Curriculum Vitae
Antonio Cazorla Sánchez
Trent University, Department of History
1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough, ON
K9L 0G2
Work phone: (705) 748-1011 #7095
Citizenship: Spain and Canada
Public and Trans-National Contemporary History
Digital Humanities
20th Century Dictatorship
Contemporary Spanish History
Ph.D. in History, Universidad de Granada, Spain, 1994
BA in Geography and History, Universidad de Granada, Spain, 1989
Current employment/position
Professor, Department of History, Trent University, since 2010
Current research
Comparative Public History of Europe and the World
Internal Colonisation and Agrarian Counter-reform in Franco's Spain
Online Museum of the Spanish Civil War
Museums of European Political and Social Violence
Teaching Experience (courses taught in last years)
First Year Course: Ten Days that Shook the World. Trent University, since 2004. Coordinator 2009-11.
First Year Course: History and Technology, since 2018.
Second Year Course: Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the Fall of Communism (1789-1989). Trent University, since 2004
Third Year Course: Italy, Portugal and Spain Since 1800. Trent University, since 2010
Fourth Year Course: European Fascism, 1919-1945. Trent University, since 2004
Fourth Year Course: Europe between the Wars, 1918-1939. York University 2003-2004, and Trent University 2005-2006
Fourth Year Reading Course: World Wars and Historical Memory. Trent University, 2008-2009
Fourth Year Reading Course: From anti-Fascism to Revisionism: The Historiographical Approach, Trent University, 2010
Fourth Year Reading Course: The Evolution of Italian Anti-Fascism, Trent University, 2018
Master Degree Course: Political Violence and Historical Memory in Twentieth Century Europe. Trent University, since 2007
Master Degree Course: Fascism and Women. Trent University, since 2011
Graduate (M.A.) supervision
M.A. MRP, Matthew Bezic, “Locking the Pantry, Three Cases of Nazi-Induced Famine on Civilian Populations During the Second World War”, Trent University, 2021.
M.A. MRP, Brandon Collins, “In Defence of the Volk: The Judiciary and the Volksgemeinschaft during the Nazi Era”, Trent University, 2020.
M.A. Thesis, Sabrina Arnold, “Prepared for the Next War?: U.S. Attaché Reports, Military Innovation and the Spanish Civil War”, Trent University, 2018.
M.A. Thesis, Steve H. Martin, “The Commonality of Enemies: Carlism and Anarchism in Modern Spain, 1868-1937”, Trent University, 2014.
M.A. Thesis, Ryan Perks, “After the Fall: the Rhetoric of National-Moral Reconstruction in Occupied France, 1940-1944”, Trent University, 2014.
M.A. Thesis, Eduardo Mateo-Carrasco, “The Franco Regime and the Independence of Morocco (1945-1956)”, Trent University, 2011.
Graduate (M.A. and Ph. D.) evaluator or thesis committee membership
Ph.D. Thesis, Mark Allwood, “Landscape and its Discontents. Art and Ruins, a Critical Topography in Art and Ruins”, supervised by Jonathan Bordo, Trent University, 2021
M.A. Thesis, Jared Asser, “Hearing the Invisible Empire: Music and Hatred in Progressive Era Indiana”, supervised by David Sheinin, Trent University, 2020.
Ph. D. Thesis, Sergio Vaquero Martínez, “La democratización del orden público en la Segunda República española: cultura, política y policía, 1931-1936”, supervised by Fernando del Rey and Diego Palacios, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 2018.
M.A. Thesis, Krystel Dinunzio, “Press Rhetoric and Human Rights in the Carter Era: 1977-81”, supervised by David Sheinin, Trent University, 2018.
M.A. Thesis, Cory Baldwin, “The Branding of the Prime Minister: ‘Uncle Louis’ and Brand Politics in The Elections of Louis St. Laurent 1949-1957”, supervised by Christopher Dummitt, Trent University, 2017.
M. A, Thesis, Elisa Histrova, “Finding New Roads Towards Peace: The Report of the Carnegie Foundation Commission on the Balkan Wars”, supervised by Olga Andrewsky, Trent University, 2016.
M. A. Thesis, Alex McPherson, “In the Wilderness at Föhrenwald: Jewish Refugees in Occupied Upper Bavaria, 1945-47”, supervised by Carolyn Kay, Trent University, 2016.
M.A. MRP, Daniel Dishaw, “The Ambassadorship of James George in Iran”, supervised by Robert Wright, Trent University, 2015.
Ph. D. Thesis, Raphael Costa, “Making the ‘New Lourinhã, a European Lourinhã’: Democracy, Civic Engagement, and the Urban Development of Lourinhã, Portugal since 1966”, supervised by Adrian Shubert, York University, 2014.
Ph. D. Thesis, Gabriela Viadero Carral, “La cinematografía como instrumento de construcción nacional: largometrajes de ficción (1939-1975)”, supervised by José Álvarez Junco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 2014.
Ph. D. Thesis, Noelia Martín Espinosa, “Madres que abandonan: niños expósitos en la Inclusa de Toledo (1900-1930)”, supervised by Julio de la Cueva Merino, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, 2012.
Ph. D. Thesis, Misael Lopez Zapico, “Acciones y percepciones. La diplomacia, la economía política y la prensa escrita en las relaciones hispano-norteamericanas durante el tardofranquismo y los inicios del proceso democratizador”, supervised by Encarnación Lemus, Universidad de Huleva, Spain, 2012.
Ph. D. Thesis, Aitana Guía, "Deepening Democracy: The Muslim Struggle for Civil Rights and Belonging in Spain since 1975", supervised by Adrian Shubert, York University, 2012.
M.A. MRP Cristy Ironside: "Women Under the Swastika: Victims or Perpetrators?" supervised by Carolyn Kay, 2011.
M.A. MRP, Tonia Misevski: "German Resistance to Nazism", supervised by Carolyn Kay, 2010.
M.A. Thesis Boipelo Oitsile: "Botswana and the Liberation Struggle in South Africa and Zimbabwe: The Government and People against White Racist Rule," supervised by Tim Stapleton, Thesis 2010.
