Please visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are presently being offered and in which location(s). Not all courses listed below run every term or in all locations. For specific details about program requirements and degree regulations, please refer to the Academic Calendar.
SAFS-1001H: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Peterborough
An interdisciplinary survey of the environmental, social, economic, political, and cultural aspects of agriculture and food. Topics examined include ecological agriculture, soil and crop management, pests and diseases management, food policy, local food, and food security. The purpose of the class is for students to develop an informed critique of agricultural systems.
SAFS-1002H: Case Studies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Peterborough
Provides in-depth exploration of three case studies to understand the social, economic and environmental impacts of key issues in sustainable agriculture and food systems. Uses approaches from both social sciences and the sciences to understand and unravel the complexity of case studies critical to this field. Prerequisite: SAFS 1001H or permission of the instructor.
SAFS-2350H: Ecological Agriculture
- Peterborough
An exploration of the scientific basis and ecology of agriculture. Abiotic and biotic factors influencing crop productivity, species interactions, energetics, nutrient cycling, cropping systems management and landscape diversity are considered. Traditional, conventional, and intense systems are reviewed in the context of sustainability. Prerequisite: BIOL 1020H or both ERSC 1010H and 1020H. Recommended: SAFS 1001H, BIOL 1030H.
Cross-listed: BIOL-2350H, ERSC-2350H
SAFS-2500H: The World Food System
- Peterborough
An interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of the impact of transformations in the world food system on contemporary agrarian societies. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2500H.
Cross-listed: GDST-2500H, ANTH-2500H, GEOG-2500H, SOCI-2500H
SAFS-2600H: Peasants, Food, and Agrarian Change
- Peterborough
An examination of the impact of processes of commodification, market integration, and globalization on the social organization of food-producing rural communities in developing countries. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2600H.
Cross-listed: GDST-2600H, ANTH-2600H, SOCI-2600H
SAFS-2800H: Sustainable Farm Business Management
- Peterborough
An exploration of the business of small-scale sustainable farming. Students learn about conventional, social economic, and cooperative approaches to organizing business. A number of point-of-sale strategies are considered, including 'farm gate' sales, farm stands, farmers' markets, value-added multifunctionality strategies, Community Supported Agriculture models, and direct sales to restaurants.
SAFS-2821H: Food in History
- Peterborough
Explores how and why foodways have changed in Canada and the Western world between 1492 and the present. It allows students to draw links between global questions and everyday life, gender and politics, and social class and health, while introducing various methods of historical inquiry. Prerequisite: 3.0 university credits or permission of the chair.
Cross-listed: HIST-2821H, CAST-2821H
SAFS-3002H: Environmental Implications of Agriculture
- Peterborough
An introduction to the scientific basis of agriculture and an exploration of the environmental implications of agriculture. Topics include agricultural ecology, soil and moisture management, nutrient management, pest management, energy consumption in the agricultural sector, and the impact on agriculture of ambient environmental conditions, including air pollution and climate change. Prerequisite: ERSC 2220H and 2240H.
Cross-listed: ERSC-3002H
SAFS-3240H: Agricultural Entomology
- Peterborough
Looks at how integrated pest management methods (IPM) are applied to agricultural insect pests. Students will examine the principles of IPM, the role of insects in soil ecology, insects as allies in pest management and as pollinators, monitoring and sampling, and control methods (pesticide and organic). Prerequisite: 7.5 university credits including BIOL 1020H or permission of instructor. Equivalent to SAFS-BIOL 3110H.
Cross-listed: BIOL-3240H
SAFS-3302H: Animals and Society
- Peterborough
An introduction to animal studies. Topics considered include the constructed divide between humans and non-human animals, societies' use of animals--for food, clothing, entertainment, companionship, research--and the implications of these relationships. The course also discusses animal rights, animal protection, and posthumanist perspectives. Prerequisite: 1.0 ERST and/or PHIL credit at the 2000 level or beyond.
