Course Listing
Please visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are presently being offered and in which location(s). Not all courses listed below run every term or in all locations. For specific details about program requirements and degree regulations, please refer to the Academic Calendar.
GDST-1001H: Human Inequality in Global Perspective
- Peterborough
A comparative and historical introduction to the basic ideas in global development studies, including the areas of global poverty and inequality; colonialism and decolonization; modernization, social change, and globalization; population and conflict; environment and climate change; and international development assistance. Equivalent to IDST 1001H.
GDST-1002H: Issues in Global Human Inequality
- Peterborough
An introduction to the basic issues in contemporary global development studies, including the areas of gender and social class; food and agriculture; industrialization and trade; forms of social provisioning; and civil society and democracy. These issues are examined from a comparative perspective. Equivalent to IDST 1002H.
GDST-1030H: Globalization, Transnational Corporations, and Global Development
- Peterborough
An overview of the global business environment and the contemporary corporate production networks that shape the process of international development. Using extensive case studies, issues covered include the globalization of the business environment, the organization of transnational corporations, their production networks, and their social and environmental effects. . Equivalent to IDST 1030H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-1030H
GDST-2000Y: Decolonization, Social Transformation, and Global Justice
- Peterborough
An examination of the strengths and limitations of the major perspectives that have informed the study of global justice and development. Selected case studies and monographs are used to illustrate theory-building, analytical models, and sound empirical research. Prerequisite: GDST-IDST 1001H and 1002H or 4.0 university credits or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2000Y.
GDST-2030H: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Global South
- Peterborough
The course assesses the benefits and shortcomings of social entrepreneurship and innovation in the Global South. To do so, it combines analysis of conceptual and thematic issues with detailed, critical examination of case studies related to microfinance and e-banking, climate change and green energy, health care and education, agro-ecology, and social protection. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2030H.
Cross-listed: ADMN-2030H
GDST-2251H: Gender, Human Rights, and Development
- Peterborough
An analysis of the intersectional gender relations that shape political, socio-economic, and cultural issues and struggles for sustainable development across the globe. Introduces students to feminist political economy and ecology frameworks and pathways to gender justice and human rights. Prerequisite: 0.5 HURI, GDST, IDST, GESO, or WMST credit at the 1000 level, or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2251H, WMST 2251H.
Cross-listed: GESO-2251H, HURI-2251H
GDST-2471H: Introduction to Latin America, 1500-1990
- Peterborough
Topics include Indigenous resistance, colonial domination, slavery, independence, neo-colonialism, nation building, dictatorship, and revolutionary change. Prerequisite: 3.0 university credits or permission of the chair. Equivalent to IDST 2471H.
Cross-listed: HIST-2471H
GDST-2500H: The World Food System
- Peterborough
An interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of the impact of transformations in the world food system on contemporary agrarian societies. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2500H.
Cross-listed: ANTH-2500H, GEOG-2500H, SAFS-2500H, SOCI-2500H
GDST-2600H: Peasants, Food, and Agrarian Change
- Peterborough
An examination of the impact of processes of commodification, market integration, and globalization on the social organization of food-producing rural communities in developing countries. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 2600H.
Cross-listed: ANTH-2600H, SAFS-2600H, SOCI-2600H
GDST-3115H: Citizenship Rights and Development
- Peterborough
An analysis of the concept of citizenship and rights and their role in social and political transformation. Includes social justice and citizenship struggles; critical perspectives on power and various citizenship regimes; and their implementation on national and global levels. Prerequisite: 7.0 university credits including 1.0 GDST/IDST, POST, and/or SOCI credit at the 1000 level and 1.0 GDST/IDST, POST, and/or SOCI credit at the 2000 level, or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST-CRIM-SOCI 3120H.