Ph. D. Thesis, Oscar Rodríguez Barreira, “Poder y actitudes sociales durante la postguerra en Almería (1939-1953)”, supervised by Rafael Quirosa-Cheyrouze, Universidad de Almeria, Spain, 2007.
Previous and other professional experiences
Scientific Evaluator, Spanish National Agency for Scientific Evaluation, 2022, 2023
Chair, Department of History, Trent University, 2015-2020
Graduate Program Director, Department of History, Trent University, 2018-2019
Graduate Program Faculty, Department of Cultural Studies, Trent University, since 2016
External Doctoral Evaluator, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2014
Adjunct Professor, Department of History, Carleton University, since 2013
External Doctoral Evaluator, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2013
External Doctoral Evaluator, Universidad de Cadiz, 2013
Graduate Program Faculty, Department of History, York University, since 2010
Scientific Evaluator, The Israel Science Foundation, 2010
Associate Professor, Department of History, Trent University, 2006-2010
Graduate Program Faculty, Department of History, Trent University, since 2007
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Trent University, 2004-2006
Assistant Professor, Department of History, York University, 2002-2004
Executive Committee Member, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University, 2002-2004
Assistant Professor of Modern European History, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 1999-2001
Scientific Evaluator, Spanish National Agency for Scientific Evaluation, 2000
Course director, "20th Century Spain: Politics and Economics”, Master in Business Administration, Schulich School of Business, York University, 1996-1998
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of History, York University, 1995-1998
Pre-doctoral Research fellow, Departamento de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad de Granada, 1990-1994
Pre-doctoral Research Fellow (Erasmus), Universitá degli Studi di Siena, 1989-1990
Visiting Professor
Master Program, University of the Basque Country, Spain, 2016
Master Program, Universidad Internacional Menendez y Pelayo, Santander, Spain, 2016
Master Program, Universidade Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2010
Master Program, Universidad Jaime I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain, 2004
Doctoral Program, Universidad de Almería, Spain, 2000
Career interruptions
Upon completing my Ph.D., in 1994-1995 I took a one-year pause to take care of my newborn twin daughters
Trent University Service Award, 2020
Trent University Distinguished Research Award, 2020 (conceded every three years to a faculty member of the divisions of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Nominated, Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Trent University, 2019
Nominated, Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Trent University, 2018
Trent University Research Award, 2017
Trent University Research Award, 2013
Nominated, Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Trent University, 2012
Nominated, Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Trent University, 2010
Nominated, Innovation Teaching Award, Trent University, 2010
Trent University Research Award, 2009
Nominated, Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Trent University, 2006
Trent University Research Award, 2006
Strategic Research Award, Office of the Vice-President of Research, Trent University, for "Online Museum of the Spanish Civil War" ($5,000), 2023
Mackenzie-Papineau Memorial Foundation, to promote research among graduate students of the Spanish Civil War at Trent University ($52,500), 2021.
SSHRC Connection Grant for “Confronting a Difficult Past: the Virtual Spanish Civil War” ($33,222). Co-applicant, 2020.
SSHRC International Travel Grant ($1,497), 2018
SSHRC Insight Grant for “Model villages in Franco’s Spain, 1939-1975” ($58,571), 2017
SSHRC Connection Grant for “Digital History of the Spanish Civil War” ($13,094), 2016. Co-applicant
SSHRC International Travel Grant ($1,500), 2016
SSHRC Small Research Grant ($4,820), 2015
LA&PS Grant for International Collaborations ($4,560), York University, 2014. Co-applicant
SSHRC International Travel Grant ($1,500), 2011
SSHRC Standard Research Grant for “Franco: a cultural biography” ($45,680), 2011
SSHRC Small Research Grant ($2,690), 2010
SSHRC Small Research Grant ($4,000), 2009
SSHRC Standard Research Grant for “A social history of Franco’s Spain” ($40,000), 2006
SSHRC International Travel Grant ($850), 2006
European Union and Human Resources and Development Canada, “Canada-EU Exchange Program” grant ($ 400,000 aprox.). Participating universities in Europe (Malta, Athens, and Bologna); in Canada (York, PEI, Trent). Co-applicant, 2005
Spanish Government team research grant for the project "Sociological Profile of Spanish Citizens Residents in Canada" ($ 21,500). Research director, 2004
SSHRC Small Research Grant ($3,000), York University, 2003
Faculty of Arts Research Grant ($5,000), York University, 2002
Del Amo Foundation team grant ($5,000 US) for scientific exchange between Universidad Complutense de Madrid and University of California, 2002. Team member
Del Amo Foundation team grant ($3,000 US) for scientific exchange between Universidad Complutense de Madrid and University of California, 2001. Team member
Team research grant ($40.000 US aprox.), Spanish Ministry of Education, for the period 2001-2004. Team member
Team research grant ($60,000 US aprox.), Spanish Ministry of Education, 1998-2000. Team member
Postdoctoral research fellowship, Madrid Provincial Government and European Union, 2000- 2003 (declined in 2002)
Postdoctoral research fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Education, 1996-1998
Postdoctoral research fellowship, Universidad de Granada, 1995-1996
Pre-doctoral research fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Education, 1990-1994
Erasmus fellowship, European Union, 1989-1990
(with Adrian Shubert, eds.), The Spanish Civil War in 100 Objects: A Material History of the Conflict and its Legacy, London: Bloomsbury, 2025.
(with Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Adrian Shubert, eds.), Handbook of the Spanish Civil War London: Bloomsbury, 2023.
(with Adrian Shubert, eds.), La Guerra Civil española en 100 objetos, imágenes y lugares
(forthcoming, Madrid: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2021).
