Frequently Asked Questions are broken into two categories. Select the appropriate option to jump to that section on the page: Applications or Other
FAQ - Applications
1. When are applications accepted?
The application deadline for each term is shown below:
Program Start Date Application Deadline (Canadian Resident) Application Deadline (International) Planned Date to Update Students on Status Spring/Summer term – flexible start between May-July February 1 Spring/Summer start not available for International applicants April 1 Fall term – September February 1 February 1 May 1 Applications for Fall 2025 will open mid-October.
2. Can international students apply? -
Yes. We are now accepting international applications. International Students are able to apply for the Full-time program. For application requirements and international requirements please visit the following links:
3. What is the difference between the full- and part-time program?
Full-time students are able to take up to 3 courses per term. Part-time students are able to take up to 2 courses per term. The tuition you pay is based on the number of courses that you take. The TGSA and ancillary fees are based on whether you are registered as a full- or part-time student.
Please see the student fee site for more details:
It is possible to move between the part- and full-time program, with approval by the Director.
4. Do I need to decide on my program type when I apply (Thesis / Project / Course only)?
No. You may change program streams during your first two terms of full-time study or four terms of part-time study.
5. What about references?
How do I send in my references?
Links for your referees to submit an online reference will be sent directly to the referees you have provided on your application. We recommend you contact your referees prior to submitting an application to confirm their availability and contact information. If your referee does not receive the link, you can suggest that your referee check their junk email folder and email setting. The email may have unintentionally been blocked by their email server.Who should I use for references?
Our preference is to have at least one academic reference, however professional references will be accepted. If you have been away from academia for a long time and professional references are more appropriate, then please use these. If we require an academic reference we will request this from you. -
6. What qualifications do I need to apply to the program?
To meet admissions requirements, students must have completed a 4 years honours bachelor degree with an average of at least B+ (77%, GPA 3.3) in the last 10 undergraduate courses. Applicants with a 3-year bachelor degree plus a bachelor of education will also be considered.
Additional considerations:
- Availability of the appropriate faculty as instructors, supervisors and committee members.
- Appropriateness of the applicant’s previous education and training.
- Feasibility of the applicant’s proposed course of study and project.
- Command of appropriate language/s by the applicant.
- Applications will also be considered in light of a range of other evidence that may, in some circumstances, mitigate a lower academic average
For application requirements and international requirements please visit the following links:
For application requirements and international requirements please visit the following links: -
7. Is it worth applying if I do not have the grades / how is an application judged?
When the team evaluates an application the applicant receives marks for areas including:
- Qualifications
- Educational experience (Not necessarily school-related)
- Plan of study
- Writing skills
It is the applicants with the highest scores that will be offered a place in the program. In exceptional cases we may be able to offer a place to an applicant with lower qualification levels who scores well in other areas.
8. What are you expecting in the ‘plan of study’ and 'personal statement' sections of the application?
Plan of Study
The plan of study is essentially your rationale for wanting to join the program. Applicants should indicate what they would like to learn more about and why. The requirements for the application can be found on the Graduate Studies website the “plan of study” you can:
Describe the compelling reason you want to do a M.Ed., and the background related to this rationale. Describe prior experiences (educational, professional, home life, etc.) that bring you to wanting to do an M.Ed. Describe a particular area of research you are interested in pursuing and why you think this is a good idea. If you have a preferred advisor/supervisor please identify this in your plan of study. Visit individual faculty profiles and their areas of study.
Personal Statment
If you are applying to the course only stream you will need to complete the personal statement. This is essentially your rationale for wanting to join the program.Applicants should indicate what they would like to learn more about and why. The requirements for the application can be found on the Graduate Studies website
In the “personal statement” you can:
Describe the compelling reason you want to do a M.Ed., and the background related to this rationale. Describe prior experiences (educational, professional, home life, etc.) that bring you to wanting to do an M.Ed. Provide additional information to support your application. Describe the areas of research you are interested in. If you have a preferred advisor/supervisor please identify this in your plan of study. Visit individual faculty profiles and their areas of study.
