Beneath Ancestral Skies: Indigenous Women's Symposium on Star Knowledge and Collaborative Storytelling
Open to all! The Indigenous Women's Symposium is back in person. The theme is Star/Sky Knowledges and storytelling
Event Details
Friday, March 22, 2024
12:00 AM - 6:52 AM
City: Peterborough
Enwayaang Building
Cost: Various see registration
We cordially invite scholars, storytellers, educators, community members, Elders & Knowledge Keepers, and individuals from diverse gender backgrounds,
including members of the LGBTQ+ community, to join us for exciting keynotes, presentations, workshops,panels, and discussions that explore the intricate
weaving of Indigenous star knowledge, stories, and collaborative knowledge systems.
This years symposium will feature two portable planetarium domes which will serve as immersivespaces for our keynotes as well as selected
presentation and workshops. We will also be screening Under the Same Stars: Minwaadiziwin within one of the domes over the weekend.
Schedule of Activities
Friday Evening: Keynote Dinner with an address by Dr. Laurie Rousseau-Nepton (Innu astrophysicist)
Saturday: Sunrise Ceremony, Concurrent Presentations & Workshops, Keynote Presentation: Samantha Doxtator, Star Knowledge Films, TRACKS
Youth Programming, Vendor Shopping, Full Moon Ceremony
Sunday: Sunrise Ceremony, Concurrent Presentations & Workshops, Star Knowledge Films, TRACKS Youth Programming, Vendor Shopping
Please visit our website to register and for more information:
Contact Info
Paula Sherman, Carolynne Warton, Barbara Wall