Cross-listed: SOCI-3115H, CRIM-3115H, POST-3115H
GDST-3121H: Human Rights: Law and Institutions
- Peterborough
This course examines the legal and institutional frameworks for protecting and promoting human rights at national and international levels. Students explore the main treaties, and the role of courts, tribunals, and other mechanisms in enforcing human rights standards. Prerequisite: HURI 2001H, GDST 2000Y (or IDST 2000Y), or SOCI 2110H, or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: HURI-3121H, CRIM-3121H, SOCI-3121H
GDST-3150H: Global Migration
- Peterborough
An examination of the theoretical and conceptual debates that centre on the causes and consequences of international migration. Transnationalism, gender, citizenship, identity, social and spatial inequalities, labour markets, migrant livelihoods, politics, and social exclusion are all explored. Prerequisite: 7.0 university credits including 1.0 GDST/IDST, POST, and/or SOCI credit at the 1000 level and 1.0 GDST/IDST, POST and/or SOCI credit at the 2000 level or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for IDST 4120H. Equivalent to IDST 3150H.
Cross-listed: SOCI-3150H, POST-3150H
GDST-3230H: Environmental Problems and Solutions in Small Island Developing States: A Field Course
- Peterborough
Barbados, like many islands in the West Indies, is facing a variety of challenges, such as overfishing, pollution, and loss of coral reefs and other habitats. This field course introduces students to the challenges faced by Barbados and other islands, as well as potential solutions. This ERSC course may be taken as ERST with the permission of the instructor. Students pay a course fee in addition to travel costs. Prerequisite: ERSC 2230H (2210H) or ERST-CAST 2520H or GDST (IDST) 2000Y.
Cross-listed: ERSC-3230H
GDST-3290H: Causes of War
- Peterborough
Familiarizes students with a variety of theories on the causes of war. Is war human nature? Is war "the continuation of politics by other means," as Clausewitz stated? Is war linked to race, class, and gender? The course also scrutinizes the power of propaganda through war films and news coverage. Prerequisite: 7.0 university credits or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: POST-3290H
GDST-3310H: The Economics of Developing Countries
- Peterborough
Examines alternative models of growth and development, sectoral problems of LDCs (agriculture, education, health, environmental issues, etc.), planning strategies for economic development, and the diversity of the development experience. Prerequisite: ECON 1010H and 1020H. Equivalent to IDST 3310H.
Cross-listed: ECON-3310H, ADMN-3310H
GDST-3532H: Issues in Global Media
- Durham GTA
Critically examines the uses of media for development, with a focus on hyperlocal news, journalistic empires from the Global South, global audiences, media infrastructures, environmental monitoring, and the politics of e-waste. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits. Not open to students with credit for CUST-IDST 3032Y, IDST 3532H.
Cross-listed: CUST-3532H, MDST-3532H
GDST-3602H: Environment and Development
- Peterborough
Examines environmental issues and conflicts in developing countries, applying a critical political ecology perspective to a range of current topics, including oil production, biodiversity conservation, and resource conflicts. There is also a special focus on agriculture and food systems. Prerequisite: ERST-POST 2100H, ERST-CAST 2520H, GDST 2000Y (IDST 2000Y), or POST 2200Y. Equivalent to IDST 3602H.
Cross-listed: ERST-3602H, SAFS-3602H, POST-3602H
GDST-3760Y: Bolivian Seminar
An examination of the major features of Bolivian economic, political, and social life, with particular attention to regional and cultural diversity. Offered only in Bolivia. Equivalent to IDST 3760Y.
GDST-3770Y: Society, Culture, and Development in Africa
The historical dimensions of socio-cultural diversity in sub-Saharan Africa are examined, along with the changing economic relationship of the area with the global economy; the politics of sub-regional conflict and continental and regional integration; trends towards democratization; and the strengthening of civil society. Offered only in Ghana. Equivalent to IDST 3760Y.
GDST-3781Y: Ghana Seminar
Contemporary Ghana is examined in the light of its historical background and its patterns of stratification, religion, ethnicity, and gender. Processes of structural change, including economic policy, social and political movements are explored. Not open to students with credit for IDST 3780Y. Offered only in Ghana. Equivalent to IDST 3781Y.
GDST-3790Y: Local Dynamics of Change
The social, political, and economic conditions that encourage or block micro-level improvements are examined, as are the role of women's organizations and other local institutions and their relations with local District Assemblies and other government authorities. Offered only in Ghana. Equivalent to IDST 3790Y.