Cross-listed: ERST-3302H, PHIL-3302H
SAFS-3341H: The Canadian Food System: Community Perspectives and Experiences
- Peterborough
The history of Canada's food and agricultural system is the backdrop to this interdisciplinary course on community development of the system's social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Production, distribution, processing, consumption, and regulatory issues are addressed. Community-based research projects are undertaken with local food and agricultural organizations. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits. Recommended: CAST-ERST-GEOG-INDG 2041H, 2042H, GDST-ANTH-GEOG-SAFS-SOCI 2500H, and SAFS-GDST-ANTH 2600H. Equivalent to SAFS-CAST-ERST 3340H.
Cross-listed: CAST-3341H, ERST-3341H, SOCI-3341H
SAFS-3370H: Organic Agriculture: Principles and Practices
- Peterborough
Focuses on farming methods and requirements for organic production. The importance of ecological processes, biodiversity, rotation, and organic amendments in organic crop production will be discussed. The standards, certification, packaging, and diversity of markets for organic foods will be emphasized. Mandatory field trips to organic farms. Prerequisite: SAFS 1001H and SAFS-BIOL-ERSC 2350H.
Cross-listed: BIOL-3370H, ERSC-3370H
SAFS-3530H: Crop Physiology
- Peterborough
The mechanisms of plant functioning from the molecular to the whole plant level. Fundamental processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, plant water relations, stomata physiology, mineral nutrition, plant hormone functions, seed germination and dormancy, and environmental stress physiology. Prerequisite: BIOL 1020H or both SAFS 1001H and 1002H. Not open to students with credit for BIOL 3180H.
Cross-listed: BIOL-3530H
SAFS-3560H: Soil Science
- Peterborough
Soil is at the heart of terrestrial ecosystems. A sound understanding of soil science is necessary for physical geography, environmental science, engineering, and agriculture. This course describes the mechanisms of soil formation and the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils, as well as current issues in soil science. Prerequisite: 9.0 university credits including one of ERSC 2240H or GEOG-EGEO 2540H. GEOG-ERSC-BIOL 2080H is highly recommended.
Cross-listed: GEOG-3560H, ERSC-3560H, EGEO-3560H
SAFS-3602H: Environment and Development
- Peterborough
Examines environmental issues and conflicts in developing countries, applying a critical political ecology perspective to a range of current topics, including oil production, biodiversity conservation, and resource conflicts. There is also a special focus on agriculture and food systems. Prerequisite: ERST-POST 2100H, ERST-CAST 2520H, GDST 2000Y (IDST 2000Y), or POST 2200Y. Equivalent to IDST 3602H.
Cross-listed: ERST-3602H, POST-3602H, GDST-3602H
SAFS-3635H: Foodways of Great Lakes Basin Indigenous Peoples 1
- Peterborough
Students explore, through experiential learning and research, a seasonal range (summer-fall) of historical and contemporary foodways/systems of Great Lakes Basin Indigenous Peoples, and the ecosystems that support and the issues that impact these foodways. Recommended studies or science course for the Indigenous Environmental Studies/Sciences program. Course fee: 35. Prerequisite: INDG-ERST 2601Y; or both ERSC 1010H and 1020H; or 10.0 university credits and permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for INDG-IESS-ERST-SAFS 3634H.
Cross-listed: INDG-3635H, ERST-3635H, IESS-3635H
SAFS-3636H: Foodways of Great Lakes Basin Indigenous Peoples 2
- Peterborough
Students explore, through experiential learning and research, a seasonal range (summer-fall) of historical and contemporary foodways/systems of Great Lakes Basin Indigenous Peoples, and the ecosystems that support and the issues that impact these foodways. Recommended studies or science course for the Indigenous Environmental Studies/Sciences program. Course fee: 35. Prerequisite: INDG-ERST 2601Y; or both ERSC 1010H and 1020H; or 10.0 university credits and permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for INDG-IESS-ERST-SAFS 3634H.