(with Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Adrian Shubert, eds.), Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil War: Memory and the Digital in Contested Histories, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Miedo y Progreso: los españoles de a pie bajo el franquismo, 1939-1975. Madrid: Alianza, 2016
Franco: biografía del mito. Madrid: Alianza, 2015
(Ed.) Las cartas a Franco de los españoles de a pié. Barcelona: RBA, 2014
Franco: The Biography of the Myth. Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2013
Fear and Progress: Ordinary Lives in Franco’s Spain (1936-1975). Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley, 2009
(Ed.) Condenado a muerte (1939-1941). Valencia: Historia Social, 2006
Las políticas de la Victoria: la consolidación del Nuevo Estado Franquista, 1938-1953. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2000
Desarrollo sin reformistas. Dictadura y campesinado en el nacimiento de una nueva sociedad en Almería, 1939-1975. Almería: IEA, 1999.
Chapters in books
“Creating a New Memory: The Missing Role of Official Public History”, in Silvina Schammah Gesser, Eugenia Afinoguénova, and Robert Lubar Messeri (eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to the Spanish Civil War and Visual Culture (Forthcoming, Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, 2024)
(With Adrian Shubert), “Public History”, in Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez, Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Adrian Shubert (eds.), Handbook of the Spanish Civil War. London: Bloomsbury, 2023, pp. 387-404
(With Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Adrian Shubert), “Introduction”, in Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez, Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Adrian Shubert (eds.), Handbook of the Spanish Civil War. London: Bloomsbury, 2023, pp. 1-5
“The Franco Regime and Its Response to Social Change”, in Andrew Dowling (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Spanish History”, Routledge, Oxon, 2023, pp. 441-450
“Letters to the Caudillo: Petitions in Miserable Times, 1936-1945”, in Karen Lauwers, Sami Suodenjoki, Marnix Beyen (eds.), Subaltern Political Subjectivities and Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Between Loyalty and Resistance. Routledge: New York, 2023, pp. 30-44
“El pacifismo de los españoles bajo el franquismo”, in Francisco J. Leira Castiñeira (ed.), El pacifismo en España desde 1808 hasta el ‘No a la guerra de Iraq’”. Madrid: Akal, 2023, pp. 293-309
“La persistencia del mito político de Franco en la sociedad española. La pedagogía, casi ausente; las fosas, casi sin abrir”, in ¿Veinticinco Años de Paz?, Museu Valencià de la Il-Lustraciò i la Modernitat. Valencia: MuVIM, 2022, pp. 604-609
“Life in Franco´s Spain”, in Lisa Pine (ed.), Dictatorship and Daily Life in 20th-Century Europe. London: Bloomsbury, 2022, pp. 75-99
“Europa y su controvertido patrimonio memorial: cuatro ejemplos de crisis en la memoria histórica y la historia pública”, en Memòries controvertides i patrimonio. Usos i abusos del passat immediat. Documents del Memorial Democrátic 9. Barcelona: Memorial Democràtic, 2022, pp. 9-31
In L. Fernández, A. Míguez, and D. Vilavedra, 1936. Un Nuevo relato. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad, 2020, passim.
“Democracy and the Legacies of the Civil War", in Claudio Hernández Burgos, Ruptura. The Impact of Nationalism and Extremism on Daily Life in the Spanish Civil War. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2020, pp. 235-254.
(With Adrian Shubert), “Sites Without Memory and Memory Without Sites: On the Failuire of the Public History of the Spanish Civil War”, in Alison Riberiro de Menezes, Antonio Cazorla- Sanchez and Adrian Shubert, Public
Humanities and the Spanish Civil War: Memory and the Digital in Contested Histories, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 19-43.
“Una sociedad y una dictadura europeas”, in Manuel Ortiz Heras (coord.), Qué sabemos del franquismo. Estudios para comprender la dictadura de Franco. Granada: Comares, 2018, 121-142.
“Franco”, in José Alvarez Junco and Adrian Shubert (eds.), Nueva historia de la España contemporánea (1808-2018). Madrid: Galaxia Gutember, 2018, pp. 749-462.
“Franco”, in José Alvarez Junco and Adrian Shubert (eds.), Spanish History Since 1808. London: Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 450-457.
“Delante del espejo: la España real de 1964”, in Asunción Castro y Julián Díaz (coords.), XXV Años de Paz franquista. Sociedad y cultura en España hacia 1964, Madrid, Sílex, 2017, pp. 25-48.
(With Adrian Shubert) “A propósito de un académico transatlántico, 1992-2000”, in Javier Moreno Luzón y Fernando del Rey (Eds.), Pueblo y Nación: Homenaje a José Álvarez Junco. Madrid: Taurus, 2014, pp. 309-316
“From Anti-Fascism to Humanism: The Spanish Civil War as a Crisis of Memory”, in Aurora G. Morcillo (ed.), Memory and Cultural History of the Spanish Civil War. Realm of Oblivion. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2014, pp. 21-50
“La ideología del franquismo”, en Manuel Menéndez Alzamora y Antonio Robles Egea (eds.), Pensamiento político en la España contemporánea. Madrid: Trotta, 2013, pp. 569- 598
“Las Historias que no escribimos. Una reflexión”, in Oscar Rodríguez Barreira (ed.), El Franquismo desde los márgenes. Lleida: Universitat de Lleida/Universidad de Almería, 2013, pp. 45-56
“A Different Path?: National Catholicism, Laicization and Dechristianization in Spain, 1939-1975”, in Nancy Christie and Michael Gauvreau (eds.), The Sixties and Beyond: Dechristianization in North America and Western Europe, 1945-2000. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013, pp. 351-366
“El franquismo y las elipsis del terror”, in Fernando Martins (coord.), A Formaçao e a Consolidaçao do Salazarismo e do Franquismo. As Décadas de 1930 e 1940. Évora: Edicões Colibri/CIDEHUS-UE, 2012, pp. 11-24
