Vision for Gidigaa Migizi College & Otonabee College Residence Comes into Focus
Architectural plans for new college and OC residences reflect sustainable design principles and student experience
Architectural plans for new college and OC residences reflect sustainable design principles and student experience
Trent’s five-year strategy on housing will add close to 1,300 new residence spaces for students as well as a long-term care home to support our aging community and intergenerational engagement on the Symons Campus
Sustainability and Energy Plan, fall enrolment details among Board of Governors meeting updates
Governor emeritus appointments, peopleCare long term care home update, and Board of Governors Leadership Scholarship among meeting highlights
New Board member appointment, creation of Trent Research Farm, annual reports on Philanthropy and Alumni Relations among other highlights at final Board meeting of the academic year
Luncheon with City of Oshawa dignitaries, Durham Community Engagement Report among highlights of meeting held at Trent Durham’s Advanced Learning Centre
Debra Cooper Burger receives Norma Rudy Award from AdvantAge Ontario
Student leaders luncheon, new scholarships investment, approvals of 2024/25 budget among meeting highlights
Appointment of president-designate Dr. Cathy Bruce, A stable bond rating, budget update among meeting highlights
Trent Durham Task Force, Alumni Review, and Ratification of CUPE agreement among highlights of meeting held at Traill College