Cross-listed: INDG-3636H, ERST-3636H, ERSC-3636H, IESS-3636H
SAFS-3650H: Soil Management and Conservation
- Peterborough
Soils represent one of the most important natural resources from the point of view of sustainable agriculture and forestry, and protection of habitat. This course explores the scientific basis and management options for conservation of soil resources. Prerequisite: ERSC 2240H or ERSC-EGEO-GEOG 2401H or GEOG 3520H or both GEOG 2540H and 2560H. Recommended: ERSC-GEOG-SAFS 3560H.
Cross-listed: ERSC-3650H, GEOG-3650H
SAFS-3746H: Anthropology of Drinks and Drinking
- Peterborough
Drinks and drinking as meaningful and material forms pervade all social life. This course explores ethnographically the way the materiality of specific drinks--water (tap, mineral, purified), coffee, gin, wine, vodka, beer--serves as a social medium in specific times and places. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits.
Cross-listed: ANTH-3746H
SAFS-3760H: The Geography of Beer
- Peterborough
Designed around a term-long research project, this course explores themes such as tourism, built heritage, and post-industrial design associated with the production of craft beer. Students learn how to examine land-use patterns, built form, and branding techniques in one locale. Emphasis is placed on in-class participation and experiential learning. Prerequisite: GEOG-ERST 2510H, GEOG-CAST 2710H, ADMN 2080H, or SAFS 1001H.
Cross-listed: GEOG-3760H, ADMN-3760H, CAST-3760H, ERST-3760H
SAFS-3801H: Intensive Small-Scale Agriculture Field Course
- Peterborough
A hands-on field course that covers the principles of vegetable and field crop production from seed to table. Students learn the principles of sustainable crop production, including seed bed preparation, nutrient management, and the logistics of planting, managing, harvesting and distributing produce at the Trent Experimental Farm. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits.
SAFS-3820H: Culture and Food
- Peterborough
Examines classic issues in the anthropology of food. We focus on etiquette of food consumption, food and sex, food and religion and morality, food exchange and preparation, vegetarianism and meat eating, and cannibalism. Prerequisite: ANTH 2001H or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: ANTH-3820H
SAFS-3890H: Placement Course
- Peterborough
Consists of a placement experience with a government agency, industry, or non-governmental agency, or related laboratory or work unit, on themes and principles learned during coursework associated with the Environmental & Resource Science/Studies, Geography, or Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems programs in the School of the Environment. Students work closely with the instructor and placement host to determine deliverables that will be presented to various stakeholders as technical report(s) and/or presentation(s). Prerequisite: A minimum cumulative average of 75% and 9.0 university credits including both SAFS 1001H and 1002H, or both ERSC 1010H and 1020H, or both GEOG 1030H and 1040H.
SAFS-3900Y: Reading Course
- Peterborough
A research course on a specific topic. Only open to Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems majors or joint-majors with a minimum average of 75% in 2.0 SAFS credits. Written permission must be obtained from the supervising instructor and the TSE director before registration.
SAFS-3901H: Reading Course
- Peterborough
A research course on a specific topic. Only open to Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems majors or joint-majors with a minimum average of 75% in 2.0 SAFS credits. Written permission must be obtained from the supervising instructor and the TSE director before registration.
SAFS-4001H: Seminar in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Science
- Peterborough
Examines advanced topics relating to scientific study of sustainable agriculture and food systems. Coursework will build on concepts and techniques encountered in other SAFS science courses. Prerequisite: SAFS-BIOL-ERSC 2350H.
SAFS-4002H: Seminar in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Studies
- Peterborough
Examines advanced topics relating to sustainable agriculture and food systems, applying social, political, and cultural perspectives. Access to and critical analysis of current research in the field is emphasized. Prerequisite: SAFS-BIOL-ERSC 2350H.
SAFS-4003D: Research and Placement in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
- Peterborough
A research-intensive course on a specific topic or a placement experience with a government agency, industry, or non-governmental agency, or related laboratory or work unit, on themes and principles learned during coursework associated the Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems program in the School of the Environment. Prerequisite: Only open to Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems majors or joint majors with a minimum average of 75% in 2.0 SAFS credits. Written permission must be obtained from the supervising instructor and the TSE director before registration.