“Los franquistas como víctimas de la Guerra Civil: Claves de un proyecto de Memoria Histórica”, in Damián A. González Madrid (coord.), El franquismo y la transición en Espana. Desmitificación y reconstrucción de una época. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2008, pp. 36-60
“Patria Mártir: los españoles, la nación y la guerra civil en el discurso ideológico del primer franquismo”, in Javier Moreno Luzón (ed.), Construir España: Nacionalismo español y procesos de nacionalización. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2007, pp. 289-302
“Order, Progress, and Syndicalism? How Francoist Authorities Saw the Social-Economic Changes in the 1960s’, in Nigel Townson (ed.), Spain Transformed: the Franco Dictatorship, 1959-1975. Houndmills: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007, pp. 97-117. Note: There is a Spanish version of this chapter in Nigel Townson ed., España en cambio: el Segundo franquismo, 1959-1975. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2009
“At Peace With the Past: Explaining the Spanish Civil War in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia”, Noel Valis (ed.), Teaching Representations of the Spanish Civil War. New York: MLA Press, 2006, pp. 63-72
“Dictatorship from Below: Local Politics in the Making of the Francoist State, 1937-1948”, in Michael Neiberg (ed.), Fascism. Hampshire: Ashagate, 2006, pp 139-159. Note: This chapter, now included in this anthology on Fascism, is a reprint of an article previously published in The Journal of Modern History, 71, 4, December 1999, pp. 882-901
“Franco’s Military Strategy”, in Kenneth Estes and Daniel Kowalsky (eds.), History in Dispute, Volume 18: The Spanish Civil War. Detroit: St. James Press, 2004, pp. 66-73
“Legacy in present-Day Spain”, in Kenneth Estes and Daniel Kowalsky (eds.), History in Dispute, Volume 18: The Spanish Civil War. Detroit: St. James Press, 2004, pp. 148-156
“La paz: necesidad y usos de un mito político (1939-1978)” en Encarnación Lemus and Rafael Quirosa (eds.), La Transición en Andalucía. Huelva – Almería, Universidad de Huelva – Universidad de Almería, 2002, pp. 101-114
“Early Francoism, 1939-1957", José Alvarez Junco and Adrian Shubert (eds.), Spanish History Since 1808. London: Edward Arnold, 2000, pp. 260-276
"El oportunismo filantrópico: la búsqueda de una identidad política para la Organización Sindical Española, 1939-1951”, Tiempo de Silencio, Valencia: Universidad, 1999, pp. 177-181
"Campesinos, falangistas y caciques. La lucha por el poder político en el campo almeriense tras la Guerra Civil", Actas del V Congreso sobre el Andalucismo Histórico, 1991. Sevilla: Fundación Blas Infante, 1993, pp. 610-619.
(With Adrian Shubert), “És Espanya una excepció? Guerres civils, imperis i altres passats difícils en la Història Pública i en la Memòria Històrica europea’, Temps i espais de memòria, 5, 2020: 11-20.
“From Ideological to Humanistic Interpretations”, Roundtable on the Spanish Civil War, Contemporary European History, 1-4 (2020): 257-260.
“A Retrospective Review of Selected Works of António Costa Pinto, Portuguese Studies Review, vol. 27, 2 (Winter, 2019): 255-262.
(With Sofía Rodríguez López) “Blue Angles: Female Fascist Resisters, Spies and Intelligence Officials in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-9”, Journal of Contemporary History, 53-4 (2018): 692-713.
“Franco: la violencia y la simplificación de España”, Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, 7-13 (2018): 21-35.
“A experiência histórica das gentes-uma entrevista sobre o franquismo com Antonio Cazorla Sánchez” by Janaina Martins Cordeiro, Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 43-2 (2017): 490-496
“O relato e o seu formato. O triste estado da Historia Pública da Guerra Civil española”, Giral. Revista galega de cultura, 212, LIV (2017): 26-29
“Weapons of the Condemned: The letters that Political Prisoners sent to Francisco Franco requesting his Pardon”, GenObs, (August, 2017), v. 1, n. 2: 100-116
“Did You Hear the Sermon? Progressive Priests, Conservative Catholics, and the Return of Political and Cultural Diversity in Late Francoist Spain”, Journal of Modern History, 85, 3 (September 2013): 528-557
“Revisiting the Legacy of the Spanish Civil War”, International Journal of Iberian Studies, 21, 3 (2008): 231-246
(With Óscar Rodríguez-Barreira) “Hoy Azaña, mañana… Franco. Una microhistoria de caciquismo en democracia y dictadura. Berja (Almeria), 1931-1945”, Hispania, 229 (2008, LXVIII): 471-502
“On New Cultural History and You”, History Review, 60 (March 2008): 40-41.
“Beyond They Shall Not Pass: How the Experience of Violence Re-Shaped Political Values in Early Franco Spain", Journal of Contemporary History, 40, 3 (July, 2005): 503-520
“Family matters: ministerial elites and the articulation of the Francoist dictatorship”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 3, 2 (June, 2004): 73-89
"Sobre el primer franquismo y la extensión de su apoyo popular", Historia y Política, 8, 2 (2002) : 303-319
"Surviving Franco´s Peace: Spanish Popular Opinion during World War II", European History Quarterly, 32, 3 (July 2002): 391-411
(with A. Shubert), "A inmigracion espanola en Canada: unha vision de conxunto", Estudios Migratorios, 10 (2000) : 9-26
“Dictatorship from Below: Local Politics in the Making of the Francoist State, 1937-1948”, Journal of Modern History, 71, 4 (December 1999): 882-901
"La vuelta a la Historia: caciquismo y franquismo", Historia Social, 30 (1998) : 119-132
"La Comarca de los Vélez bajo el fascismo agrario", Revista Velezana, 11 (1992) : 57-66
With Rafael Gil Bracero, "Málaga, Granada, Almería, febrero de 1937. El desastre humano de los refugiados y sus responsabilidades políticas", Anuario de Historia Contemporánea. Universidad de Granada, 14 (1987-1991): 195-220.
Encyclopaedia entries
"Spain", The World Book Encyclopedia. 2011 ed.