9. What is expected in the ‘writing sample’ part of the application?
The requirements for the application can be found on the Graduate Studies website
They will be used to assess writing ability. The writing samples for the M.Ed. should be 6-15 pages if possible and could include samples such as a report, essay, article or document written by you and related to your working environment. The topic does not necessarily need to relate to the program.
10. Do I need to find a supervisor as part of the application?
No, if a student is accepted into the program, we match students with supervisors. We ask applicants to not contact a supervisor during the application process.
FAQ - Other
1. Can I do the program online or do I have to be there in person?
One of the things that the students like best about the program is that it has small classes and is classroom based. This makes the program more interactive and one of the greatest learning opportunities is to be able to discuss other people’s experiences and perspectives on a subject.
Occasionally a course may be offered online, but this is not guaranteed and you should plan to complete the program in-person.
The M.Ed. program is set up with three streams:
- Course only (This requires completion of 10 half credit courses)
- Research Project Stream (This requires completion of 8 courses plus a project paper)
- Research Thesis (This requires 6 courses plus a thesis)
The remaining courses can be made up of:
- Electives. These can be taken within the School of Education and Professional Learning or another department at Trent University, some of which are online.
- Independent reading and research courses. These are developed in consultation with a faculty member interested in working with your topic of interest. Meetings are arranged with the faculty member to discuss the readings and assignments. Meetings may be arranged in-person or via video conference.
- One course taken at another university. This could be an online course that you could take in the Fall or Winter.
So, as an example, if you were taking the course only stream you could:
Year 1: Take 2 courses in the Summer, 1 mandatory class in the fall, 1 course where you joined online in the Winter at OISE.
Year 2: Take 2 courses in the Summer, 1 reading and research course in the fall, 1 independent reading and research course in the Winter
Year 3: Take 2 courses in the Summer
2. How often will I need to be onsite?
For M.Ed. students the aim is that a person can work part time / full time and complete the M.Ed. Program at the same time.
In the Summer term you are expected to attend - in person - for the Summer condensed classes. These can either run over a 2-week period (9am –1pm for 9 days), or over 6 consecutive days (9am – 3pm for 6 days). We will normally run 3 or 4 different courses during the summer.
Courses in the Fall and Winter will run in the evenings. Each course involves one, 3 hour faculty led session per week over a 12-week period.
You are also expected to attend the annual M.Ed. Symposium where students and faculty present their research. (Presentations are optional but encouraged.) This occurs one evening in the Winter term.
3. If I choose to do a thesis, when can I start?
All students will be assigned a faculty advisor upon entering the program. Once a student has declared their stream (course-only, project, or thesis) the appropriate supervisor will be assigned. For those students who declare their interest in the thesis stream, they can begin the process once they have been assigned a supervisor.
4. For the thesis stream should I contact faculty to find out if they would supervise it?
When an application is approved, a faculty member will be initially assigned to the candidate. This is the starting point of building a student-faculty relationship. We aim to assign faculty based on research interests of the student – so if your area of interest is clear in your 'plan of study', this will help in the assignment process. Our website includes video of each of the core faculty talking about their areas of research interest.
Over time in the program, students will have the opportunity to be re-assigned where appropriate in order to align interests/styles more directly with a given faculty member.
5. Can I get funding for the program?
Students are eligible for OSAP if they take 2 or more courses per term.*
*In the Summer term only certain courses will qualify for OSAP.
Some modest internal scholarships will be available for applicants based upon a needs assessment. We currently do not offer funding for international students. You will need to investigate your own funding opportunities.
6. Where can I find out about the elective courses that will be offered?
You can find the elective courses offered in the timetable:
Courses beginning with EDUC are the education courses being offered.
To see the different courses that have been offered by education please see the Graduate Calendar, starting on page 57.
7. Is an M.Ed. a teaching credential?
No. An M.Ed. is not a credential for teaching. In Ontario, a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree is required to be certified by the Ontario College of Teachers, in order to teach. Some faculties of education (not offered at Trent) offer joint M.Ed. / B.Ed. degrees referred to as Masters of Teaching (M.T.), that provide this credential.