SAFS-4010Y: Honours Thesis
- Peterborough
Design, implementation, and dissemination of a major research project in sustainable agriculture and food systems featuring independent work under the supervision of a faculty supervisor. SAFS 4020D is a double credit in Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems. SAFS 4010Y is a single credit because the same thesis is submitted to the other program in a joint major. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits and a minimum cumulative average of 75%. Students must find a faculty member who is agreeable to supervise their project. Applications are available from the TSE office, and should be submitted in the academic year before enrolment in the course.
SAFS-4020D: Honours Thesis
- Peterborough
Design, implementation, and dissemination of a major research project in sustainable agriculture and food systems featuring independent work under the supervision of a faculty supervisor. SAFS 4020D is a double credit in Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems. SAFS 4010Y is a single credit because the same thesis is submitted to the other program in a joint major. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits and a minimum cumulative average of 75%. Students must find a faculty member who is agreeable to supervise their project. Applications are available from the TSE office, and should be submitted in the academic year before enrolment in the course.
SAFS-4100H: Canadian Food and Agriculture Policy
- Peterborough
Examines the policies and associated legal instruments relating to agricultural production and food consumption in Canada, as administered by the federal government, provincial governments, and municipal and other local governments. Particular attention to the dynamics of policy development and controversy, and of policy innovation. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits including SAFS 1001H or both GDST 1001H and 1002H (or IDST 1001H and 1002H).
SAFS-4101H: Agroecological Learning and Practice
- Peterborough
This two-week intensive course explores and scrutinizes agroecology through a survey of the relevant literature, guest expert speakers and colloquia, practical agroecological planning, and fieldwork. Provides opportunities for a broad engagement with agroecological scholarship, as well as opportunities to apply this knowledge and problem-solve within the specific contexts of the Peterborough and Kawartha region and the campus of Trent University. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits.
SAFS-4350H: Origins and Spread of Agriculture
- Peterborough
Provides students with a critical understanding of the theoretical models and archaeological evidence for the origins and spread of agricultural societies. The course explores evolutionary, ecological and social theories and reviews genetic, linguistic, archaeobotanical, zooarchaeological and settlement data from Southwest and Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Prerequisite: 9.0 university credits including ANTH 2121H and 2122H, or permission of the instructor.
Cross-listed: ANTH-4350H
SAFS-4610H: Global Environmental Policy
- Peterborough
Focuses on perspectives, actors, institutions, and economic relationships as they relate to global environmental policy and instruments. The aim is to provide students with a solid understanding of linkages between the global political system and the natural environment. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits. Recommended: One of ERST-GDST-POST 3602H or 3603H or POST 2200Y.
Cross-listed: ERST-4610H, POST-4610H, GDST-4610H
SAFS-4850Y: Community-Based Research Project
- Peterborough
Students are placed in research projects with community organizations in the Peterborough area. Each placement is supervised jointly by a faculty member and a representative of a community organization. For details see Community-Based Research Program. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits and a minimum cumulative average of 75%.
SAFS-4860H: Soil Biodiversity and Functioning
- Peterborough
A lab-based course focused on soil organisms and soil biodiversity; emphasis on the role of organisms in nutrient cycles and plant growth promotion using a hands-on approach to investigate key soil functions. Approaches for analyzing microbial populations and activities in the environment, including molecular techniques are covered. Prerequisite: One of SAFS 1001H, ERSC 1010H, or BIOL 1020H; and 1.0 science credit at the 2000 level or beyond in SAFS, ERSC, CHEM, or BIOL. Equivalent to SAFS 4840H.
Cross-listed: BIOL-4860H
SAFS-4900Y: Reading Course
- Peterborough
A research course on a specific topic. Only open to Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems majors or joint-majors with a minimum average of 75% in 2.0 SAFS credits. Written permission must be obtained from the supervising instructor and the TSE director before registration.
SAFS-4901H: Reading Course
- Peterborough
A research course on a specific topic. Only open to Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems majors or joint-majors with a minimum average of 75% in 2.0 SAFS credits. Written permission must be obtained from the supervising instructor and the TSE director before registration.