"Spain", World Book Student. World Book, 2010. Web. 27 July 2010
"Andalusia", World Book Student. World Book, 2010. Web. 27 July 2010
"Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez", World Book Student. World Book, 2010. Web. 27 July 2010
“Francisco Franco”, “Angel Herrera Oria”, “Claudio Lopez Bru”, Roy P. Domenico and Mark Y. Hanley, Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Politics. Westport and London: Greenwood Press, 2006
“Falange”, “Dolores Ibárruri (Pasionaria)”, “Juan Carlos I”, “Opus Dei’, Jay Winter and John Merriman, eds., Encyclopedia of Modern Europe. Europe Since 1914 - Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction. New York, Macmillan, 2006
“Iberia and Canada”, “Spain and World War I”, “Spain and World War II”, Iberia and the Americas: Culture, Politics and History. ABC-CLIO, 2005
With A. Shubert, “Spaniards", The Peoples of Canada: An Encyclopaedia for the Country. Toronto: University Press, 1999, pp. 1208-1218
“Spaniards", Canadian Encyclopaedia, 1997 (CD-ROM)
Book reviews
David Brydan, Franco´s Internationalists. Social Experts and Spain´s Search for Legitimacy, in Journal of Contemporary History, 56-3 (2021), pp. 829-30.
James Matthews (ed.), Spain at War: Society, Culture and Mobilization, 1936–44. London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic. 2019. Bulletin of Spanish Studies (May 2020), online.
Sebastiaan Faber, Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography; Joan Ramon Resina, The Ghost in the Constitution: Historical Memory and Denial in Spanish Society, in The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 91, 4 (November 2019), pp. 957-959.
Enrique Moradiellos, Franco: Anatomy of a Dictator, in History. The Journal of the Historical Association (October 2019), pp. 785-786.
Francisco Sevillano, La cultura de Guerra del “Nuevo Estado” franquista. Enemigos, heroes y caídos de España; and Emilio Grandío Seoane, A Balancing Act. British Intelligence in Spain during the Second World War, Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 43: Iss. 1, 2018, Article 27.
Helen Graham, ed., Interrogating Francoism. History and Dictatorship in Twentieth- Century Spain; David A. Messenger, Hunting Nazis in Franco’s Spain, in The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 90, 1 (February 2018), pp. 220-222
Helen Graham, ed., Interrogating Francoism. History and Dictatorship in Twentieth- Century Spain, in Segle XX, Revista catalana d’Història, Vol. 10 (2018), pp. 150-154.
Hugo Garcia et al. eds, Rethinking Antifascism. History and Politics, 1922 to the Present, in Bulleting for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Vol. 42, Issue 2, article 21 (2017)
Joan Maria Thomàs, José Antonio. Realidad y mito, in Historia y Política, 38 (Julio- diciembre, 2017), pp. 402-404
Ángel Viñas, Sobornos: de cómo Franco y Churchill compraron a los generales de Franco, in Hispania Nova: Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 15 (2017), pp. 527-529
Verónica Sierra Blas, Cartas Presas. La correspondencia carcelaria en la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo, in Historia y Política, 37 (enero-junio 2017), pp. 437-439
Javier Rodrigo, La Guerra fascista: Italia en la Guerra Civil Española, 1936-1939, in
Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Vol. 41: Iss. 1 (2016), Article 19
Julius Ruiz, The ‘Red Terror’ and the Spanish Civil War: Revolutionary Violence in
Madrid, in The American Historical Review, Vol. 120, 4 (October, 2015), pp. 1566-7
Paul Preston, El final de la Guerra. La última puñalada a la República, in Revista de Libros, (October 2015), on-line
Michael Richards, After the Civil War: Making Memory and Re-Making Spain since 1936, in The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 87, 3 (September 2015), pp. 750-52
Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, Embodying Memory in Contemporary Spain, in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 92, 7 (2015), pp. 849-50
Stanley Payne and Jesus Palacios, Franco: A Personal and Political Biography, in
Reviews in History, (August 2015), article n. 1810 on-line
Encarnación Lemus, Estados Unidos y la Transición española. Entre la Revolución de los Claveles y la Marcha verde, in Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Vol. 38: Iss. 1 (2014), Article 30
Pamela B. Radcliff, “Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-78”, in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 43, 2 (Autumn 2012), pp. 313-314
Hamilton M. Stapell, Remaking Madrid: Culture, Politics, and Identity after Franco Remaking Madrid: Culture, Politics, and Identity after Franco, in The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 84, 2, (June 2012), pp. 511-513
Julián Casanova, The Spanish Republic and Civil War, Cambridge: University Press, 2011, in The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 84, 1 (March 2012), pp. 236-238
Sid Lowe, Catholicism, War and the Foundation of Francoism. The Juventud de Acción Popular in Spain, 1931-1939, in Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Vol. 36, 1 (2012), pp. 181-183
António Costa Pinto, ed., Ruling Elites and Decision-Making in Fascist-Era Dictatorships; David Wingeate Pike, Franco and the Axis Stigma; Peter Anderson, The Francoist Military Trials: Terror and Complicity, 1939–1945, in The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 83, No. 4 (December 2011), pp. 925-929
Fernando Martínez López, Jordi Canal y Encarnación Lemus (eds.), París, ciudad de acogida: el exilio español durante los siglos XIX y XX, Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 35, 1 (2011), pp. 175-176
Richard Wigg, Churchill and Spain: The Survival of the Franco Regime, 1940-1945, in The International History Review, September, 3, 2009, pp. 674-675
Stanley G. Payne, The Collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936: Origins of the Civil War, in The Journal of Modern History, 80, 2, 2008, pp. 447-448
Pablo Emilio Perez-Mallaina, Spain’s Men of the Sea: Daily Life in the Indies Fleets in the Sixtieth Century”, in Left History, 11.2, Fall 2006, pp. 179-181
Daniel Kowalsky, La Unión Soviética y la Guerra Civil Española. Una revisión critica. Barcelona: Critica, 2003, in Historire Sociale/Social History, 75, May 2005, pp. 171-173
Helen Graham, The Spanish Republic at War, 1936-1939, in Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’historire XXXIX, April/avril, 2004, pp. 163-165
Michael Seidman, Republic of Egos: A Social History of the Spanish Civil War, in Histoire Sociale/Social History, 72, November 2003, pp. 545-547
Nigel Townson, The Crisis of Democracy in Spain: Centrist Politics under the Second Republic, in South European Society and Politics, 8-3, Winter 2003, pp. 190-191
Joan Maria Thomas, La Falange de Franco: el Proyecto Fascista del Régimen; Geoffrey
Jensen, Irrational Triumph: Cultural Despair, Military Nationalism, and the Ideological Origins of Franco's Spain; Judith Keene, Fighting for Franco: International Volunteers in Nationalist Spain during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, in The Journal of Modern History, 75, 3, September 2003, pp. 707-710
Gonzalo Redondo, Política, cultura y sociedad en la España de Franco, 1939-1975, Vol. 1: La configuración del estado español, nacional y católico (1939-1947), in Church History, June 2001, pp. 377-378
Robert Stradling, The Irish and the Spanish Civil War. Manchester: Mandolin, 1999; Fearghal McGarry, Irish Politics and the Spanish Civil War, in The International History Review, September 2000, pp. 121-123
Audrey Brassloff, Religion and Politics in Spain: The Spanish Church in Transition, in
Church History, March 2000, pp. 193-195
Jane C. Collier, From Duty to Desire. Remaking Families in a Spanish Village, in Journal of Family History, January 1999, pp. 120-121
Carolyn Boyd, Historia Patria. Politics, History, and National Identity in Spain, 1875-1975, in Bulletin. Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Fall 1998, pp. 19-20.
