Janet Adjaottor
BA (Ghana)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Daniel Austin
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Robert Wright
Connor Belbin
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Christopher Dummitt
Lilja Best
BA (Manitoba)
Supervised by Stephanie Rutherford
Matteo Bottega
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez
Paul Bridgeman
BA (Trent)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Craig Burke
BA (Guelph)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Luke Callebert
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Robert Wright
Brendan Campisi
BA (Guelph)
Supervised by Jackson Pind
Matthew Douglas
BA (Trent)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Sarah Frawley
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Robert Wright
Jamila Haruna
BA (Nigeria)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Alexis Johnson
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Ivana Elbl
Adam Karski
BA (Trent)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Emily Martens
BA (Guelph)
Supervised by Robert Wright
Emily graduated from the University of Guelph with a B.A. (Honours) in History and a double major in Psychology. In her undergraduate work she focused heavily on public history, as well as the history of religion, disease and medicine. Emily’s thesis will be exploring the transmission of European epidemic diseases into Indigenous populations, along with the cultural and social changes that occurred as a result, with a particular focus on the Wendat tribe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Myles McDonald
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Robert Wright
Andy McGillis
BA (Ottawa)
Supervised by Robert Wright
Matthew McKeown
BA (York)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Colton Merner
BA (Vancouver)
Supervised by: Robert Wright
Melissa Miller-Gerrard
BA (Trent)
Supervised by David Sheinin
Oscar Siler
BA (McGill)
Supervised by Finis Dunaway
Taylor Taniguchi
BA (Carleton)
Supervised by Caroline Durrand
Hayden Wice
BA (Trent)
Supervised by Katrina Keefer and Finis Dunaway