If you are considering coming to Trent for an undergraduate degree, this page is meant for you!
Observe. Analyze. Explain.
The critical thinking and problem solving skills you’ll acquire with a degree in Physics at Trent University could lead you in a multitude of directions. Our graduates have proceeded into careers in teaching, computing, engineering, health sciences, law, management, research and development, consulting and marketing. Regardless of your path of choice, the national employment statistics are impressive – more than ninety-seven percent of Physics graduates are employed. 52% of those graduates make use of their physics skills and background directly and a further 41% use the skills and modes of thought they learned through studies of Physics.
Physics Instruction at Trent
First-Year Courses
Interested in what first year is like? Explore the the course descriptions and formats of our first-year courses.
Learn more about Trent's introductory Physics courses with Department Chair Dr. Ralph Shiell and student Emily Nield
Descriptions for All Physics Courses
A big part of being a Physics student at Trent is taking Physics courses every year. Exploring the course descriptions of the courses offered can give you a general idea of what you will be studying in each course.
Approach to Teaching
Trent Physics is proud of the hands-on learning it provides for students. You’ll have the opportunity to work with sophisticated equipment, and to study amidst groundbreaking research – with professors who will know you personally. You will have the opportunity to get involved in research as well, either through summer employment or project courses. Small-group lab work will complement theoretical studies, providing the best learning possible.
Study Abroad
You may even choose to study at an overseas university for a year through Trent Physics’ Study Abroad program offered in third year.
“I went to Leeds University with the Study Abroad program in my third year. I was pleased to find that I was well prepared to study competitively in England (and scored at the top of my class while I was there!). I had incredible social and cultural experiences. I would recommend Trent’s Physics program for anyone. As a teacher I often recommend Trent as a great option for an undergraduate degree.”
Trent University Physics Graduate Rachel Moll, B.Sc. (Trent), B.Ed. (Queens), M.Sc. Physics (UBC), Ph.D. in Education (UBC)
Applications of Physics today
Quantum computing, nanotechnology, origins of the universe, medical imaging of the human body, computer magnetic memories, optical communications, and climate change; physics is the driving force behind all these areas of exploration.
Job qualifications you can count on
You may choose to complete a three year bachelor degree, or a four year honours degree – both have enormous career potential. An honours degree will provide you with the academic requirements for the credentials of Professional Physicist with the Canadian Association of Physicists, an excellent job qualification. And Physics gives you skills that other degrees won’t: analytical thinking, numerical and computing skills, problem solving, the scientific breadth for learning on the job.
Visiting Trent
The best way to get a taste of the experience at Trent is to come discover Trent. Attend an open house or book a tour to determine if you can imagine yourself taking Physics courses and studying Physics at Trent University.