2024AY Job Posting
Undergraduate Student Lab Demonstrator/ Marking Opportunities:
*Please submit applications directly to the listed instructor*
Durham Campus
Peterborough Campus
No postings at this time
Graduate Student Lab Demonstrator/ Marking Opportunities:
*Please submit applications directly to psychologyjobs@trentu.ca
Durham Campus
Peterborough Campus
- Deadline to apply is January 10th or until positions are filled.
Web Courses
- No postings at this time
- No postings at this time
Psychology GTA Opportunities* 2024-2025
*Please note that courses will be offered IN-PERSON for the 2024AY academic year (aside from WEB).
*subject to final course enrollment numbers
- For all positions please complete the following form
- If you have any questions, please contact:
- psychologyjobs@trentu.ca for all Peterborough Applications
- psychologyjobsdurham@trentu.ca for all Durham GTA Applications
- Psychology: CUPE 2 Graduate Teaching Assistant Available Courses 2024-2025
- There is a tab for the PTBO postings and a tab for the DUR postings, within the excel document.