Public History and digital creations and collaborations
Historical consultant for television series España en color, six episodes, Spanish Public Broadcasting (RTVE), 2022.
Essay for exhibition 25 Años de Paz? El Llavat d´imatge del franquisme el 1964. Museu Valenciá de la Il-lustració i la Modernitat, Valencia, 2022.
Online Museum of the Spanish Civil War (under construction, forthcoming April 2022)
Database (opened in 2020): Museums and Memorials of European Political and Social Violence
Papers and Conferences
Exhibition opening speech, “18th Century Spanish Cartography of Canada´s West Coast. The World Behind and Beyond”, Trent University, 2023.
“El arte de crear memoria fascista: los monumentos de Franco”, L’art de la violence des arts vivants, plastiques et numériques, Montauban, France, 2023
Guest speaker, master class on Fascism, Universidad de Almería, Spain, 2023, onlin
Guest speaker, London Arts and Humanities DTP annual research day, King´s College, 2023, online
Guest speaker, “18th Century Spanish Cartography of Canada´s West Coast: the World Behind and Beyond”, opening ceremony of the Juan Francisco Bodega y Quadra room, Spanish Embassy, Ottawa, 2023
Roundtable on Civil Wars and Museums, The Activist Museum, (, 2022, online
“A tale of two cities: in search of a Public History project”, Modern Spanish History in Global Perspective”, York University, 2022
Panel chair and moderator, Jornada del hispanismo canadiense, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid, Spain, 2022
Guest speaker, master class on Fascism, Universidad de Almería, 2022, online
Featured Speaker, “Las miserias del milagro”, Retrospective Exhibition on the XXV Years of Francoist Peace Propaganda Campaign, Museo Valenciano de la Ilustración y la Modernidad, Valencia, Spain, 2022
“Lo que los museos no cuenta de la violencia política social europea”, Curso de Verano, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain, 2021.
“Descolonizar la Historia Pública”, Jornadas Historia i Memoria, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain, 2021.
Moderator, “The Spanish Civil War”, Virtual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 2021.
Guest speaker, “Los orígenes sociales y políticos de la Constitución de 1978”, IES Ramón Arcas, Lorca, 2020.
“Gestión o Gobierno. El regimen franquista en los años 60”, Jornadas de Memoria Democrática, Universidad Nacional a Distancia, A Coruña, 2020.
“Europa y su patrimonio memorial controvertido”, 6th Walter Benjamin International Colloquium, Girona, 2020.
“Nationalism and Humanism in Europe’s Public History”, ILST Symposium, Glendon College, 2020.
“Public History of the Spanish Civil War: a Western Narrative of the Past”, Third International Conference of the Memory Studies Association, Madrid, 2019.
“Public History and the Spanish Civil War: Islands of Memory”, University of California-Fullerton, 2018
“Public History and the Spanish Civil War: Islands of Memory”, 49th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Portland, 2018
“Sites without Memory and Memory without Sites: on the Failure of the Public History of the Spanish Civil War”, University of Leeds, 2017
“En búsqueda de una nueva narrativa transnacional: los historiadores, la transmisión de la memoria y los valores humanistas”, Seminario 1936: Posibilidades y limites de un nuevo relato (de la guerra Civil Española), Pazo de Mariñán (A Coruña), 2017
Guest speaker, “The Memory of the Spanish Civil War”, Carleton University, 2017,
“Cambio sin Pacto Social: España en los Años 50 y 60”, Máster de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, 2016
“New Knowledge for a Fresh Narrative”, International Conference 1936: A new Narrative?: 80 Years of History and Memory, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2016
“El Mito de Franco: la biografía como una construcción socio-cultural”, Seminario del Máster Interuniversitario de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo, Santander, 2016
“Places Without Memory and Memory Without Places: The Explicable Absence of the Spanish Civil War in Public History”, International Seminar Communicating Contested Histories: Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil War, Memorial Demócratic, Barcelona, 2016
¨Private memories and resistance in Franco´s Spain¨, Journées d´études Témoignage et Résistance, Université Saint Paul, Ottawa, 2016
“The Spanish Bletchley Park: Fascist Women, Intelligence Networks and Information Gathering in the Spanish Civil War”, 47th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, San Diego, 2016
Chair, panel “Food and Cultural Change in Spain since the 1960s”, 47th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, San Diego, 2016
Organizer and moderator “Biographies”, A Symposium at Trent University, 2016
“Blue Angels: Re-assessing the Role of Women in the Francoist Fifth Column”, 46th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Baltimore, 2015
Chair, panel “New approaches to Spanish History”, 46th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Baltimore, 2015
“Pleading for their Lives: The Letters that Political Prisoners Sent to Francisco Franco Requesting his Pardon”, 45th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Modena, 2014
End of academic year guest speaker, “Civil War and Dictatorship in Spain: Between History and Memory”, University of Warwick, 2014
“Weapons of the Condemned: The Letters that Political Prisoners Sent to Francisco Franco Requesting his Pardon”, Génocides: Régimes du Pardon, Regimes of Forgiveness, Trent University, 2014
Chair, panel “Biographical approaches to XIX-Century Spain”, Nineteenth-Century Hispanists International Network, York University, 2014
Keynote speaker: “Prejudice, Humanism and other Political Tools: The Fate of the Holocaust in Spain”, The Holocaust Metaphor: Cultural Representations of Traumatic Pasts in the 20th Century, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013
Chair and Commentator, panel “Between the Holocaust Metaphor and the Holocaust Discourse: Spain as a case Study”, The Holocaust Metaphor: Cultural Representations of Traumatic Pasts in the 20th Century, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013
Guest speaker, “La Historia que se enseña en Norteamérica”, Universidad de Almería, 2013
Guest speaker, “Cómo Franco se convirtió en el Caudillo y su pasado cambió para siempre”, Universidad de Almería, 2013
Chair, panel “Politics in Twenty Century Spain”, 43th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Medford, 2012
“Narratives for the last existing public monument to Franco: Melilla 1977 and today”, 43th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Medford, 2012
