Course Listing
Please visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are presently being offered and in which location(s). Not all courses listed below run every term or in all locations. For specific details about program requirements and degree regulations, please refer to the Academic Calendar.
ECON-1010H: Introductory Microeconomics
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introductory treatment of markets, prices, and outputs based on the behaviour of consumers, business firms, and the structure and organization of industries. Selected economic and social policies, including taxation, international markets, and trade policy, are also examined.
ECON-1020H: Introductory Macroeconomics
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introductory study of the total economy in terms of GDP, employment, unemployment, prices, and inflation using simple economic models. The Canadian banking system, monetary policy, the government sector, government budgets, and fiscal policy are examined. Selected aspects of international trade, the balance of payments, and exchange rates are included.
ECON-1250H: Introduction to Mathematics for Economics and Management
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Topics include functions--quadratic and exponential, elementary linear algebra, function limits and continuity, single-variable calculus, unconstrained optimization, concavity, and convexity. These tools are integrated with and applied to micro and macroeconomic theory and managerial economics. Prerequisite: 2.0 university credits. Not open to students with credit for ECON-ADMN 2250H. Not open to students in the Mathematical Economics program.
Cross-listed: ADMN-1250H
ECON-2000H: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 1
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An examination of problems of demand and supply, market equilibrium, and market structure. A comprehensive treatment of the theoretical techniques used to deal with problems of resource allocation and applications of those techniques. Develops skills necessary for advanced work in economics. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in ECON 1010H and 1020H and a pass in ECON-ADMN 1250H.
ECON-2010H: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 1
- Peterborough
A study of output (GDP), employment, and inflation in the national economy, including the effects of monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate policies. Current macroeconomic models are used to examine fluctuations in economic activity, and the objectives, design, implementation, and evaluation of monetary and fiscal policies. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in ECON 1010H and 1020H.
ECON-2015H: Critical Perspectives on Aging
- Online
An introduction to aging from critical perspectives. Drawing on multidisciplinary perspectives within the Trent Centre for Aging and Society, this course provides a foundation for understanding and analyzing the meaning and significance of aging for individuals, communities, and societies. Topics include life course influences, representations and problematization of aging, and places for aging. Open to non-Nursing students. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits.
Cross-listed: NURS-2015H, SOCI-2015H
ECON-2200H: Introduction to Statistics for Economics and Management
- Online
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Introduces statistical methods in an applied setting with an emphasis on the development of theory through interactive learning. The material covered includes descriptive statistics, data analysis, inference, and estimation techniques. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H. Not open to students in the Mathematical Economics program.
Cross-listed: ADMN-2200H
ECON-2700P: Co-Op Work Term
- Online
ECON-3000H: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 2
- Peterborough
A continuation of ECON 2000H, examining the theory of general equilibrium, factor markets, externalities, public goods, and asymmetric information. Game theory is introduced. Prerequisite: ECON 2000H.
ECON-3010H: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 2
- Peterborough
A study of the monetary theory and financial markets as they relate to the performance of the aggregate economy and affect the design, implementation, and impact of monetary policy in Canadian and international contexts. Prerequisite: ECON 2010H.
ECON-3020H: Financial Economics
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introduction to the economic analysis of investment decisions and financial markets. Key concepts include present-value formula, market efficiency, portfolio choice, risk, arbitrage, and asymmetric information. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-3020H
ECON-3022H: Risk Management and Insurance
- Peterborough
Basic principles of risk and insurance. Examination of effective risk management programs, using insurance as a formal method to reduce losses and improve economic efficiency. Includes the study of different types of insurance: life, health and disability, property, home and automobile insurance. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-3022H
ECON-3050H: Islamic Finance and Economics
- Peterborough
The study of Islamic finance and economics introduces students to financing using alternatives to the interest rate. The course explores the principles governing Islamic finance, banking, insurance, money and capital markets. It examines Islamic finance and banking in the global economy, with attention to the Canadian financial environment. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
ECON-3110H: International Trade
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Topics include theories of world trade and the analysis of trade policy and trade relationships in the world economy; the theory and practice of protectionism and preferential trade arrangements; the political economy of trade policy; the role and performance of international organizations; environmental aspects of trade; and international labour standards and trade. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-3110H
ECON-3120H: International Finance
- Peterborough
Topics include the operation of international money and capital markets; theoretical and policy aspects of exchange rates and the balance of payments; macroeconomic management of domestic open economies; and the evolution, management, and reform of the international financial system. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-3120H
ECON-3123H: The Politics of Global Finance
- Peterborough
Explores the economic, political, and social impacts of global finance while surveying the tight linkages between finance and state power. Examined are tensions between American and Chinese-led finance. Topics include the causes and implications of the 2008 financial crisis along with the interconnectedness of states, finance, pandemics, and climate change. Prerequisite: 5.0 university credits.
Cross-listed: POST-3123H, ADMN-3123H
ECON-3180H: Public Economics
- Peterborough
Efficiency criteria is emphasized in the theory and provision of public goods, voting behaviour, intergovernmental grants, and fiscal federalism. Focus on discussion of the efficiency and equity criteria in the theory and practice of personal and corporate income taxes, payroll taxation, and local government taxation in Canada. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H. Equivalent to ECON 3160H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-3180H
ECON-3200H: Econometrics
- Peterborough
Provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics. Simple and multiple regression, regression diagnostics, and problems with testing economic relationships are all introduced within the classical regression framework. Prerequisite: ECON-ADMN 1250H (or 2250H) and 2200H; or MATH 2560H; or MATH 2570H. Pre- or co-requisite: ECON 2000H or 2010H or permission of instructor.
