Timetable & Exam Schedule Posting Timelines
Undergraduate Timetable
Fall/Winter Courses: May
Summer Courses: February
Undergraduate Exam Schedule
December Exams: October
April Exams: February
Summer Exams
S61 Final & S12 Mid-term: May
S62 & S12 Final: July
Closed Course
Before the final date to add or change courses.
- The status of 'Closed' indicates that the section has reached capacity and is now full. Please ensure you check other sections of the course as it doesn't necessarily mean that all sections are full.
After the final date to add or change courses.
- The status of 'Closed' indicates that the registration period is closed, and you can no longer register in the course.
Building Abbreviations
ALC - Advanced Learning Centre (Durham)
BG - Bagnani Hall (Traill)
BH / JBH - Blackburn Hall / Julian Blackburn Hall
BL - Bata Library
CC / CCN / CCW / CCS - Champlain College / North / West / South
CH - Crawford House (Traill)
CSB - Chemical Sciences Building
DNA / LHS - DNA / Life & Health Sciences Building
ESC - Environmental Sciences Building
ECC - Lady Eaton College
ENW - Enwayaang (formerly GCS Building)
FCSF - Forensics Crime Scene Facility
FL - Fry Lodge (Traill)
FPHL - First Peoples House of Learning
GCS - Gzowski College
OCA - Otonabee College
OCC - Oshawa Civic Centre (Durham)
OSH - Durham GTA Campus
SC - Science Complex
SH - Scott House (Traill)
TC - Traill College
TCH - TeachingCity Hub (Durham)
TSC - Trent Student Centre
WEB - BLKBRD (Remote)
WH - Wallis Hall (Traill)
Course Code & Identifiers
Trent University course codes (e.g. BIOL-1020H-A-F01) consist of four parts.
- Department abbreviation (BIOL)
- Four-digit course level (1020)
- Credit value (H)
- Section identifier (A-F01)
If there are multiple sections of the course, subsequent sections would be numbered A-F02, A-F03, etc. Each course section may share the same lecture time, whereas seminar times may be different. Students can choose their course section when registering.
Section Identifiers
A, B, C, D - Identifies courses that are offered as in person
R, S, T - Identifies courses that are offered as remote or hybrid
W, V, U - Identifies courses that are offered as web-based
Credit Value
- A course number with a "Y" suffix indicates that the course is worth 1 credit.
- A course number with a "H" suffix indicates that the course is worth 0.5 credit.
- A course number with a "Q" suffix indicates that the course is worth 0.25 credit.
- A course number with a "C" suffix indicates that the course is worth 1.5 credits.
- A course number with a "D" suffix indicates that the course is worth 2.0 credits.
Term Codes
FA indicates a course is offered in the Fall (September to December). WI indicates a course is offered in the Winter (January to April.) FW indicates a course is offered in the Fall/Winter (September to April). For Summer term information please visit Summer Courses.
Delivery of Courses
- CON - Conversation Hour
- FLD - Field Course
- LAB - Laboratory
- LEC - Lecture
- MOD - Module
- RED - Reading Course
- SEM - Seminar
- THS - Thesis Course
- WEB - Web-based Course
- WRK - Workshop
- Fortnightly / Bi-weekly - Every other week
Definitions of Remote, Hybrid & Web
Remote: Course is offered remotely (not in person), either synchronously or asynchronously (see definitions below). Remote courses will be associated with a location of either Peterborough or Durham. Dependent on the course, final examinations could be held in person, or remotely.
Hybrid: Course is offered as a combination of remote and in person components. Hybrid courses will be associated with a location of either Peterborough or Durham. Dependent on the course, final examinations could be held in person, or remotely.
Web: Course is offered remotely (not in person) and asynchronously only; delivery developed with Trent Online. Web courses will be associated with a location of Web-Based. Dependent on the course, final examinations could be held in person, or remotely.
Asynchronous: No scheduled day/time/room.
Synchronous: Scheduled day and time with room location of WEB BLKBRD (Blackboard).
Department Abbreviations
ADMN - Business Administration
AHCL - Ancient Greek & Roman Studies
ANTH - Anthropology
ASCI - Arts & Science
BIOC - Conservation Biology
BIOL - Biology
BIOM - Biomedical Science
CAST - Canadian Studies
CHEM - Chemistry
CHYS - Child & Youth Studies
CLIM - Climate Change Science & Policy
COIS - Computer Science
COMM - Communications
CRIM - Criminology
CUST - Cultural Studies
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EGEO - Environmental Geoscience
ENGL - English Literature
ERSC / ERST - Environmental & Resource Science / Studies
FINA - Financial Science
FREN - French & Francophone Studies
FRSC - Forensic Science
GEOG - Geography
GESO - Gender & Social Justice (formerly WMST)
HEAL - Health & Behaviour
HIST - History
IDST - International Development Studies
IESS - Indigenous Environmental Studies / Science
INDG - Indigenous Studies
JOUR - Journalism
KINE - Kinesiology
LAWS - Law & Arts
LING - Linguistics
LSCM - Logistics & Supply Chain Management
MATH - Mathematics
MDST - Media Studies
NURS - Nursing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLCW - Policing & Community Well-being
POST - Political Studies
PSYC - Psychology
SWRK - Social Work
SOCI - Sociology
SAFS - Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems
UNIV / WRIT - General University Courses
WASC - Water Sciences