Call for Nominations
Recognizing a long-standing need for a staff recognition award, the University established the Nancy Simmons Smith Award in 2008 to recognize non-academic staff members who demonstrate excellence and exceptional commitment to Trent. With the support of an endowed fund, the Award is named in honour of Ms. Simmons Smith, University secretary and secretary of the Board of Governors from 1987 to 2008. Throughout her career as a senior administrator, Nancy advocated tirelessly for the recognition of non-academic staff and their contributions to the University.
The Award includes a cash gift of $500 and a framed citation presented at the Heart of Trent Event.
To be eligible, a staff member must have a minimum service of five continuous years at Trent University. The award may only be granted once during a staff member’s career. The recipient of this award is determined by the Staff Awards Sub-Committee of the President and Vice-President’s Executive Committee.
Trent University students, faculty, alumni and staff are invited to submit nominations for the Nancy Simmons Smith Staff Award of Excellence to the Office of the President, Bata Library. The Sub-Committee will assess candidates’ contributions against established criteria. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 28, 2025 at 4:30 p.m.
Selection Criteria
- exceptional commitment to Trent University
- a new/high standard of excellence
- unexpected creativity or innovation
- unusual personal initiative
- steadfast integrity
- outstanding front line/customer service
- unusual mentoring, support or motivation of others
Subcommittee Terms of Reference
The University has created an endowment fund to recognize members of the non-academic staff whose work demonstrates excellence and exceptional commitment to the University. The Nancy Simmons Smith Staff Award of Excellence will reward and celebrate individual achievement while building appreciation for the contributions of staff, encouraging excellence, and helping to foster a culture of recognition throughout the University.
The University recognizes the exceptional performance of staff with The Nancy Simmons Smith Staff Award of Excellence as follows:
- One award will be presented annually by the Chair of the Board of Governors on behalf of the University to an individual selected by the Staff Awards Sub-Committee of the President/Vice-President Executive Committee (PVP).
- The Award winner will receive a cash award and a framed certificate.
- All active full-time and part-time Trent staff (OPSEU and exempt) who have been continuously employed for at least 5 years as of the closing date of nominations, and are in good standing based on University performance review processes, are eligible for the award, excluding the President, Vice-Presidents, Deans, Associate Vice Presidents and Associate Deans, the University Secretary, and Manager, Office of the President. Nominees who are no longer employed by Trent University are ineligible.
- An individual may receive the award only once.
The Office of the President will coordinate all administrative aspects of this policy.
Administrative Procedure
The Nancy Simmons Smith Staff Award of Excellence Nomination Form must be completed for each nominee and submitted to Staff Awards Sub-Committee of the President/Vice-President Executive Committee (PVP).
No self-nominations will be accepted by the Sub-Committee.
The membership of the Staff Awards Sub-Committee will comprise:
- University Secretary
- Vice-President (Administration)
- An academic administrator member of PVP named by PVP
- Administrative Assistant, Office of the President (Secretary, non-voting)
- Chair to be selected by Sub-Committee members.
The Sub-Committee will choose a recipient each year whose work (core functions and/or special assignments) exemplifies one or more of the following criteria:
- exceptional commitment to Trent University
- a new/high standard of excellence
- unexpected creativity or innovation
- unusual personal initiative
- steadfast integrity
- outstanding front line/customer service
- unusual mentoring, support or motivation of others
The Nancy Simmons Smith Staff Award of Excellence will be presented at the Heart of Trent event.
»Download the Nancy Simmons Smith Staff Award of Excellence Nomination Form
Past Recipients
2023/24 Jason Allen
2022/23 Dana Capell
2021/22 Kevin Whitmore
2020/21 Kerrilyn Sheward and Kathryn Verhulst-Rogers
2019/20 Patricia Heffernan
2018/19 Erin Stewart-Eves
2017/18 Amber Ashton
2016/17 Dana Gee
2015/16 Peter Galbraith
2014/15 Deborah Earle
2013/14 Janice Matthews
2012/13 Kathy Fife
2011/12 Linda Cardwell
2010/11 Mary-Jane Pilgrim
2009/10 Gina Collins
2008/09 Miles Ecclestone