Security Awareness
Hello All,
Information and computer security is an ever evolving concern in our daily lives. Modern day computer users face an endless array of security threats and dangers that can seem complicated to understand and guard against. As faculty, staff and students at Trent University we have access to many pieces of critical data and information that needs to be effectively safeguarded. Additionally, the personal security concerns that our user community faces in todays connected world are ever growing in complexity.
To that end, the IT department has created a security initiative designed to provide our community with information on how to manage cyber issues effectively, and use resources and tools available to you to safeguard critical information and your online presence. This initiative will take a multi-phased approach, with separate themes targeting three important issues in IT security awareness. The themes that we will be focusing on this year are as follows:
Protecting you information
SPAM, Phishing, Encryption and Data Classification – This theme will focus on the growing problem of phishing, SPAM and social engineering in our community. Our aim is to educate our community on how to spot counterfeit emails, identify sensitive information and use effective safeguards to protect that information.
As part of this theme we will be introducing ads on our campus digital signage that will encourage awareness of issues related to social engineering. Additionally we will be conducting several seminars open to staff and students on topics related to this theme.
Protecting your devices
Malware, Viruses and Adware – This theme will focus on the protection of the devices (mobile and desktop) that we use to access our digital lives every day. Our aim with this theme is to enable our user community to identify and respond to malware, and introduce methods of backing-up sensitive information.
As part of this theme we will re-target our campus digital signage ad campaign to include information regarding easy to use backup tools, and free anti-virus tools. Additionally, we will be conducting workshops and hands on seminars on how to protect your online devices and providing help-sheets and printed posters to assist our users with implementing these tools.
Protecting yourself
Internet safety, Social networking and online predators – This theme will focus on the challenges of living safely in an online and connected world. Our aim with this theme is to prepare our community to manage their digital footprints effectively and safely.
As part of this final theme, we will again be using our campus wide digital signage to encourage users to become more aware of their digital footprints and what they can do to remain safe online.
Throughout the initiative we will be posting information and resources on our IT Security website at and on our security twitter feed at @Trent_ITSecurit
The first theme in our initiative will focus on the growing problem of SPAM, social engineering and phishing in our community. We would like to invite all members of our community to a workshop on the social and technical issues of online phishing and social engineering. This workshop will take place on February 1st at 2:00 PM in GCS-115. Please register at
Please email with any questions or concerns.