IESS Resource Centre and Tutoring
The IESS Resource Centre serves IESS students by providing course-specific tutoring. Tutors can assist students with assignments including helping with choosing essay topics, finding appropriate sources available online, as well as providing feedback on the structure and scope of assignments.
More information is at
Indigenous Resource Links
Aboriginal Links International
A site devoted to maintaining links on Aboriginal law, arts, human rights, environment etc. International in scope, not all the links are current.
Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment
A community based, grass-roots organization, was formed in 1987 to address the environmental problems facing the Mohawk Nation community of Akwesasne.
Canadian Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)!
A national, First Nation-directed environmental non-profit organization with charitable status. They were established in 1994 by a group of First Nation Chiefs from across Canada. Through their programs, they take action on climate change, build sustainable communities, protect lands and waters, and conserve biodiversity.
Indigenous Environmental Network
Maintains an information clearinghouse, provides advocacy for environmental justice and health, convening local, regional and national meetings on environmental justice issues, and providing support, resources and referral to Indigenous communities and youth throughout North America and in recent years - globally.
National Aboriginal Forestry Association
NAFA's objectives is the overall goal of increased participation of Aboriginal people in the forestry sector.
First Nations Environmental Network
Works to protect and restore the balance of all life, through traditional Indigenous value systems. Links grassroots Indigenous people nationally and internationally to support each other on environmental concerns.
National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association
The Objective of the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (NALMA) is to provide a working environment which will be comfortable to all First Nations Lands Managers, to network between each other on land related issues, and at the same time create a system that will assist First Nations interests in various land management functions.
Environmental Resources for Peterborough Area
The Kawartha World Issues Centre (KWIC)
KWIC is located in the Environmental Resource Centre (Room ESB 101).
Peterborough Green-Up
"We are a non-profit charitable organization with a focus on environmental issues such as waste reduction, water and energy conservation, greenspace enhancement and CO2 reduction."
Environmental Resources for Trent Students both local and global
Environmental Organizations and Data Sources
Ontario Environmental Network
Links to other Environmental Groups in Ontario
Canadian Environmental Network
The Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) is an independent, non-partisan organization which facilitates networking among those who share its concern with protection, preservation and restoration of the environment and promoting ecologically sound and sustainable ways of life.