GDST-3800D: Community Development
The theory and practice of community development, with an extensive field placement. Offered only in Ghana. Not open to students with credit for GDST 3802D or IDST-ANTH-ERST-SAFS 3802D. Equivalent to IDST 3800D.
GDST-3830H: Field Course in Andean Community Development
Combines theoretical, methodological, and practical reflections on development processes and a hands-on community development experience. Only offered in Bolivia. Equivalent to IDST 3830H.
GDST-3881H: Gender, Globalization, and Resistance
- Peterborough
Focuses on how globalization is transforming intersectional gender dynamics that underpin relationships between and within states, markets, civil society, and households. Introduces students to feminist perspectives on the global political economy, focusing on specific issues such as international trade agreements, labour, security, migration, health, environment, and human rights. Prerequisite: 1.0 HURI, GDST, IDST, GESO, WMST, POST, and/or SOCI credit at the 2000 level or beyond, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for GESO-POST 4881H or WMST-POST 3880Y. Equivalent to IDST 3881H.
Cross-listed: GESO-3881H, POST-3881H, SOCI-3881H, HURI-3881H
GDST-4100H: Global Development Studies in an Economic Context
- Peterborough
An examination of schools of thought in economics as applied to issues of global development. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including 1.0 credit from GDST 1001H, 1002H, or GDST-ADMN 1030H (or IDST 1001H, 1002H, or 1030H). Not open to students with credit for IDST 3100Y. Equivalent to IDST 4100H.
GDST-4111H: Capitalism
- Peterborough
An advanced introduction to debates over the origins, nature, and spread of capitalism. Highlights capitalism's relationship to development, the environment, gender, identity, and politics. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including GDST 2000Y (or IDST 2000Y) or SOCI 3111H or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 4110H, 4111H.
Cross-listed: SOCI-4111H
GDST-4220Y: Community-Based Research Methods and Project
- Peterborough
An examination of applied research methods and completion of a community-based research project with a local partner organization. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including GDST 2000Y (or IDST 2000Y) or permission of instructor or department chair. Not open to students with credit for GDST 4221Y or IDST 4221Y. Equivalent to IDST 4220Y.
GDST-4230H: Global Social Movements
- Peterborough
An examination of global social movements and their impact on the process of globalization, such as Occupy Wall Street, the Anti-Globalization movement, the Zapatista Uprising, and Via Campesina, among others. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including 1.0 GDST (IDST) or POST or SOCI credit at the 2000 level or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: POST-4230H, SOCI-4230H
GDST-4240Y: Canada, Globalization, and Development
- Peterborough
Canada's place within twentieth- and twenty-first-century globalization, along with its North-South policies and practices, are examined. Topics include Fordism and post-Fordism, global production and social reproduction, environment, inequality, dissent, development assistance, and the roles of Canadian business and civil society in international development. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including 1.0 GDST (IDST) or CAST or POST credit at the 2000 level or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: CAST-4240Y, POST-4240Y
GDST-4252H: Refugees, Forced Migration, and Experience in the Canadian Context
- Peterborough
This course focuses on the ethical and moral complexities raised by displacement and forced migration. Students examine the social, economic, and political factors associated with Canada's refugee sponsorship programs. Attention is given to media representations of refugees. Topics include resilience, parenting in a war context, and refugee education. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits including 1.0 POST, CAST, GDST-IDST, and/or SOCI credit at the 2000 level, and an additional 2.0 credits at the 3000 level of which at least 1.0 must be from POST, GDST-IDST, CAST, or SOCI, or permission of instructor. Recommended: POST 2011H, 2012H, CAST 2245H, IDST 3150H, SOCI 3661H.
