What’s On at Trent University - January 21, 2019 through February 12, 2019
Upcoming events include Black History Month Panel and the Dyer Lecture on Climate Change
Upcoming events include Black History Month Panel and the Dyer Lecture on Climate Change
Upcoming events include the Canadian Difference Project talks & the Prolong Travel Mug launch
Upcoming events include the Drain Chair in Ethics Lecture & Indigenous Research Day
Upcoming events include the Drain Chair in Ethics Lecture & Indigenous Research Day
Upcoming events include the Understanding Local Treaties Pine Tree Talk and the Stairs Lecture in Chemistry
Upcoming events include the Vanier Professorship Lecture and the inaugural Stephen Katz Lecture in Aging
Upcoming events include the Vanier Professorship Lecture and the inaugural Stephen Katz Lecture in Aging
Upcoming events include the Sheperd Family Lecture and the inaugural Stephen Katz Lecture in Aging
Upcoming events include the Morrison Lecture in International Development and the Student Centre Grand Opening
Upcoming events include Morrison Lecture and Student Centre Grand Opening