The Trent-in-Ghana (TIG) Program combines in-class instruction offered by Ghanaian academics and professionals in the fall term, with experiential learning from a 10- 12 week placement with a development organization in the winter term.
IDST-ANTH 3770 – Society, Culture & Development in Africa
This course examines the major historical dimensions and socio-cultural diversities in sub-Saharan Africa, the changing economic relationship of the area to the global economy, and recent trends toward democratization and the strengthening of civil society (fall term).
IDST-ANTH 3780 – Ghana Seminar
This course examines contemporary Ghana in the light of its historical background and its patterns of stratification, religion, ethnicity and gender. Attention is given to the processes of structural transformation, including economic policy, social and political change (fall term).
IDST-ANTH 3790 – Local Dynamics of Change
This course examines the impact of national development processes at the local level and ways of enhancing citizens’ capacities to claim their rights. In addition, it exposes students to applied research methods at the community level (fall term).
IDST-ANTH-ERST 3800 – Community Development (two credits)
This course is comprised of an extensive (twelve week) field placement with a development organisation (winter term).
Students also participate in an intensive Fanti language course in the early weeks of the fall term.
Students from Canadian Universities have received full course credit for TIG participation.
Related academic departments have been willing to accept one or more courses for credit towards their own requirements, in order to facilitate the participation of joint-majors.