, sharing circles, drumming, and access to traditional ceremonies.
Phone- Give them a call at 705-775-0387
Address: They are located at 580 Cameron Street
- Check out Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre for more details.
Victim Services Unit
- They can provide emotional support as well as give referrals
Phone- 705-876-1122 ex. 268
Email: victimservices@peterborough.ca
John Howards Society
- Community and Justice Services: counselling services for divorce, parenting and teen parenting, anger management, support and information for persons involved in sex trade, youth counselling and support services, housing services. They offer Healing from within: A counselling program for men who were sexually abused as boys.
Address: 305 Stewart Street, Peterborough,
Phone- (705) 743-8331
The YES Shelter for Youth and Families
- Offering emergency shelter for youth aged 16-24
Address: 196 Brock St. Peterborough, ON K9H 2P4
Phone: 705-748-3851
General Email: info@yesshelter.ca
Website: https://yesshelter.ca/
YWCA Peterborough (Crossroads and HERS)
- Offering emergency shelter and crisis relief to women
Address: 216 Simcoe Street, Peterborough
Phone- (705) 743-3526 or toll free 1-800-461-7656 for the 24 Hour hotline
Cameron House- Women's Shelter
- Offering short-term emergency beds for women
Check out their listing on Community Connection or call 705-748-4766 extension 2
Durham Rape Crisis Centre
- 24/7 Crisis/Immediate Support and Assistance: 905-668-9200
- Individual Counselling, Group Counselling, Counselling for Support People of Survivors, Public Education, Advocacy and Accompaniment Services
Phone – 905-444-9672 ext: 21
Fax – 905-44409277
Email: info@drcc.ca
Website: www.drcc.ca
Address: 8 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8T2
Durham Region Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault Care Centre (Lakeridge Health)
- Information and emotional support for anyone who has experienced sexual violence or who needs information about sexual violence, services, emergency medical services (24hrs), community referrals
Phone – 905-576-8711
Email: jheeps@lakeridgehealth.on.ca
Website: www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca
Address: 1 Hospital Ct., Oshawa, ON L1G 2B9
Herizon House - Ajax-Pickering Women’s Centre
- Emergency Shelter & 24hr Support Line - 1-866-437-4066
- Outreach crisis counselling, transitional support, support accessing legal services, support to access housing resources, children’s programming, safety planning, accompaniment to appointments
Phone – 905-426-1064 x 2223
Email: administration@herizonhouse.com
Website: www.herizonhouse.com
Address: 314 Harwood Ave. S, Ajax Ontario, L1S 7H2
The Denise House (Shelter)
- Secure Emergency Shelter 24hrs for women and children fleeing abuse of any kind, confidential 24hrs crisis line (1-800-263-3725), transportation to shelter, counselling, children’s programing , legal and court support referrals and information about rights
Phone – 905-728-7311
Email: info@thedenisehouse.com
Website: www.thedenisehouse.com
Address: Oshawa (secure address)
Distress Centre Durham
- 24hr Helpline service (905-430-2522), crisis and suicide intervention and referral, community contact call-out program, resource centre
Phone – 905-430-3511
Email: dcd@distresscentredurham.com
Website: www.distresscentredurham.com
Address: 306 Brock St. N, Whitby ON, L1N 4H7
Victim Services of Durham
- Victim crisis assistance program (emotional support, safety planning, resources and referrals, financial assistance, assistance navigating bureaucracies), follow up support
Phone – 905-721-4226
Email: victimservices@drps.ca
Website: www.victimservicesdurham.ca
Address: 605 Rossland Rd E, Whitby ON, L1N 0B8
Violence Prevention Coordinating Council of Durham (does not provide emergency services)
- Crisis support and resources, educational tools, ways to offer support, how to understand violence against women, girls and children, how men can get involved in the support process, supporting and responding to communities and families who have experience abuse or violence
Phone – 905-728-4968
Email: info@vpccdurham.org
Website: www.vpccdurham.org
John Howard Society of Durham Region
- Community and Justice Services: counselling services for divorce, parenting and teen parenting, anger management, support and information for persons involved in sex trade, youth counselling and support services, housing services
Oshawa Phone – 905-579-8482
Whitby Phone – 905-666-8847
*for Ajax services call Oshawa line*
Email: jhsd@jhsd.ca
Website: www.johnhoward.on.ca