- B.Sc. (Trent University)
- M.Sc. (University of Saskatchewan)
- Ph.D. (Trent University)
Office: LHS D115
Phone: 705-748-1011 ext. 7407
Email: spieper@trentu.ca
Teaching (Lab Instructor/Demonstrator)
BIOL 1020H: Foundations of Biodiversity
BIOL 1030H: Foundations of Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2100H: Biology of Invertebrates
BIOL 3170H: Plant Evolution and Diversity
BIOL-FRSC 3620H: Population Genetics
Other Duties
- Manages and maintains Biology's vertebrate and invertebrate collections
- Staff liaison with the Trent Biology Undergraduate Society (BUGS)
- Regional Science Fair committee member (role varies annually)