ECON-3250H: Mathematical Economics and Economic Models
- Peterborough
A continuation of ECON-ADMN 1250H. Mathematical techniques are used to set and solve economic problems. Topics include total differentiation, comparative static analysis under equilibrium models, constrained optimization, classical programming, quasi-concavity and quasi-convexity, homogeneous functions, and integral calculus. Economic applications are stressed throughout. Prerequisite: ECON 2000H and 2010H, or permission of instructor.
ECON-3310H: Economics of Developing Countries
- Peterborough
Examines alternative models of growth and development, sectoral problems of LDCs (agriculture, education, health, environmental issues, etc.), planning strategies for economic development, and the diversity of the development experience. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-3310H, GDST-3310H
ECON-3500H: Economics of Industrial Relations
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Topics include employer-employee relations, human resource management, theory and practice of collective bargaining, strikes, economic aspects of unions, and economics of labour policy. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-3500H
ECON-3510H: Labour Economics
- Peterborough
The economic theory of labour markets used to understand their outcomes and evaluate policies. Topics include wage determination, minimum wages, human capital theory, returns to schooling, optimal compensation, and unemployment. Prerequisite: ECON 2000H.
ECON-3700P: Co-Op Work Term
- Peterborough
ECON-3810H: Environmental Economics
- Peterborough
Examines the links between economic activity and environmental degradation. Topics include the valuation of environmental amenities, the use of incentives in regulation, the economics and environmental effects of market failure, and the rationale for government intervention. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and one of ECON 1020H, MATH 1005H, or MATH 1051H, or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: ERSC-3810H
ECON-4000H: Advanced Microeconomic Theory
- Peterborough
Topics include development of utility theory from axiomatic preference theory; the structure of utility functions; duality in consumer theory; decision-making under uncertainty; general equilibrium models; welfare economics; and game theory. Prerequisite: ECON-ADMN 1250H (or 2250H) or equivalent, 2200H or equivalent, and ECON 3000H.
ECON-4041H: Research Methodology in Economics
- Peterborough
Designed to develop students' abilities to conduct empirical research in economics. Students explore various forms of economic data and interpret and test economic models by applying statistical methods developed in the course of the program to interpret the data and draw inferences about the economic model tested. Prerequisite: Open only to Honours Economics students who have earned at least 14.0 university credits, including ECON 2000H, 2010H, and 3200H. Not open to students with credit for ECON 4040Y.
ECON-4050H: Advanced Macroeconomics
- Peterborough
A study of selected topics and issues, including output and inflation models, business cycles and fluctuations, and alternative approaches to monetary and fiscal policy design and implementation. Prerequisite: ECON-ADMN 1250H (or 2250H) or equivalent, 2200H or equivalent, and ECON 3010H.
ECON-4060H: Quantitative Methods in Economics
- Peterborough
An introduction to quantitative methods for economics, including a review of numerical methods, numerical dynamic programming, structural estimation, and machine learning. These methods are implemented through computing and estimating selected economic models using Python libraries. Prerequisite: ECON-ADMN 1250H (or 2250H) and 3200H, or permission of instructor.
ECON-4870H: Field Placement 1
- Online
Bridges academic theory with field-based learning. Working with local agencies in the community, students combine field experience with reflective practice. Students interview for various placements identified by the School of Business, or if approved by the School of Business, students may secure their own learning opportunity. The application deadline for Fall term placements is July 15; for Winter term placements the deadline is October 15; for Summer term placements the deadline is March 15. Prerequisite: A minimum 72% cumulative average and 12.0 university credits of which 5.0 must be ADMN credits, or 12.0 university credits of which 4.0 must be ECON credits and 2.0 of which must be ADMN credits; or permission of director. Open only to students in the Business Administration program (BBA or joint-major) or the single-major Honours program in Economics. Not open to co-op students. Not open to students with credit for ADMN 3870H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-4870H
ECON-4880H: Field Placement 2
- Online
A second opportunity to bridge academic theory with field-based learning. Again, working with local agencies, students receive a real-life learning opportunity either at a new agency or by returning to the first placement host. Students interview for various placements identified by the School of Business, or if approved by the School of Business, students may secure their own learning opportunity. The application deadline for Fall term placements is July 15; for Winter term placements the deadline is October 15; for Summer term placements the deadline is March 15. Prerequisite: A minimum 72% cumulative average and ADMN 4870H (or 3870H), or permission of director. Open only to students in the Business Administration program (BBA or joint-major) or the single-major Honours program in Economics. Not open to co-op students.
Cross-listed: ADMN-4880H
ECON-4890Y: Business Internship
- Online
Designed for students interested in gaining in-depth, practical industry experience, while enhancing their classroom knowledge with real-world, paid industry positions. Students spend 6, 8, 12, or 16 months working full time in industry and return to Trent for a final term. Students apply, interview, and compete for limited positions. Course is graded on a pass/fail basis. ADMN prerequisite: A minimum 75% cumulative average and 14.5 university credits including ADMN and ECON credits required for a single major in years 1-3, or permission of the director. ECON prerequisite: A minimum 75% cumulative average and 14.5 university credits including ECON credits required for a single major in years 1-3 and 2.0 ADMN credits, or permission of the director. LSCM prerequisite:?A minimum 75% cumulative average and 14.5 university credits including LSCM, ADMN, and ECON credits required for years 1-3, or permission of the director. Open only to students in the BBA program or the single-major Honours program in Economics or Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Not for credit toward a major in Business Administration or Economics. Logistics & Supply Chain Management students may take LSCM 4890Y in lieu of LSCM 4500Y. Not open to co-op students.
Cross-listed: ADMN-4890Y, LSCM-4890Y