Jennifer Eastabrook
Assistant Professor
B.Sc. M.Sc. (Trent University)
Ph.D. (Queen’s University)
Office: Durham GTA A179
Phone: 705-748-1011 ext. 7535
Research interests:
My overall research interest involves understanding changes in the experiences and expression of emotions during the adolescent transition. Specifically, I am interested in: 1) examining the effects that poor emotional awareness has on adolescent emotional processing, including determining what kinds of emotion regulation strategies individuals with low awareness use, and 2) examining how emotional awareness and emotion regulation together relate to internalizing symptoms. Most recently, I have become involved in research examining treatment trajectories of adolescents in an addiction treatment center. Variables of interest include emotional processing, family functioning, and mental health acuity.
PSYC 3510H-A FA OSH: Development of Adolescents Young Adults
PSYC 3015Y-A FW OSH: Advanced Stats & Research Design
PSYC 3760H-A WI OSH: Human Sexuality
PSYC 3016H-A FA OSH: Advanced Statistics and Research Design in Psychology
PSYC 3017H-A WI OSH: Applied Data Analysis for Psychological Research
- Under revision: Eastabrook, J.M., Mills, L, & Ghuuman, A. (2023). Symptom trajectories of treatment-engaged youth before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. [Manuscript under revision]. Submitted to Residential Treatment for Children and Youth.
- Under review: Mills, L., Norton, C. L., Eastabrook, J.M., & Ghuuman, A. (2023). Adolescent treatment trajectories before and since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Submitted to Journal of Experiential Education.