“Para quién escribimos?”, in seminario El franquismo desde los márgenes: miradas, sujetos, investigadores, Almería, 2012
Chair and Commentator, panel “Francoism from Below: The New Historians’ Perspective”, 42th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Lisbon, 2011
“Did You Hear What the Priest Said? Sermons, Talks, and Music and other Scandals in Parishes in Late Franco’s Spain”, 42th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Lisbon, 2011
“Impossible Quest? Historians and Popular Opinion in Dictatorial Regimes”, Historian’s Craft Series, York University, 2011
“This is not the mass we expected to hear: Parish priests' sermons in late Franco Spain, 1964-1975”, A Day in History, Trent University, 2011
“Themes of people that never Fit into Modern European History Surveys”, Europe in its own Eyes/Europe in the Eyes of the Other”, Guelph University, 2010
Organiser, 41th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Ottawa, 2010
Chair and Commentator, panel “Symbols of National Identity in 20th Century Spain (II): The Francoist Period”, 41th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Ottawa, 2010
“Text-books, absent places, and forgotten peoples”, Workshop: Rethinking the Modern Europe Survey, York University, 2009
“The Evolution of Catholicism in Spain, 1939-1975”, Conference on the De-Christianization of Europe, McMaster University, 2009
Chair and commentator, panel “New Research in Spanish and Portuguese History”, 40th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Kansas City, 2009
«Operación Bisonte: emigrantes entre dos postguerras», Tras las huellas de la Operación Bisonte (1957-2008), Teruel, 2008
Commentator, panel “Investigación: El Mapa de las Fosas en Andalucía”, Congreso Internacional Historia y Memoria, Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2007
“Los franquistas como victimas de la Guerra Civil: claves de un proyecto de memoria Historica”, IV Jornadas de Estudios sobre Franquismo y Transición, Albacete, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2007
“Las elipsis del terror: la guerra en la Memoria Franquista», III Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Historia Politica, Evora, 2007
"Fascist Tears: Constructing Victimhood in Franco's Spain", Seminários de Investigação CEHCP/ICS, Lisboa, 2007
Chair and Commentator, panel “Historical Memory of Twentieth-Century Iberian dictatorships”, 38th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Miami, 2007
“Divided memories for a legacy of inequalities”, Coming to terms with the Spanish Civil War: Are Truth and Reconciliation necessary? Toronto, York University, 2006
“La nación, los españoles y la Guerra Civil en el discurso ideológico del primer franquismo”, II Seminario sobre la nación española, Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2006
“Facing the Abyss: The Memories of Red Terror in Franco’s Spain”, 37th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Lexington, 2006
“Engendering Terror in the Francoist Memoirs of the Spanish Civil War”, A Day in History, Trent University, Peterborough, 2006
“Fascist Tears? The Francoist Memory of the Civil War”, Franco’s Mass Graves: An Interdisciplinary International Investigation, University of Notre Dame, 2005
“De-mobilized Fascism: Spain in the 1960s », A Day in History, Trent University, Peterborough, 2005
“Orden, Progreso y Sindicatos: Como las autoridades franquistas veían los cambios socio-económicos durante el desarrollismo, 1962-1972”, España en cambio: la ultima etapa del régimen franquista, Madrid, 2004
“Las décadas oscuras (1953-1973). Estrategias para una historia social de España”, Taller de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, 2004
“Fascism and the Franco ministerial elites", 2 Coloquio Sobre Historia Social das Elites, Lisbon, 2003
"Homage to the Professors Gabriel Jackson, Juan Jose Linz, Edward Malefakis, and Stanley Payne", 34th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Madrid, 2003
“Violencia y política en el primer franquismo: la teoría del consenso en la historiografía española”, I Encuentro Fundación Del Amo, Madrid, 2001
“Violence, Politics and the Future: Defining Consensus in Franco's Spain, 1939-1947”. University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, 2001
“Paz en la guerra: la consolidación del Nuevo Estado franquista”, On the Anniversary of General Franco´s Death: Rethinking the Spanish Civil War, Tufts University, Boston, 2000
“Anthropology at the Service of Diplomacy: Spain and the United States, 1945-1953”, 31th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, New York, 2000
“La paz: necesidad y usos de un mito político (1939-1978)”, Historia de la Transición en España, Almería, 2000
“El oportunismo filantrópico: La búsqueda de una identidad política para la Organización Sindical Española, 1939-1951”, Actas del IV Encuentro de Investigadores del Franquismo, Valencia, 1999
“A Forged Nation: The limits of Political and Social Consent in Franco´s Spain (1936-1953)”, Meeting of the Mediterranean Studies Association, Coimbra, 1999
"What should we do with the Caciques? Old Politics in the Francoist New State, 1938-1941", 28th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Minneapolis, 1997
Commentator, panel "Old Empire, New Regime: Colonialism and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Spain", 10th International Conference of Europeanists. Council for European Studies, Chicago, 1996
"Coyuntura económica, autarquía y explotación del campesinado", 26th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Toronto, 1995
“Cómo construir una dictadura: Almería, 1939-1950", 24th Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, San Antonio, Texas, 1993
"Vencedores y vencidos. La sustitución de las élites políticas en el campo almeriense tras la Guerra Civil, Congreso sobre Historia de las Organizaciones Socialistas en Andalucía (1886-1975), Almería, 1992
"Tierra de promisión. Ideología de la política de colonización franquista, 1939-1975", III Congreso de Historia Contemporánea de Andalucía, Málaga, 1992
"Fascismo agrario y criminalidad en el campo almeriense", I Congreso de Historia Contemporánea de España. Salamanca, 1992
“Málaga, Granada, Almería, febrero de 1937. El desastre humano de los refugiados y sus responsabilidades políticas", II Congreso de Historia de Andalucía, Málaga, 1991
"Campesinos, falangistas y caciques. La lucha por el poder político en el campo almeriense tras la Guerra Civil", V Congreso sobre el Andalucismo Histórico, Almería, 1991.
