An incredible range of activities are underway around sustainable agriculture and food issues. The following online resources provide a starting point if you want to learn more about the many local, regional and global initiatives, projects, enterprises and programs being launched and run in order to support and promote sustainable agriculture and food systems, be it scientific research and innovation, food and social justice, holistic nutrition, ecological farming practices, resources for new farmers or a host of other relatable interests.
Trent Vegetable Gardens
A volunteer driven levy group that operates two gardens that take inspiration from organic, intensive, permaculture, and indigenous agricultural methods, in order to practice low-impact farming and donate the produce to the Seasoned Spoon to provide local food to Trent students
Seasoned Spoon Café at Trent University
A non-profit, vegetarian cooperative café located in Champlain College at Trent University that serves delicious, affordable, local, and organic food as well as provides educational initiatives through volunteer opportunities, workshops, speakers and conferences.
Fleming College Sustainable Agriculture Program (Co-Op)
Designed for new and beginner farmers seeking an intensive applied learning experience in sustainable, ecological or natural farming methods.
Nourish Project Peterborough
An initiative ‘all about food in the Peterborough region’ that strives to cultivate health, food, community and the economy by weaving an innovative and unique web which places access to healthy food at the core of its work.
Peterborough GreenUp
A long-standing Peterborough-based organization focused on issues of environmental education, sustainability, and stewardship and offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario that focus on facilitating positive action and providing the tools to make small changes in homes or cottages that can create a large and lasting impact on the environment.
Peterborough/ Kawarthas Chapter of Council of Canadians
An independent national citizens’ organization committed to safeguarding our social programs, promoting economic justice, renewing our democracy, strengthening Canadian sovereignty, promoting alternatives to economic globalization and corporate-style free trade, and preserving our environment.
Farms at Work
Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO) is an east-central Ontario focused organization that works to promote healthy and active farmland in the region. They support new and established farmers, attract new farmers, ensure access to training, financing or farmland and creating partnerships that result in on-the-ground farm stewardship in the region.
Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC)
A national organization based at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia that aims to serve Canada's organic sector by facilitating and leading research and education to support organic producers, consumers and other organic sector stakeholders to foster sustainable communities.
The Stop, Community Food Centre
Based in Toronto, The Stop strives to increase access to healthy food in a manner that maintains dignity, builds health and community, and challenges inequality by providing frontline services including drop-in, food bank, perinatal program, community action program, bake ovens and markets, community cooking, community advocacy, sustainable food systems education and urban agriculture.
Agricultural Institute of Canada
Created in 1920, the Agricultural Institute of Canada is a centre of knowledge for science in agriculture that mandates to advocate on behalf of agricultural research, disseminate information on agricultural research, promote careers in agricultural research and create international linkages.
Community Food Centres Canada
CFC provides a proven approach and resources to partner organizations across Canada to create Community Food Centres that bring people together to grow, cook, share, and advocate for good food.
Young Agrarians
A grassroots initiative made up of agriculturalists and media conspirators intent on growing food sustainably to build a Canadian network to celebrate, connect and recruit young farmers, and others, who want to ecologically rebuild, promote and inspire agriculture in Canada.
Soiled & Seeded
An online garden magazine intent on expanding the conventional approach to gardens, and the practice of gardening, by exploring the collaboration between people and plants, cultivating a connection to the natural world and providing a source of ideas, learned practices, history and heritage.
The Perennial Plate
An online weekly documentary series dedicated to socially responsible and adventurous eating. Chef and Activist, Daniel Klein and Filmmaker Mirra Fine travel the world exploring the wonders, complexities and stories behind the ever more connected global food system.
Started as a program of the Research Foundation for science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE), Navdanya is a participatory research initiative founded by world-renowned scientist and environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva. It provides direction and support to environmental activism in order to support local farmers, rescue and conserve crops and plants that are being pushed to extinction and actively rejuvenates indigenous knowledge and culture.
Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN)
Organized in response to the increased interest in the interface between social sciences and human nutrition, SAFN aims to encourage research and exchange of ideas, theories, methods and scientific information relevant to understanding the socio-cultural, behavioural and political-economic factors related to food and nutrition, provide a forum for communication and interaction among scientists, and promote practical collaboration among social and nutritional scientists at the fields and program levels.
A “people’s think tank” dedicated to ending the injustices that cause hunger and helping communities to take back control of their food systems through research, education and action, promote informed citizen engagement and informs and amplifies the voices of social movements fighting for food justice and food sovereignty.
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
Aims to create a healthy and sustainable food system by operating a highly diversified, four-season farm and education center that works to experiment with and improve sustainable farming practices, train beginning farmers in resilient, regenerative farming techniques, help children discover the sources of their food while preparing them to steward the land that provides it as well as increasing public awareness of healthy, seasonal and sustainable food.
Focused on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters by spotlighting environmentally, socially and economically sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity, and poverty and creating networks of people, organization, and content to push for food system change.
The Land Connection
Trains farmers in resilient, restorative farming techniques, informs the public about the sources of our food and why that matters, and works to protect and enhance farmland so that we, and generations to come, will have clean air and water, fertile soil, and healthy, delicious food.
Agricultural Sustainability Institute (ASI)
Based at UC-Davis, ASI works to ensure access to healthy food and promote the vitality of agriculture today and for future generations by integrative research, education, communication and early action on big, emerging issues.