Cross-listed: POST-4252H, CAST-4252H, SOCI-4252H
GDST-4255H: Globalization and the Politics of Work
- Peterborough
Work is a central feature of everyday lives, structuring not only who we are but also our life chances. But what do we mean by work (e.g., paid, unpaid, care, part-time, gigs)? How does globalization and technological change work? Topics include work generation theories, power, production, and social reproduction. Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits including 1.0 POST, ADMN, GDST/IDST, and/or SOCI credit at the 2000 level; or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: POST-4255H, ADMN-4255H, SOCI-4255H
GDST-4260H: Global Governance and Social Justice
- Peterborough
Provides an in-depth discussion of the relationship between global governance and social justice. Particular attention is paid to global institutions such as the UN and the World Bank to highlight issues of social justice on a global scale. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including 1.0 GDST (IDST) or POST credit at the 2000 level or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: POST-4260H
GDST-4272H: Liberal Democracy at the Crossroads: Imagining Alternatives
- Peterborough
Examines the question of whether the international order can be democratized and be accountable to the people impacted by them. It begins with an analysis of how inter-state hierarchies operate. Global governance institutions are examined focusing on whether they exacerbate or attenuate domination and submission. Prerequisite: 12.0 university credits including 1.0 POST credit, or permission of instructor. Excludes POST-IDST 4270Y.
Cross-listed: POST-4272H
GDST-4512H: Contemporary Issues in Global Health
- Peterborough
Analyzes some of the critical global health issues and challenges that face humanity in the new century, and the manner in which global institutions are addressing those issues. Interdisciplinary in scope, the course draws on scholarship from global public health, political economy, biopolitics, and human rights. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including 1.0 GDST/IDST, ANTH, and/or SOCI credit at the 2000 level or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 4512H.
Cross-listed: ANTH-4512H, SOCI-4512H
GDST-4610H: Global Environmental Policy
- Peterborough
Focuses on perspectives, actors, institutions, and economic relationships as they relate to global environmental policy and instruments. The aim is to provide students with a solid understanding of linkages between the global political system and the natural environment. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits. Recommended: One of ERST-IDST-POST 3602H or 3603H (or 3601Y) or POST 2200Y.
Cross-listed: ERST-4610H, SAFS-4610H, POST-4610H
GDST-4630H: Advanced Seminar in the Sociology of Gender
- Peterborough
Examines intersections of gender with "race," ethnicity, sexuality, and class. The implications of intersectional perspectives for how we understand gender equality strategies and outcomes are considered. Specific topics will be determined yearly and may be different in Peterborough and Durham. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits, including one of SOCI-GESO 2430H or 3440H, and 2.0 credits at the 3000 level; or permission of instructor. Equivalent to SOCI-WMST 4610H.
Cross-listed: SOCI-4630H, GESO-4630H
GDST-4750H: Ethnicity, Political Conflict, and Genocide
- Peterborough
An examination of ethnic consciousness and identity formation through theoretical and ethnographic case studies in a variety of settings. Themes include politicization of ethnicity in situations of conflict or political transition, genocide, and the articulation of ethnicity with gender, class, kinship, nationalism, and other markers of social and cultural difference. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits including one of HURI 2001H, ANTH 2001H, ANTH 2002H, GDST 2000Y (or IDST 2000Y), or SOCI 3661H, or permission of instructor. Equivalent to IDST 4750H.
Cross-listed: ANTH-4750H, SOCI-4750H, HURI-4750H
GDST-4770H: Anthropology of Colonialism
- Peterborough
Provides an historical anthropological exploration of colonialism. Drawing on case studies from Eurasia, North America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, it focuses on the colonial construction of categories of language, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, and how such cultural categories have been transformed and/or reproduced in the postcolonial present. Prerequisite: ANTH 2001H (or 2000Y). Co-requisite: ANTH 3991H (or 3990Y).
Cross-listed: ANTH-4770H, INDG-4770H
GDST-4873H: Community-Based Research With Immigrants
- Peterborough
Students engage in community-based research with a local immigrant focused agency to research, create, recommendation policies and ultimately solutions to challenges faced by immigrants in the community. Students learn the basics of conducting action-oriented research that advances social justice and creates social change. Prerequisite: 10.0 university credits including 1.0 POST and/or GDST/IDST credit at the 2000 level, and 2.0 credits at the 3000 level of which at least 1.0 must be from POST and/or GDST/IDST. Not open to students with credit for POST 4872H (2023-2024).
Cross-listed: POST-4873H