Main media interventions and output
Curated Exhibit 18th Century Spanish Cartography of Canada´s West Coast, Trent University Library, 2023
Historical consultant, España en color, television series, (6 chapters, 1 hour each) (RTVE-Minoria Absoluta), 2021-2022.
Interviewed for prime time news on opposition leader´s polemic comments on the Spanish Civil War, Channel 4, Spain, 4-7-2021,
Podcast “Franco”, in Real dictators, June 2021.
“La economía de la servilleta”, Op-ed, El Diario, 17-5-2021
Interviewed for article “Historiadores contra la sentencia que mantiene una calle para Millán Astray”, El Diario, 13-5-2021
“Keynes y la ética”, Op-ed, El País, 22-4-2021
Interviewed for article “Los cambios en el callejero de Madrid inspirados por Vox envalentonan a la extrema derecha”, El Diario, 16-10-2020
Interviewed for article “Almeida tendrá que demostrar que Prieto y Largo Caballero fusilaron en la guerra civil para cambiar sus calles”, El País, 30-9-2020
Interview for article on Franco’s body exhumation “Los biógrafos de Franco aprueban la exhumación”, El Español, 23-10-2019
“Memoria e Historia Pública”, Op-ed, El Español, 3-7-2019
Participant in the documentary series (8 chapters in 8 hours) El franquismo en color: la mirada de los historiadores (DMAX), first released in Spain on May 23 2019.
On-screen commentator for the episode “Franco’s secret documents”, in Equipo de Investigación (La Sexta TV channel, Spain), November 11 2018.
Commentator of movie La mujer del anarquista for Spanish Public Television (TVE) program “Versión Española”, broadcasted in Spain, October 7 2018
On occasion of the Spanish Government´s decree that mandated the exhumation of the body of Francisco Franco and the debate around future of the Valley of the Fallen, I was interviewed by and my comments appeared in the following international newspapers: El País (Spain, 19-8- 2018), Kommersant (Russia, 24-8-2018), El Mercurio (Chile 25-8-2018), El Español (Spain, 1-9-2018), El Español (7-10-2018)
Interview on public policies of Historical Memory in Spain in El Español, 19-6-2018
On-screen commentator of “Francisco Franco”, an episode of the series Dictators Rulebook, National Geographic/PBS, released and broadcasted worldwide during summer 2018
“Obituario: Carmen Franco”, Op-ed, El País, 29-12-2017
(with Adrian Shubert), “Spain Nuclear option will create and even more polarized Catalonia”, Op-ed, The Globe and Mail, 23-10-2017
(with Adrian Shubert), “After Catalan referendum, divisions in Spain will deepen”, Op-ed, The Globe and Mail, 23-10-2017
(with Adrian Shubert). “Que se passe-t-il en Catalogne?”, Op-ed, Le Devoir, 28-9-2017
“Las bocas cerradas de la posguerra”, interview in El País, 22-6-2016.
“La educación de nuestros pobres”. Op-ed, El País, 11-11-2013
“Residuos del turismo patriótico”, Op-ed, El País, 12-8-2013
“Quebec y Cataluña: emoción, historia y pueblo”, Op-ed, El País, 24-5-2013
“La socialdemocracia perdida, otra vez”, Op-ed, El País, 30-1-2012
“El secuestro del dolor”, Op-ed, El País, 27-11-2005
“Qué hacer con nuestra guerra?”, Op-ed, El País, 3-4-2005
“Una charla sobre la dictadura: Javier Pradera, Javier Tusell y Antonio Cazorla”, El País, 20-11-2000.
Reviews, editorial and other contributions
Managing editor
Bulletin. Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
Historia del Tiempo Presente
Carolyn Boyd, “Historia Patria. Politics, History, and National Identity in Spain, 1875-1975”, in Bulletin. Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Fall 1998, pp. 19-20
Board Membership
CIDEHUS (University of Evora)
Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Historia y Política
H-Spain (H-Net)
Manuscript reviewer/evaluator
Casa de Velázquez
Diplomatic History
European History Quarterly
European Journal of American Studies
Historia y Política
Historia y Sociedad
Historia Social
Journal of Historical Sociology
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Social Science
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
Labor History
Left History
Letras Femeninas
Nations and Nationalism
Oxford University Press
Palgrave Press
Past Tense
Pasado y Memoria
Politics, Religion & Ideology
Revista de Estudios Sociales
The Historical Journal
The Journal of the Middle East and Africa
The Public Historian
Wilfried Laurier Press
Fluent in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. Reads Catalan, Galician and Portuguese.